Once the battle with the noose pythons had finished, Marcus felt a tremble in the air from behind and looked towards the disturbance.

He was hopeful that the wendigo would have come to check on the disturbance the battle had caused.

Unfortunately, they were not lucky once again.

This time around it was a huge monster with four arms, long fangs protruding from its mouth, and deep red skin.

It had a mostly humanoid like form but the feral look in its eyes showed that it had no intelligence.

With intense power and speed, it slammed into the ground and began swinging wildly with its firsts towards Mrazivý and Miguel.

There was a great deal of power behind its every blow, but it was not nearly fast enough to catch Mrazivý or Miguel.

Soon it was wrapped up in golden chains created by Miguel's sacred magic, and Mrazivý sliced its head off the second it was restrained.

'I am glad that they got through that battle easily, but this is starting to get ridiculous.' Marcus thought as he noticed their next challenger approaching.

For nearly two hours different types of beasts and monsters assaulted Mrazivý and Miguel until the area of the forest they were in was littered with bodies.

Luckily none of the creatures that had attacked them were particularly strong, with all the beasts being epic grade or rare grade, and the monsters being around the same quality.

Still, this wave of monsters and beasts went to show why this island was too dangerous for an average group to explore. Only people that were close to the peak strength of their level could hope to contend here.

Thankfully once all of the aggressive creatures in the area had been felled, the foggy forest they found themselves in became quiet once more.

The one monster they did want to show itself, though, had failed to make an appearance.

Either the wendigo had not thought this attack as enough to weaken its prey, or it had yet to catch onto them leave the main group.

Nevertheless, with the commotion that Mrazivý and Miguel had just caused, it almost certainly knew where they were now.

During his time observing the beasts and monsters that swarmed towards Mrazivý and Miguel, Marcus had noticed that their senses were not as inhibited by the fog.

It seemed that only outsiders were so heavily restricted.

'I suppose that I found this out is one good thing that came from this attack.' Marcus thought as he continued to keep watch on the area.

Several hours passed by as Miguel and Mrazivý removed the cores and collected samples from the monsters and beasts they had killed. 

While they may have separated from the rest of the expedition squad, they still had their main job to do.

Eventually the day came to an end and the sun began to set. Darkness swiftly taking over the foggy island that already blocked a great deal of light.

During the entire day, Marcus had not found a single trace of the wendigo, but he knew that it was far more likely to strike at night.

Miguel took first watch just as planned and allowed Mrazivý to get some sleep. As much as Marcus felt bad, she was the main bait to lure their target in.

Unlike Miguel, Mrazivý was not immune to Wendigo Psychosis and was a prime target when she was unconscious and her most vulnerable.

He figured that it would start with its howl again before using its nightmare ability to infiltrate her dreams and force her to experience all manner of horrors.

'Hopefully we can kill it before Mrazivý has to endure too much.'

Continuing to walk a perimeter around the camp, Marcus found that their were a few creatures that were staying outside of detection range and watching the camp.

Some of them were merely curious and looked harmless, but others were definitely dangerous.

However, none were the target Marcus was looking for so he kept his distance and let them be. If all they wanted to do was observe, then he was not going to intervene and alert the wendigo to his presence.

Time continued to pass, and Marcus began to think that tonight would be a bust since Mrazivý would soon wake up and take her shift on watch.

No loud howls had echoed through the area and Marcus wondered it the wendigo had decided to stick to the main group after all.

Yet as he was making his round, he noticed something that was amiss. 

There had been several creatures constantly watching the camp throughout the night, but now they were all gone.

An eerie chill was in the air that Marcus had not felt before and the absolute stillness of the forest was unnerving.

'It is close.' Marcus thought despite having no concrete evidence at this point.

He could feel it instinctually that some terrible monster was nearby. Something strong enough to make the other monsters and beasts run away in fear.

Even though he was hesitant. Marcus decided to widen his radius farther.

This would cause him to lose sight of the camp where Miguel and Mrazivý were but felt that he needed to take the risk.

When he reached about four hundred meters away from the camp, Marcus finally caught sight of his target near the edge of his range of detection.

Despite trying to remain calm, Marcus could not help shuttering when he laid his eyes on the wendigo.

This was by far one of the most haunting creatures he had ever seen, second only to the eldritch horrors that Teivel had summoned with the grimoire that the administrator had confiscated.

It stood about twelve feet tall even with the large hunch in its back.

Drops of blood perpetually dripped from its mouth that was slightly open and revealed three rows of sharp jagged teeth that were completely ununiform.

Antlers that had cracks in them that looked like screaming mouths protruded out of its elk-like head.

Its torso looked like an emaciated man's with its ribs being easily visible as its lightly furred skin clung tightly to its body.

Long gangly arms that ended in clawed hands that were dyed crimson and were raised up and clinging to the tree it was peeking out from behind.

And finally, its feet were blackened and leaving soot where it stood.

Marcus had already imagined what this wendigo would look like, and while it was close, all of its most frightening aspects were enhanced beyond what his mind had come up with.

For several moments he simply remained frozen in place, unable to look away from the monster he had been trying to locate.

Frankly he was afraid that if he lost sight of the wendigo, that it would suddenly appear in front of him and strike him down.

'Calm down Marcus. There is no need to be afraid. It is just another monster to deal with.'

Once his fear had subsided, Marcus more carefully analyzed the wendigo to gauge its capabilities in combat.

Except, he felt a cold chill run through his soul when he noticed that the wendigo was staring directly at him.

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