"What did you say? The new girl wants to sleep with our boss?"

"Why would I lie to you? I went to Mr. Surya's room earlier, I was going to ask for the file that I wanted to copy, then I saw her come in and give him hot coffee. And you know, that bitch accidentally dropped hot coffee on Mr. Surya's shirt!

"From the first time I saw her, I already had a feeling that she wasn't a good girl. Does she always wear sexy clothes or tight skirts every time she comes to work? Does she think this is a place to show off her curves?"

The conversation that took place not far from where Lisa sat could be faintly heard. But what is clear is that she heard some of her co-workers call her a bitch! And the one who actually started to say it was Aaron, the head of personnel!

When Lisa had dropped the hot coffee on Surya's shirt, she had felt Aaron's mocking gaze behind her. Just remembering that made her feel ashamed and her desire to bury herself alive grew!

If she didn't need this job, Lisa would definitely come and beat them one by one! Especially Surya, the fat man with a bald head who can only smoke and has perverted thoughts!

After changing companies many times, Lisa realized just how evil the mouth of a co-worker could be. No matter what she did, once she got labelled as bad, her image would remain so until the end of her career. Just like now, her co-workers thought of her as someone who wanted to seduce Surya for money.

Ugh, why would they think that way though? Was Surya really as rich as Oscar?! Obviously not!

If she really wanted to milk someone for their wealth, she'd definitely come to Oscar, not this bald-headed pig Surya!

If that lecherous man hadn't pulled her wrist so suddenly, all this wouldn't have happened, and her co-workers wouldn't think of her as a bitch!

Without realizing it, Lisa typed irregular sentences on the computer. Her lips were pressed tightly together and her heart couldn't stop cursing at the bald-headed man!

'Surya Cendana, do you really want me to cast a deadly spell on you or what?!' She thought, furiously typing on her keyboard.


The next day, Lisa came to the office with clothes that were not too tight. She was wearing light brown culottes and paired with a v neck shirt top. Her high heels made a distinctive clatter every time she stepped. She let her black hair fall down to her shoulders.

Just before lunchtime, her cell phone showed an incoming call from Oscar. It is such a coincidence! At first, she wanted to contact the man and ask permission to take William out this weekend.

Lately, Lisa and Oscar rarely exchange greetings. Whenever they called each other, they only talked about their only child. If William didn't exist, they'd probably lose contact by now. 

But she didn't want to look too excited, that's why she counted down to 10 seconds before picking up the man's incoming call.


For a few seconds, there was no reply from the man on the other end of the line. Lisa frowned and almost ended their call. But before she took the phone away from her ear, the voice of the man she had missed was heard.

"There is a parents' meeting at William's school at 2 pm today. Can you come with him?"

"Why should I come? You know I'm still in the office right now. I'm not like you, a CEO who can leave at any time. I'm still an ordinary employee."

"Who said I wasn't coming too?" Oscar's small chuckle was heard, "I don't know but William said that the teacher requested for both parents to come, so not just either of us."

Hearing that made Lisa pause for a moment. Schools these days are getting weirder and weirder. Why do both parents have to come together? Do teachers even consider that maybe their students' parents are busy and can't be called at any time?

At first, Lisa wanted to refuse Oscar's invitation by saying that she was still a new employee who couldn't get permission as she wanted. But suddenly, her son's face flashed across her mind and made her agree with the snap of a finger.

"I think I can come along. I'll try to get permission from my boss first, okay?"

Oscar cleared his throat, "The show will be at 2 pm. If you can't come, don't forget to tell me first."

"Oh yeah yeah, I will remember! Anyway, I still have a lot of work to do."

Lisa raised her hand and saw that it was still lunch time. Looks like she has to cancel lunch to finish her work that is still piling up. 

"Tell me where your office is, I'll pick you up later." Perhaps since Oscar was afraid to hear Lisa's refusal, he quickly continued, "Is it true that you still have a lot of work to do? I'll hang up on the phone first."


Lisa pulled the phone away from her ear and saw that Oscar had actually hung up on her!

"Damn it, how dare he hang up the phone before I'm done talking?!" Lisa growled, looking annoyed.

Lisa knocked on Surya's door exactly at 1 pm and the man allowed her to go home early after she said to him that she was not feeling well. Lisa deliberately put on a tired face and sometimes made a small coughing sound. 

"How about my clothes?" The baldy actually changed the topic of their conversation!

"Cough - cough…. Sir I am really not feeling well. If you allow me, I want to go home now. Tomorrow, I can work overtime for my cut hours today…"

Even though Lisa has fantastic curves, Surya doesn't want himself to be exposed to any infection that is currently in the woman's body. He took a handkerchief from his coat pocket and covered his nose.

"Alright then, go home immediately. I still have a lot of work to do."

And that's how Lisa came out of the office building on that hot day. 

She was allowed to go home early to go home first and change into more relaxed clothes. The taxi drove at normal speed and took her to the front of Vira's apartment building.

20 minutes later, Lisa was out of the room and was planning to call Oscar. She wanted to tell the man not to pick her up and that she'd go to William's school in a taxi.

Coincidentally, Oscar had contacted her first.

"Did you get permission to go home early from your boss? Why didn't you tell me anything? What is your office address? Ugh, we can't be late for William's school. I don't want the kid to sulk—"

"Hey, let me answer your questions one by one, okay? Don't make me dizzy. First, I've asked my boss' permission and now I'm at home. Second, you don't have to pick me up, I'll just take a taxi to William's school."

"Don't call a taxi yet, let me pick you up."

After saying that, Oscar again hung up their phone. He stepped on the gas and looked for a detour to get to the apartment where Lisa lives now.

Lisa froze while looking at her cell phone screen. She didn't expect the man to not let her continue speaking.

"What does he mean by this?!"

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