Villain Ch 552. My Fandom

The sky gradually darkened, casting hues of twilight over the cityscape beyond his window. Allen found himself seated in his apartment, a cup of soothing green tea cradled in his hand. The clock on the wall read 07:21 PM, a reminder that dinner had come and gone.

In moments like these, Allen's routine often dictated a return to his online pursuits. However, on this particular night, he felt drawn to the keyboard for a different purpose. The faint clatter of keys echoed as he checked the Urban Enigma Forum, the glow of the screen illuminating his face in the dim room.

With a sip of tea, the warmth of the liquid contrasting the cool ambiance of his surroundings, Allen's focus shifted to the array of forums and threads sprawling across the screen. Yet, his attention was honed in on one particular thread—the one that delved into discussions about him.

The forum, a virtual nexus of conversations and opinions, unfolded before him.

"You know. Somehow, I hope he just jumps out of the magazine with a short whip and orders me to call him Daddy." *Blushing emoji* Like (1023)

- (Reply) "Your imagination is too wild, gurl. Just like mine." *Laughing emoji* Like (232)

- (Reply) "Invite me to your house if that happens."

- (Reply) "You guys are thirsty. Here's some water for you." *A girl drinks water from a pitcher enthusiastically GIF*

- (Reply) *I'm all wet now GIF*

"Okay, so does anyone have any information about him? Like his social media. There's no way he doesn't have it, right?"

- (Reply) I've been looking for it since day one. But I haven't found it yet.

- (Reply) Does he come from a foreign country?

"I was never interested in this magazine before. I'm not even a fashionista. But once I saw the cover, I immediately bought it without thinking."

- (Reply) "Same, sis. *Hi5 emojis*

- (Reply) *Laughing emoji* "I'm glad I'm not the only one."

"So, is everyone as blind as me? I guess we can just wait for Urban Enigma to bring him as their model again."

"How do I send a request so that he wants to do a thirsty trap? *Blushing emoji* Like (2832)

Zoe : Wonder when it's gonna be our turn to hit the jackpot.

Allen hastily plunked his mug on the desk and fired back a response.

Allen : My bad, y'all. Just got sucked into the modeling and Urban Enigma Forum vortex.

Larissa : Spill. What's the scoop?

Allen : Apparently, I'm the hot topic over there. Couldn't resist checking it out.

Bella : Well, now I gotta see what the fuss is about! *Grinning emoji*

Vivian : Spill it, Allen. Who spilled the tea? *Wide-eyed emoji*

Allen : Mila did. Turns out she's a fellow Hell's Gate enthusiast. Her in-game alter ego goes by Shanty, and gets this—she's the daughter of MagicSword Interactive's owner. Oh, and she threw in a job offer as a beta player.

Vivian : You serious? Don't mess with me, Allen. *Jaw dropping emoji*

Allen : That's what she claimed. Haven't fact-checked it yet. She might just be yanking my chain.

After he typed it, Allen leaned back in his chair, contemplating the unexpected turn of events. Mila, or Shanty, had appeared on the scene, intertwining his virtual and real worlds in a way he hadn't foreseen. It was too coincidental. 

A myriad of thoughts swirled in his mind like a tempest. On one hand, the details she provided, from her appearance to her familial connection, seemed to align with the luxurious lifestyle he glimpsed through her presence. Her offer of a beta player position resonated with the gaming industry's practices, making the scenario plausible.

Yet, skepticism crept into Allen's thoughts like a shadowy figure in the corners of his consciousness. The gaming world, despite its wonders, harbored deceit and misdirection. He knew firsthand the art of concealing true identities. The betrayal in his past still cast a long shadow over his trust.

His experience taught him to tread cautiously, especially when faced with unexpected offers. MagicSword Interactive might be a reputable company, but that didn't guarantee the honesty of every individual associated with it. The allure of Shanty's proposal was undeniably strange. And it made Allen's internal alarms chimed with a note of caution.

The absence of concrete evidence about Mila's identity beyond her words left room for doubt. Her connection to MagicSword Interactive needed verification, and Allen pondered the best way to cross-check this information without revealing his own cards.

A mantra echoed in his mind: "Trust, but verify." He knew that in this intricate web of alliances and betrayals, discernment was his greatest ally. The uncertainty lingered.

He navigated the labyrinth of thoughts, Allen reminded himself that trust was a delicate construct, easily shattered by a single false step. 

Once again, his phone chimed.

Shea: Should I check her background? 

Vivian: How? We don't have her photo.

Shea: I can order my assistant to take her photo and you guys could check it out. Is she the right person?

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