"Spiritual Energy," Little Girl spoke as she stopped her track.

Karlos took a few more steps toward the entrance of the underground tunnel when he noticed that the little girl had stopped in her tracks. He turned and saw that she was squinting at the ground, deep in thought and biting her lip as she cradled her chin in her hand.

"What happened, Miss Alzaria," Karlos asked.

Alzaria didn't respond. She was standing stock still, her eyes closed and lips barely moving as she muttered one word: "Scan."

Alzaria closed her eyes and focused on the energy radiating from the underground. She reached out with her powers and felt an immense power emanating from deep below her. With a further focus, she began to understand the source of the energy.

Alzaria opened her eyes and felt her feet leave the ground. She soared higher and higher, above cumulus clouds that glowed pink in the setting sun. Her white dress billowed out behind her as if it too was eager to spread its wings and fly. Down below, a vast forest stretched out before her, trees of every shape and size reaching up towards the sky like a thousand paper-thin hands.

Karlos gawked in disbelief as Alzaria's body hovered several feet off the ground. She was gracefully spinning in midair, her long hair billowing around her as if she were weightless and free. He could only stare in awe as he muttered a barely audible "Fuck..."

Karlos's heart stopped as he watched the Alzaria-like bullet drop to the ground. He sprinted toward it, his body trembling with the hope that she would be dead. When he reached the spot, he saw a small crater in the earth where the bullet had landed. Alzaria had vanished into it. He dropped to his knees and peered into the darkness of the abyss.

"Just... who is this... little girl?" Karlos was speechless by the strength of Alzaria, "Whatever I only need to catch Ling Ling and I be king, I need to hurry up."

Karlos spoke and his feet pounding the earth as he raced through an opening in the trees.


In the place where Lilly erupted with her spiritual power, and stood there motionless, she sealed her spiritual and became a normal woman, After a few moments of silence, she sighed heavily and turned away, "I need to find my sister as soon as possible."

Lilly was ready to move out when she felt danger approaching her from behind, she looks behind and suddenly an Alzaria come in front of her face, Alzaria little hand grabbed her neck in an instant and pinched it with a ferocity that made it difficult for Lilly to take even a single breath.

"My, my what business a succubus have in this backyard island, huh? Would you mind explaining to me?" Alzaria smirked and asked.

"Mufff... funnfmm," Lilly tried to speak, but all that came out was an unintelligible mumble. A green misty force seemed to envelop her entire body and as she reached out with her mind in search of her powers, there was a thick barrier blocking her way.

'Who is this? Why she is so strong? Fuck... I can't use my power,' Lilly's mind was in an uproar as everything become a mess, she could only struggle that held no result, her heart raced as her senses reeled from the overwhelming might of her adversary. She tried to focus, but her thoughts were scattered as she realized her abilities were useless against this person. Desperately, she clenched her fists and braced for the next move, feeling hopelessness coursing through her veins.

"Oh my, sorry, you can't talk when I'm griping your throat," Alzaria laughed harshly, her grip still firmly around Lilly's neck. The air was thick with tension as Lilly's knees buckled beneath her. With each shallow gasp of breath, her chest heaved and she felt an ache pierce through her body. Tears stung her eyes as the fear and pain overwhelmed her.

"Did I do it too much," Alzaria thought but didn't care much and with one powerful kick, sent Lilly flying across the dimly lit underground tunnel. Lilly moaned in pain as she lay crumpled on the ground, but Alzaria had no time for pity - the succubus was alive only because Alzaria wanted to know why she was there.

"Answer me in three seconds otherwise I will kick you again even more brutal than this one," Alzaria spoke.

Lilly's vision blurred as a flurry of punches and kicks rained down on her. The pain was unbearable, and she felt a sharp stabbing in her gut that sent her to the floor. She tasted copper in her mouth, and blood oozed from her busted lip, but it was nothing compared to the agony inside. Her body felt broken and heavy as she fought to stay conscious, but the relentless onslaught was too much, and darkness swallowed her up.

"Well... now should I just kill her?" Alzaria thought and looked at this unconscious succubus.


Ye Kai was walking in the underground tunnels, he get out of the small cell by the power of the system, and he also knew where Shao Ren, Yang Guifei, Miyu, and Kirin were in this underground tunnel.

Ye Kai used the system to know their location and now he was on his way to save them, and then get back home fast.

"Man I really miss home now, just end this fast and go back," Ye Kai said as Ye Kai ventured through the dilapidated tunnel, stepping carefully over chunks of debris and rocks that had broken off from the cave walls. The path was uneven now – a sharp contrast to how he remembered it before. He could make out shapes, illuminated by faint beams of light streaming through breaks in the ceiling– men who had been crushed under boulders or were too weak to continue on. Ye Kai raised his sword and brought each life to an end.

Ye Kai was disgusted by the blood but it was even more disgusting to hear the grunting of these men and their cry for help from him.

Ye Kai's steps reverberated off the damp stone walls as he inched forward in the narrow tunnel

This girl had short, glossy black hair that framed her face in an elegant way. Her eyes were a bright sapphire blue, and her lips full and inviting. Her body was slender, with long legs that seemed to go on forever. She wore a tight-fitting black dress that accentuated her curves, and her skin was porcelain-like with a slight flush to it. She moved gracefully as if she were dancing, exuding an aura of confidence and power.

The girl get into a fighting posture, the moment she saw Ye Kai and attack him without any hesitation, Ye Kai sighed and he easily dodged her. Right now his strength was comparable to Martial Arts King, the girl with Martial Arts Commander had no chance of touching him let alone defeating him.

Ye Kai gracefully stepped out of the way as she charged towards him. Her movements were quick, but he was always one step ahead. He anticipated her next move and nimbly avoided her. She didn't give up, though, and continued to attack with increasingly powerful jabs. With each movement, she gained more speed until she raced past him.

Ye Kai looked at her as she ran away.

"She understood she isn't a match for me, so she decided to run off, not bad Kirin," Ye Kai smiled. Yes, this girl was Kirin.

Ye Kai made a short leap and arrived in front of Kirin and he immediately spoke, "Don't run anymore, I'm Ye Kai, I came here to help you and others."

"Fuck off, I don't believe you," Kirin shouted and attacked Ye Kai.

"Girl... I'm telling the truth," Ye Kai caught her hands and gripped them tightly so as not to let her attack again or ran away.

"Let me go, you shouldn't hold maiden like this,"Kirin let out a muffled cry and squirmed in Ye Kai's arms, but his grip was iron strong. She strained her limbs and thrashed her head back and forth, yet he wouldn't budge. After two seconds of futile struggling, she gave up and slumped into his chest.

"Do you understand?" Ye Kai asked.

"Yes, now let me go," Kirin said in a sharp tone.

"No, first reunite with Shao Ren or Yang Guifei, so they can testify I'm Ye Kai otherwise you will run off the moment I will release you," Ye Kai said and pulled her forward.

"Are... please release my hand, I won't run away, I promise, please," Kirin begged but Ye Kai ignored it.

"Hey are you really Ye Kai?" Kirin asked.

It's been half hour since Ye Kai gripped Kirin hands and not letting it free. Ye Kai did let her hand go but as he did Kirin ran away, so now Ye Kai isn't taking any chances but gripping her hand tightly.

"Yes I'm, but it's not like I will tell you and you will belive me so let's find Shao Ren or Yang Guifei first," Ye Kai said.

"Do you even know where are they? Tell you I been searching for them for more than four hours and I still couldn't able to find them."

"It's because you dumb, now shut up and come with me."

"Like I have choise and who the hell are you calling the dumb, you villain."

"I'm calling dump person dump, and I'm not villain but hero who came to save."

"Like hero would held hand this tight and pull."

Ye Kai silent didn't answer back but Kirin wasn't silent she kept trying to talk or singing strange songs.

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