Unlimited Items Shop System

Chapter 178 Rescuing Shao Ren And Miyu

Shao Ren's wrists and ankles had been tied tightly to the back of a wooden chair with coarse rope. A piece of cloth had been stuffed into his mouth, muffling any cries that he might make. His body was shaking as he tried to break free from the bindings, but his efforts were fruitless. He gathered his strength, determined to escape by whatever means necessary.


As he was there, thinking about what he should do next? What motive do these people have? Why they kidnapped him? Who was that pink hair woman? Black Devil called her Succubus, so what it was Succubus? Shao Ren couldn't even ask Black Devil, since he was in deep sleep.

"Is Kai and Guifei are okay?" Shao Ren closes his eyes and thought.

"Wow... your in pretty good situation Ren."

Shao Ren heard a familiar voice, as he opened his eyes and saw Ye Kai standing in front of him, and behind him Shao Ren saw Kirin.

"Wait a just minute and I untie you," Ye Kai said and released his grip from Kirin, since now he knew Kirin isn't going to run away.

Ye Kai slowly and carefully untied the ropes from Shao Ren's wrists and then removed the gag from over his mouth. As he did so, Shao Ren's hand trembled with relief, and a sigh of relief escaped his lips as he said, "Phew! Finally I can talk."

Ye Kai knelt on the cold stone floor and carefully unwound the thick, coiled rope from Shao Ren's legs. He glanced up at Kirin, who stood silently watching, as he spoke, "Shao Ren tell Kirin that I'm Ye Kai."

"Hmm... why?" Shao Ren asked, then his eyes opened wide as he realized, "Well... she... never saw you before, and in this situation, it's best to avoid strangers, so."

"That's good, but just tell her now."

"I don't think there is any need but," Shao Ren stood up and stretched his muscles he said, "Kirin this is Ye Kai, one who gave you that spear."

"Now, now, don't think me idiot, I knew it from the start, I was just acting it," Kirin pout her mouth and said.

"Why? Why were you acting it?" Shao Ren asked.

"I want to test Ye Kai," Kirin flushed and said.

"What test?"

"Test... test... I... I want to test..." Kirin was having a hard time coming up with excuses, as she was thinking about what should she say, Ye Kai interrupted.

"Let's talk about this later, for now we should find Guifei and Miyu."

"Miyu... is she also here?" Kirin's face changed as she asked.

"Yeah, she come here... we two got kidnapped and brought here by man same as you, then I left her in cell with protective barriers, so she should be safe but it's better to reunite," Ye Kai said.

"Okay, then team Kirin, let's go ahead and find our teammates," Kirin raised her hand in the air and shouted as she started to run ahead.

"Oye... Do you even know where are they?" Ye Kai shouted.

Kirin stopped and turned back and she laughed.


Ye Kai and the others were walking for a while, and Kirin was singing very bad songs that made Ye Kai iterated and told many times to Kirin to stop but she isn't stopping at all.

So Ye Kai stopped saying anything to Kirin and plug earbuds and started listening to some good songs, these earbuds were cheap, only two slivers however when he bought the earbuds it wasn't working.

After some finding, he understood that this earbud would only work when he connect earbuds with something called a music player.

Ye Kai also bought a music player and again it was cheap, but still, music wasn't playing because he didn't have any music after he bought an SD Card, where many kinds of music were stored, still music wasn't playing because to play he needed some radio waves or something like that, Ye Kai didn't understand what it was but he understood that he needed to buy a connector that cost him 10,000 gold coins.

After buying connectors Ye Kai was able to play music, but one connector range was 100 KM radius, and right now Ye Kai was out of that radius, so he had to buy another connector and set up in this underground tunnel.

However, with this Ye Kai had the idea of building another company, it was to sell these cheap earbuds and music players, set up connectors all over the kingdom, and charge these people monthly some money to keep using the music player.

Not only music but smartphones, laptops, computers, and the most frightening thing Ye Kai saw in the system, the Internet, a place where people could get anything they want.

Ye Kai want to build this whole thing, and if he succeeded then he would be able to conquer other kingdoms, temples, or other islands as well, all of this without bloodshed.

Ye Kai like to implement this plan fast but before that, Ye Kai had to deal with electricity to charge the music player and other smart things he want to sell.

So first stage of the plan Ye Kai has to spread electricity all over the kingdom, and other kingdoms.

Doing all of this was hard but Ye Kai was determined to do all of this.

Ye Kai was thinking of this future as he reached the cell where Miyu was.

Ye Kai peeked through the cell bars to see Miyu, her palms resting lightly on her knees as she sat cross-legged on the cold stone floor. Her eyes were firmly closed in meditation, her face peaceful and serene.

Also, she ripped her clothes from one leg to make a face mask to hide her face, something Ye Kai understood.

"Miyuuuuuu... why are you still alive!!" Kirin shouted and ran to Miyu.

Kirin reached two meter of Miyu ranged when Kirin encountered invisible barrier, as she touched the barrier, she bounced back and fell on her butt.

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