Once Marcus, Mrazivý, and Miguel had finished packing up their belongs, the three of them set out away from the expedition squad's camp.

"I know that you are confident about this plan but are you sure that this wendigo is going to come after us? It might stick to the rest of the expedition squad since there are more of them. I imagine that more prey would be appealing to it." Mrazivý said once they were out of earshot of the rest of the squad.

"That is a possibility, but I find it unlikely. Wendigos like to attack smaller groups. It is easier to drive individuals mad when there are fewer people to support them. And in the case that someone does succumb to Wendigo Psychosis, it is more likely that they will be successful in their attack if there are fewer people to restrain them. I would give it heavy odds that the moment the wendigo notices we have separated from the rest of the group that it will come after us." Marcus said, giving his informed point of view.

Of course, this was only applicable if his knowledge from Earth legends held true to the very real monster that was stalking them. He truthfully had no idea how similar or different it would be. 

Still, from the way that it had already attacked them and the general feel of its actions, Marcus felt that it would be at least somewhat similar.

In the end though, what they were attempting was a big gamble. 

"Okay, I think this is as good of a spot as any. I will make sure to stay within around two-hundred fifty meters. If you need to speak with me use telepathy, but try to refrain from doing so. We have no idea how sensitive our quarry is to such things." 

Marcus then disappeared from sight as he entered his ghost form.

His plan was to trail behind Miguel and Mrazivý undetected and attempt to locate the wendigo as it tracked them. 

While it may avoid getting close enough to be detected by Miguel and Mrazivý, it was likely to stay just outside the edge of their detection range, where Marcus would be waiting.

This was the main reason that he did not want anyone else accompanying them. Miguel and Mrazivý already knew about his identity as a ghost, and he did not plan on spreading that information further. 

If he could have, he would have also brought along Evette who knew as well, but there was no way that would work. Her party would never let her go off alone in such a dangerous environment without them.

'Now I just need to hope it does not have an innate ability to sense spirits. If it does, this won't work, but that is just the risk we are going to need to take.' Marcus thought as he put some distance between himself and Mrazivý.

Soon he was walking in step with them about two-hundred fifty meters away just as he intended.

When he felt that he was at a good distance, he began walking a perimeter around them in order to act like a radar. This way he could pick up on many things outside of their view and give them an earlier warning if necessary. The wendigo was not the only danger out her after all.

It did not take long for Marcus to catch sight of something tracking Miguel and Mrazivý from outside their range of detection.

However, it was not the wendigo, but a group of small monkey-like creatures jumping from tree to tree.

'Hm, I guess even this place has some comparatively normal beasts. I do think that any of these monkeys are over level thirty.' Marcus thought as he observed them.

Form what he could tell these monkeys were following Mrazivý and Miguel out of curiosity rather than hostility.

He thought about appraising them to see exactly what they were and what kind of abilities they had but decided against doing so. Keeping his presence to an absolute minimum was of the highest importance.

For a few minutes he kept watch on the monkeys, before they abruptly scattered and ran away in the opposite direction that Marcus, Mrazivý, and Miguel were heading.

Bracing himself, Marcus searched for the wendigo, figuring that its presence would most certainly be unnerving enough to send the monkeys running.

Unfortunately, it either had not caught up to them yet, or was still far enough off that Marcus could not sense it. Instead, he noticed that what the monkeys were fleeing from was another type of predator.

Dropping down from the trees were long serpents that tried to wrap up Miguel and Mrazivý.

They had impeccable stealth abilities since Marcus only noticed them slightly before they attacked, and the same went for Miguel and Mrazivý.

Still, while they were under attack, Marcus did not intervene. There was no reason for him to.

'They work pretty well together.' He thought, watching the noose pythons get slaughtered.

Miguel used his magic and defensive skills to keep the serpents from doing any damage and Mrazivý used her fast and precise sword skills to cleave through them with ease.

At some point a giant black sludge creature joined the fray and began sending out tendrils and dragging the pythons from the trees.

Quickly Marcus realized that this was one of Miguel's summons that he had brought out to assist with the battle.

'I wonder what that thing is. I've never seen a creature like it.'

This was only the second of Miguel's summons that Marcus had seen and he was impressed by how powerful it was.

Naturally a power able to bring out such a creature took its toll though. Marcus had looked more into summoning magic and knew that it required a large chuck of the caster's mana that could not be recovered while the summoned creature was out. 

Nevertheless, it was a strong and versatile power that allowed Miguel to be adaptable to many different situations. The slime he had summoned seemed almost perfect for dealing with the current threat.

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