At the age of 30, Indri has served as Senior Unit Manager. As for facial features, it's no secret that this woman is the flower in the Better Life company. Whether it's a rich or an ordinary man, he will definitely choose an established woman who has everything. Some of the male employees here even left their partners to go after Indri.

But this is the first time Indri has been defeated by an ordinary employee. To be exact, Lisa Soewandi. She couldn't believe that a commoner like Lisa won the heart of a CEO of a large company in Indonesia. Not to mention that the man was famous for having a cold and firm nature.

How could that possibly happen?

Indeed, what Indri heard about Lisa's self-defense sounded sincere. It was clear that the woman was innocent. Lisa did it all just to defend herself. Indri would have done the same thing if she were in Lisa's position.

But even though what Lisa said sounded sincere, Indri still didn't believe it.

She still had to listen from both sides. Who knows Lisa did something that made Surya have to trap her? Not to mention she still has to negotiate with the CEO and other important figures regarding this matter.

Their brief meeting alone had made Indri sure that she didn't like Lisa. Maybe it was because of the jealousy in her heart that she disliked the woman.

Indri is actually friendly as a person, she can make friends with anyone. She even has acquaintances and close friends in several other divisions. But it seems that Lisa can not have an important place in her heart. Indri was already reluctant to make Lisa her friend.

Before seeing her in person, Indri couldn't stop imagining what a great woman would look like. What was so special about that woman that Oscar sent his assistant to come and fix Lisa's problem.

What's so special about Lisa that Oscar, the man with European blood, gets down on his knees and defends her here? 

But as soon as she saw Lisa, she could tell that she was disappointed. The woman did not match her guess. In Indri's mind, Lisa is a beautiful woman with a sexy body, a polite personality and is surrounded by an aura of serenity. 

But it turns out that the real Lisa is way below her expectations.

"You should have known what you'd get before doing all that, right? Anyone won't be silent if they're disturbed, just like Mr. Surya. You must have angered him to the point that he took revenge on you." Indri's insulting tone almost made Lisa's legs tremble.

It turns out that what Lisa felt when she set foot in the woman's room was true. Her heart seemed to be trying to tell her that something was wrong. And it turned out to be true— Indri was not as good as she imagined.

Usually, the Senior Unit Manager is a collection of good and authoritative old people. But apparently, that didn't happen at the Better Life company. The woman had a strong threatening aura and not to mention her haughty looking posture.

Even though Lisa knew that Indri was one of those who helped clear her name in this company, she was afraid that Indri did it because she was forced. At first glance, Indri is the type to help her while digging a grave for her behind her back. She'd definitely push her into that hole one day.

"Mrs. Indri, you know that I did this to defend myself because what Mr. Surya did was out of line. Since you have helped clear my name in this company, I express my deepest gratitude." Lisa said sincerely, her voice didn't tremble like before.

"But even so, I don't know what you're trying to tell me right now. Why does your tone and question seem like you want to say that I am the mastermind behind all this trouble?"

Hearing Lisa's stupid question made Indri's lips burst into laughter that she had been trying to hold back. The woman laughed so loudly that her work chair was pushed back.

"Lisa, wait a minute," Indri raised her hand and wiped the tears at the corners of her eyes, "Don't think I did it all because of my own will. Hey, why would I waste my energy helping an ordinary employee?"

Lisa's thoughts immediately returned to Oscar. That man must have planned all this and was trying to help her in silence. But it's not the right way because he doesn't know how bad her name is in this company.

Seeing Lisa's pale and flat face made Indri's laughter stop. She wouldn't let that cheap woman report to Oscar and make her suffer! Besides, she didn't want her name to be bad, nor lose the position she painstakingly worked for!

"Okay, okay, enough of the small talk. I called you here to remind you that you are still a contract employee here. I don't care what happened in your past, but please do a good job in this company. Don't let the company's good image turn bad because of you. From today on, do good work and improve your good name slowly." 

Lisa nodded her head, "Thank you for reminding me. But Mrs. Indri, I also want to remind you once again that what I did to Mr. Surya was only for self-defense. I never thought of dragging him to court and putting him behind the bars."

For the next few moments, Indri was silent as he looked at Lisa. Her eyes looked like a confused person. Often she opens and closes her lips, but not a word comes out.

Not long after, Indri's loud voice was heard again.

"Lisa, do you know Mr. Oscar Petersson?"

Lisa never thought that she would hear Oscar's name from Indri's lips. It was true what she thought. All of this must have been that man's doing!

Lisa bit her lower lip and was silent for a while. At first, she wanted to lie and say no. But if she said it, Indri would definitely not believe her and label her as an employee who likes to lie.

"Don't tell me you don't know him.." Indri interrupted before Lisa could answer the woman's question.

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