Of course Lisa gasped at Indri's question.

One question that popped up in her mind was, why was she so curious about her and Oscar's relationship. Does Indri like her ex-husband? If, for example, the woman didn't have feelings of admiration or even love for Oscar, why would she question Lisa about it?

Lisa was silent for a moment, thinking about what answer she should give. On the one hand, he could have told the woman that they were an ex-husband and wife who already had children together. But on the other hand, he doesn't want other people to know about his past.

"So?" Indri asked impatiently.

"About that… I used to work for Mr. Oscar's company, Petersson Communication. I also happened to be his assistant. So you can say that I know Mr. Oscar."

Because Lisa had been silent all this time and looked confused as to what to answer, Indri looked up at the ceiling of her office. At first he wanted to kick her out of his office. But as soon as he heard Lisa's surprising answer, he immediately looked at the woman.

"Work at Petersson Communications?" Indri confirmed his sitting position. This time the woman was interested in the topic of their conversation. "Wait a moment. Have you worked there? Wow…"

"Yeah, I've worked there for a long time. Even before the company was handed down to Mr. Oscar, I was already working there."

Indri frowned, "Okay, so you used to work at Petersson Communication…"

"But why now don't you work here and prefer to work in this small company? You know that this company has nothing to do with the Petersson Communication company, right?"

Actually, Better Life is not a small company or some kind of start-up company. The insurance company has been around for a long time, around the 90s, and is still surviving today. There isn't a single person who doesn't know anything about the company.

But when compared to the company Oscar leads, Petersson Communication, Better Life is not a comparable opponent. Like ants and elephants standing side by side. 

Again, the woman asked Lisa a question that made her pause for a long time. This is the first time he meets a human who is so curious about his life. Ah, except Vira.

"I resigned because there was something private that I couldn't tell Mother." Lisa replied coldly.

According to Lisa, if she wants to leave the Petersson Communication company, grandpa, if she wants to head over heels in front of the office building, Grandpa, Indri doesn't need to know. His life is his own life and no one has the right to know the twists and turns of his journey. 

Hearing Lisa's curt answer made Indri frown. Previously no one had dared not to answer his question honestly. And now hearing the woman refuse to give him an answer that honestly took Indri by surprise.

With Lisa not wanting to tell him the answer honestly made Indri think of something. Surely the woman had done the same thing as what she did to Surya at her old company. Seduced one of the important people in the company and made him want to resign because his name was already bad there.

The silence and awkwardness in Indri's room made Lisa feel uncomfortable as time went on. Not to mention the woman sitting across from him constantly gave a look of ridicule and suspicion.

"Do you still need me here? Otherwise, I'm allowed to leave now to get back to work. My work today is unfinished and is still piling up on my desk." Lisa said in a polite tone.

Indri nodded his head, "Yes, yes, continue your work well today. Don't let this company down by our choice to keep you here."

"If for example Mr. Oscar didn't tell us to keep you here, ah you would have been kicked out a long time ago." Indri muttered in a very small voice. The woman had already turned her chair, she couldn't bear to look at Lisa any longer. 

At that very second, Lisa tried hard to suppress her passionate emotions. But he didn't want to show his ugly side in front of that damn woman. Don't let his name get worse in this company!

"Okay, I'm sure I won't disappoint the choice of the leader of this company to keep me here." Lisa replied coldly.

"You're out now!" Indri snapped in a high tone. The woman kept turning her body, but this time she raised her hand and made a movement as if to evict Lisa from her room.

Before leaving the cold room, Lisa slightly bent her body. The woman then turned around and rushed out of Indri's room. With passionate emotions, he resisted the urge to slam the wooden door!

Lisa took one step, two steps, three steps, then suddenly stopped walking. In this company, Lisa still hasn't found a quiet place that can give her a little alone time. Is it true that the woman has to languish in the toilet until her emotional feelings are gone?

That afternoon Indri really drained his patience. Moreover, hearing the words of encouragement that originally gave him a threat made Lisa even more furious. What does that woman mean by, don't disappoint the company for keeping her here?!

If you don't remember how important that haughty woman is to the Better Life company, Lisa would have taught her a lesson!

And from now on Lisa must be more careful with the company. Don't let him fall into a small problem one day and then Indri or other important people come and curse him out loud.

Until now, Lisa still feels grateful that this important woman defended her in public. But even though he had defended her in public and moreover cleared her name in the company, it didn't mean that Indri could treat her like her forehead!

Lisa is still human like Indri. Their position is the same, no one is higher or lower.

That afternoon because Lisa's work was still piling up, she contacted William's teacher. The woman just reminded that the one who picked up the boy was her. Don't let that group of teachers neglect and give William to someone else!

"Hello Ma'am, I'm the Mother of William Petersson. Is my child still there?"

Lisa's eyes focused on the computer screen and several piles of paper piled up on her desk. Some of the colleagues who shared the same room with him had already left, leaving him alone. 

"Ah yes, I just want to remind you that later it will be my William who picks up, ma'am. Incidentally, I still have a little business so-"

Lisa flipped through the paper and then fell silent when she heard a panicked voice from the other end of the line.


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