Uchiha’s God of Muscle

Chapter 311: The nine seals of the magic dragon

 Chapter 311 The Nine Sealings of the Magic Dragon

 In the study.

"Dad, the moon is gone. Will you...make a new one in the future?" Hagoromo closed the book in his hand and asked Suan curiously.

Not only him, but many people in Konoha and all over the ninja world also have the same question in their hearts.

after all.

  When the sky at night loses its cloudiness, and when the bright moonlight no longer shines on the earth, making the world dark, every time people raise their heads, they still can't help but miss it.


Duan touched his son's head and said with a smile:

"You know, the moon was created by the Sage of Six Paths using ninjutsu, and his name is also Hagoromo. So, grow up quickly, Hagoromo. I hope that the new moon in the ninja world will be created by my son."

 “Can I really...”

   Yu Yi murmured, obviously not confident in himself. After all, compared with his sister, he is not really talented.

 As soon as I thought of my sister, she came back.


Marissa pushed open the study door and shouted to her brother:

"Hagoromo, come on! From now on, we will work together to use the Earth Explosion Star to create a new moon and seal the **** father inside, just like the Six Paths Sage brothers sealed their mothers back then!"

As soon as this statement came out.

Hagoromo was stunned for a moment. After coming back to his senses, he immediately waved his hands with a look of horror on his face:

“Sister, don’t have such dangerous thoughts, it’s wrong! Father will be angry too.”

 He was frightened by his sister's rebelliousness.

did not expect.

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Duan, however, rubbed his son's hair, told him not to be afraid, and even encouraged him, "Hagoromo, you are too timid, you should learn from your sister. If you two siblings can really seal me in the future, In the moon, that is the greatest filial piety, do you understand?"

 In terms of cultivating future generations, the concept of discontinuation is also quite extreme.

He believes that either he should spoil his children and let them become flowers in the greenhouse. They will eat and wait for death under the protection of their father, and treat them as pets.

Either like what Duan is doing now, encourage his children to rebel and let them regard his father as their biggest opponent, so as to stimulate them to continue to become stronger.

 At present, it seems that, at least for Marissa, the strategy of breaking is very effective.

 Sure enough.

Hearing Duan’s words, Marissa was immediately eager to give it a try, stared at him with burning eyes and said:

“Dad, don’t think that day will be far away. Sooner or later, I will awaken my samsara eye.”

The words just fell.

With a snap, Marissa's eyes changed, and a pair of scarlet three magatama appeared.

"Sister, when did your eyes..." Yuyi couldn't help but widen his eyes and was startled.

 “It’s because of the fireworks.”

Marissa clenched her fists and said bitterly, "That guy named Otsutsuki Toneri cruelly took away Hanabi's eyes. I saw her lying on the bed and became a blind person, and I woke up to this without knowing it." Eyes."

  Is it three magatama when you open your eyes?

 She is indeed my daughter.

Duan praised her in his heart, but his expression did not change. He even poured a basin of cold water on Marissa:

"It's just an ordinary three-magatama Sharingan. If you want to use the Earth Blast Star, you have to evolve those eyes into the Kaleidoscope, the Eternal Kaleidoscope, and finally the Rinnegan. Don't be too complacent, Marisa."

 “You’re not…scared, are you, Dad?”

Marissa’s eyes flashed, as confident as ever.

“Let’s wait until you defeat Otsutsuki Toneri first.”

Suan smiled and shook his head, amused by his daughter's innocence, and reminded her by the way, "By the way, the Otsutsuki Toneri you mentioned should have awakened the Tenseigan after he took away Hanabi's Byakugan. You You'd better be careful and don't lose your life on impulse."

 “Tsensei Eye?”

 Marissa frowned when she heard this unfamiliar word, and subconsciously asked, "Is it very powerful?"

“It’s not that powerful, just a little bit worse than my Samsara Eye. At least it’s not difficult to destroy the moon with those eyes.”

Duan rubbed his chin and said.

What? !

 Marissa was shocked when she heard this, and her face changed.

Although she is confident, she is not arrogant. If the Tenseigan is as powerful as her father said, she will never be Toneri's opponent.

 “What, are you scared?”

With a half-hearted smile, he returned what Marissa said to him, and kindly added, "My baby girl, don't be brave. As long as you ask me, my father will personally take care of that person." Otsutsuki Toneri.”

 The Sixth Hokage Uchiha Dan.

  He brought much more fear to Yumu Ren and others than that terrifying heretic demon statue.

 “This is the end of our lives.”

Han from Yanyin Village sighed with emotion. After living in fear for so many years, not knowing when death would come, he could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

 “It’s done, asshole. I’m going to commemorate my death with a rap and send this song back to my hometown, yo.”

 Chilabi was dancing around, writing and drawing on slips of paper with a pen, and he did not forget to create art before he died.

 “You want us to hand over the tailed beast? Let me be the first to do it.”

Yumu Ren said, with a calm face, he took the lead in walking towards the heretic demon.

 Early death and early rebirth.

He looked down at the people on the ground indifferently, and also noticed the Yumu people walking towards him.

 “Then...let’s get started.”

He muttered to himself, and his eyes suddenly turned into purple reincarnation eyes, and a yellow reincarnation eye also appeared between his eyebrows. The three eyes burst out with huge pupil power at the same time.

 The next second.


The heretic demon statue at Duan's feet suddenly let out a deafening roar, and the earth shook in an instant, and countless stones were shaken off the surrounding stone walls.

Facing the roar of the golem, Yumu Ren's expression changed drastically, and he was no longer as calm as before.

 She still overestimated herself.

 When the frightening death was about to come, she was still afraid and stood trembling all over.

Then she watched helplessly as eight purple chakra dragons flew out of the abyss of the golem and attacked her with their fangs and claws.


A huge purple dragon immediately penetrated Yumuren’s body, causing her to hang with her feet off the ground and she rolled her eyes.


 The huge chakra of Erwei Mata quickly surged out of her body and was greedily devoured by the purple dragon.

In addition, the other seven chakra dragons are not idle either.

They also pounced on the other Jinchuuriki behind Yukito, as well as the container that sealed the tailed beasts. The eight chakra dragons corresponded to the eight tailed beasts.

 This technique is the so-called Phantom Dragon Nine Sealings.

This technique in the original work was presided over by Payne, and the ten strongest ninjas of the Akatsuki organization were gathered as the casters. They used everyone's consciousness and chakra to work together to awaken the heretic golem, and used the chakra released from its mouth. Dragon, to extract the tailed beast from the Jinchuriki's body.

 Because the tailed beast's chakra is so huge, each spell requires several days to complete.

If you continue to use this technique, you can also find many helpers, such as Uchiha's kaleidoscopes and Konoha strongmen like Tsunade.

 It’s easy to gather ten masters.

 But it’s not necessary.

 Because he alone is enough.

After all, his Samsara Eye was not transplanted from others, but was self-awakened, which allowed Suan to control the heretic demons with ease.

Not to mention, he also got a reincarnated eye. The power of the eye is so strong that even he himself doesn't know how powerful it is.

 At least for now.

 Using the heretic demon to extract the chakra of eight tailed beasts at the same time is not difficult for Suan.

Furthermore, this is his improved Phantom Dragon Nine Seals. The biggest difference from the original version is that while extracting the tailed beast, Zan's pupil power will exert a special illusion on the jinchūriki.

This illusion not only affects the spirits of Yumu Ren and others, but also affects their bodies, making them think that they have not lost the tailed beast, and therefore will not die due to the loss of the tailed beast.

 Simply put, it is an enhanced version of "Izanagi".

 Let a group of people who are supposed to die remain in the state they were in before death until the day they actually die, and then they will be automatically released.

 Two days later.


  Yumu Ren groaned and woke up from coma, but was surprised to find that he was not in hell.

 She is still alive.

Not only her, Kirabi, Gaara and others are also still alive, not one of them is dead.

In front of everyone, there is still the huge heretic demon statue, sitting cross-legged on the lotus throne with all its eyes closed.

As for the Sixth Hokage Uchiha Dan, he was nowhere to be seen.

at this time.

Kakashi appeared with several ANBU, and amid everyone’s doubtful eyes, he told them an unexpected piece of good news:

 “Congratulations everyone, you are free.”

 (End of this chapter)

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