The afternoon sun made her short hair look shiny. Every now and then Lisa put her tote bag in front of his forehead to block the blinding sunlight. The hot wind in June made a drop of sweat run down her temples. 

10 minutes ago, Oscar asked her to wait for him in front of the apartment building. But until now, there's no sign of the man to come anytime soon.

But then, someone honked at her.

Lisa turned her head when she heard it. The woman rolled her eyes as she saw the man's head coming out of the driver's window. 

"Sorry, the traffic was so heavy. Come on in, don't let us be late for William's event."

In the car, neither of them took the initiative to bring up the topic of conversation. Oscar's hand that touched the steering wheel was tense, looking as tense as his furrowed brow. During the trip, Lisa chose to turn her head and look at the streets outside the window.

It turned out that the school event Oscar was referring to was making biscuits. To make it look fun, William's school even invited a baker who was said to be famous. But to be honest, neither Lisa nor Oscar had ever known or heard of the person's name before.

Obviously, all children can't make biscuits since they are still small. Most of them lose concentration in the middle of the event and prefer to use the dough for toys. So now it is their parents who make the biscuits.

Almost all the tables used look like a battlefield. The atmosphere of the open space looks alive. Some of the parents are seen working together and joking or teasing their child. The sound of children's laughter and crying keeps the atmosphere lively.

Away from the baker's table that's currently showing how to make easy biscuits, a couple of 'husband and wife' seemed unfamiliar. Their faces seemed to say they prefer to go home and continue their own activities.

Since they don't have the initiative to help out with each other's work, Lisa and Oscar are the last parents who haven't yet reached the stage of putting the mold on the cookie dough. So, the woman seems to be in a hurry while the man is busy looking for the cake mold which is actually in the drawer.

"Get out of the way, let me find it. You're so slow." Lisa hissed quietly. She didn't want William or the other parents to hear her harsh, cold tone.

At first, William was so happy that he could fly to the sky. This is the first time his Papa and Mama can come to an event organized by his school! Usually, they couldn't come and he ended up getting accompanied by one of the off-duty teachers.

As time went on, William felt there was something strange about his parents. When all the tables look lively and cheerful, why is his table the only one that seemed quiet? Not to mention the look on his mother's face was cold and stiff.

This must be because of his father!

William turned, "What did Papa do to Mama?"

Hearing the boy's question suddenly made Oscar turn his head quickly. Before he could digest his son's question, he heard William continue.

"Because of Papa, Mama's face looks sad!"

Lisa could feel the disappointment coming out of William's tiny body as she worked on the dough. Instead of sulking or even crying, the boy tried to talk to Oscar.

After that, their table began to be filled with the sound of conversation. Even though Lisa tried to lighten the mood by poking William's cheek with flour and getting a glance from Oscar in return, she was relieved to hear their son's laughter.

At least their son was not cranky and other parents looked at them like a normal small family. She didn't want William to be ridiculed just because his friends found out that his parents were divorced.

When they could finally bake their biscuits in the oven, the baker and some of the teachers gave them time to rest. 

"Mama, Mama, where are you going after this?"

William's small and fat fingers held Lisa's hand. His eyes clearly said that he was longing for her. Ever since Lisa was standing next to William, the boy didn't want to be far from her. His hands always grip the hem of Lisa's clothes and sometimes hug his biological mother's legs.

"Hmm? I think I will go home after this. Tomorrow, Mama has to work again for you, my favorite child!" Lisa replied while kissing her son's chubby cheeks lightly.

That afternoon, the sun was no longer hot. Their small family was seen sitting on a bright yellow picnic mat provided by William's school. The child was lying on Lisa's lap while Oscar chose to keep his distance by sitting quite far from them.

"Why didn't Mama just sleep at my house last night?"

Lisa felt Oscar's gaze but she chose to ignore it. She smiled faintly and stroked her son's hair, "If Mama is not busy, I will sleep at your house with you. We can eat a lot of cakes until your stomach is full. Then, if you want it, Mama can read you a fairy tale before bed. Do we agree?"


"But you have to promise me first…"

"What promise, Mom? I must keep this promise if that means I can spend even more time with Mama!"

Hearing William's words that sounded so innocent and sincere melted Lisa's heart. 

"Promise me you won't be naughty. I'm sorry, but I heard that you like to sulk, huh? Come on, how come you're still cranky when you're this old?" Lisa teased while gently tucking her son's forehead, "Now you can't be angry anymore! If you manage to keep this promise, U will definitely come to your house often."

William's laughter echoed right after, the sound that Lisa missed was loud and it made her chuckle a little too. 

"I promise!" William said excitedly. He raised his finger and asked Lisa to intertwine their pinkies. The smile on his lips grew even more when his mother complied. 

Not long after, a woman's voice boomed with the help of a loudspeaker. The lady told them to check the biscuits they put in the oven.

With excited steps, William took Lisa's hand and took his mother to see their biscuits together. After covering her hands with a rag, Lisa took out a tin filled with oddly shaped biscuits.

"Wow, it smells so good! It must taste good because Mama made it, not Papa!"

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