Uchiha’s God of Muscle

Chapter 310: Black Zetsu: Father!

Chapter 310 Hei Jue: Father!

 Can I be your father?

Jue's shocking words were like a thunderbolt hitting Hei Jue's head, making him dizzy and numb all over.

This guy... actually covets my mother and wants to be my father?

Hei Jue slowly raised his head and looked up at Duan in front of him with a horrified expression. He saw that the latter's face was filled with sincerity.

"Master Duan, you must be... joking with me, right?"

It forced a smile and asked tremblingly.

“Do I look like the kind of person who likes to joke?” Suan looked down at Hei Jue, frowning, as if he was angry.


Hei Jue answered silently in his heart, but he did not dare to say it out loud.

From its point of view, Juan is just joking, deliberately playing tricks on it for fun.

However, this time, Juan acted very seriously. He sighed, and then opened his heart to Hei Jue:

“Actually, ever since I awakened the Mangekyo Sharingan and saw Kaguya Otsutsuki’s deeds on the Uchiha Stone Tablet for the first time, I fell hopelessly in love with her.

 She is the most powerful and beautiful woman in the world. Only such a woman is worthy of me, Uchiha Dan.

 Otherwise, why would I work so hard to collect the tailed beast and resurrect her at all costs? "

 After saying these words, Suan raised his head and looked up at the sky in the distance, his expression full of admiration and piety, as if Princess Kaguya was watching him from the sky.

Hei Jue shivered and had goosebumps all over his body.

 It remembered.

Uchiha Dan has a young son named Hagoromo, who has the same name as the Sage of Six Paths. Now it seems that his evil intentions towards his mother have long been revealed.

 “However, Lord Duan…”

Hei Jue still refused to give up. He pretended to be confused and asked carefully, "Don't you already have a wife? If you love your mother, then your wife..."

 “Oh, you said Samyi.”

Duan waved his hand nonchalantly and said calmly, "She is just Kaguya's replacement. Her only role is to continue my excellent genes. Don't worry, when I resurrect Kaguya, I will abandon Sam immediately." Yes, I will hold an unprecedented grand wedding with Princess Kaguya and tell the whole ninja world this good news. In short, I will not let Kaguya be wronged."

He spoke to Kaguya one after another, and the calls became more and more intimate, as if he and the other party were lovers who had been apart for many years.

"I see."

Hei Jue smiled in agreement, but his heart became more and more desperate.

 Until this time.

It thought of what Duan had said before, and then gradually came back to it and understood what the other party meant when he said he wanted to have an "in-depth communication" with his mother.



 However, looking at the entire ninja world, only the man in front of me has the ability to resurrect my mother.

Madara and Naruto need not think about it, they must have been defeated by Zan, and maybe even the Rinnegan was taken away by Zan.

Sure enough, Hei Jue’s speculation was immediately confirmed.

“I know that the moon in the sky is actually an earth-exploding star, which sealed Kaguya’s body and left her alone in the sky, imprisoned for thousands of years.Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

I said I would not let Kaguya be wronged, so I blew up the moon and buried Madara and Naruto.

 Do you think I did the right thing? "

 He kept looking up at the sky, and then looked at Hei Jue.

  “You…exploded the moon?!”

Hei Jue’s face twitched and he was shocked.

 But it didn’t suspect Duan was bragging, because with this man’s strength and madness, he could do such a thing.

 That is to say.

Now Dan not only holds two pairs of Rinnegans, but also controls most of the tailed beasts. As long as Black Zetsu wants to resurrect Kaguya, there is no way around this hurdle.

At this moment, Hei Jue was in a fierce struggle inside.

"So, do you think...should I resurrect Kaguya? Will she dislike me as a married man, and...what type of man does she like? Isn't it the kind of handsome man who is thin and has a feminine temperament?" Bar?"

The incessant voice sounded in Hei Jue's ears again. This man who had killed countless people and could blow up the moon with one punch looked a little uneasy at this time.

 So, is this the reason why Sui was so hesitant?

Hei Jue suddenly understood.

Uchiha Dan was worried that after resurrecting Kaguya, he would not be able to win the favor of his mother and would be rejected by her.

 Hmph, this time he is self-aware.

Black Zetsu cursed Uchiha Dan in his heart, even a toad wanted to eat swan meat.

Sue didn't notice Hei Zetsu's micro-expression, but smiled, as if he was imagining his happy life with Kaguya.

At the end, he suddenly remembered something and mentioned something to Hei Jue:

“So, speaking of which, you haven’t answered my original question yet?”

 “What’s the problem?” Hei Jue was stunned.

"Don't pretend to be stupid. Do you want to call me dad?" Duan looked directly at Hei Jue, his eyes suddenly became sharp, and the latter instantly felt the pressure of a mountain.

  This is the pressure from the strongest man in the ninja world.

 Be patient, be patient.

Hei Jue told himself in his heart that as long as his mother could be resurrected, all the sacrifices and humiliation would be worth it. Hei Jue had endured it for more than a thousand years, not less than this moment.

 So, after thinking about it.


Hei Jue immediately knelt down on one knee, lowered his head to Duan, and shouted respectfully:


 “My good son, get up quickly.”

Suan seemed very happy, and pulled Black Zetsu up, and told it the good news on the spot, "To tell you the truth, Dad, I just went to the Akatsuki organization and found the heretic demon hidden by Naruto Uzumaki. Like, we also captured the One-Tailed and Seven-Tailed Jinchuuriki back to Konoha."


Hei Jue couldn't help but widen his small bean eyes, unable to suppress his excitement.

 No wonder he came to see it at this time. It turned out that he was indeed not lying and was really ready to resurrect his mother.

“Oh, it’s a pity that Naruto is dead, and the Nine-Tails in his body is also temporarily dead, otherwise I can resurrect Kaguya now!”

 Zhuan had an annoyed look on his face, as if he couldn't wait any longer.

Upon seeing this, Hei Jue comforted the father he had just recognized:

“Duan-sama...oh no, Father, you don’t have to worry too much. In a few years, the Nine-Tails will be reborn somewhere in the wild, and you can just catch it when the time comes.

 I think it’s a good time to take advantage of this period to make all other preparations so that Mother can be resurrected without fail. "

"You are right. Then I will immediately go back and use the Phantom Dragon Nine Sealings, and let the heretic demon first absorb the eight existing tailed beasts. When I catch the nine tails in the future, I will notify you as soon as possible."

After leaving these words behind, he turned around impatiently and disappeared without a trace.

 “Father, wait a minute…”

Hei Jue came to his senses and shouted in horror, but there was only air left around him.

It thought it would be let out.

If I had caught the Nine-Tails before notifying it, wouldn't it mean that it would have to stay in this ghost place for several years.

  No, maybe a lifetime - if Duan was lying to it from beginning to end.

“Damn Uchiha Dan, are those words he said true or false…”

Hei Jue felt restless for a moment, pacing back and forth in the open space, completely unaware that the person who was being fooled around—

 It is itself.

 After leaving the different space, he returned home without any delay, strode into the living room, and found his wife busy in the kitchen.

 “What are you doing? It smells so good.”

 He hugged Samyi's waist from behind and pressed her body against hers.

“I don’t know how the new cuisine I recently researched tastes. Would you like to... have a taste?”

Samyi picked up the spoon, took a spoonful of soup, blew gently, and brought it to Duan's mouth.

 “Well, that’s really good.”

After finishing the drink, I praised my wife’s cooking skills by smacking her mouth.

"Okay, you go out first. Hagoromo is reading in his room, and you should spend more time with your son. Then go to the training ground to call Samyi back."

Samyi blushed and pushed it off because his hands were not very trustworthy.

Although they are an old couple, the two have not only become more in love over the years, but their passion for each other has never faded, and sometimes it is even crazier than when they were young.

Before breaking up, he told Hei Zetsu that Samui was just a replacement for Princess Kaguya in his heart, which was naturally a lie he made up casually.

 As a man who is a habitual liar and has difficulty telling the truth, he definitely did not deceive Samyi on at least one thing—

he loves her.


 He kissed his wife on the forehead, walked out of the kitchen, and went to the study to accompany his youngest son.

 (End of this chapter)

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