Seeing the aloof demoness sitting there, holding the box of rouge he had given her, and sniffing it before suddenly becoming short of breath, her chest heaving up and down, Lu Xun standing beside her was dumbfounded, his eyes almost popping out.

Although the aloof demoness wasn't as endowed as her master in the chest area, compared to an ordinary woman, she possessed a height that others could hardly achieve in their lifetime.

What's wrong with her? The rouge doesn't contain realgar, does it?

When Lu Xun bought the rouge, he specifically asked the shopkeeper if it contained realgar or mugwort, and the shopkeeper assured him there was none. However, Xuan Yin's reaction was like… as if she was about to reveal her true form.

Is she entering her heat early?

Lu Xun knew about Xuan Yin's embarrassing situation. She would enter her heat every hundred years, and it would last for about a week. The reason for this was some kind of virtual yin in her body, which would surge every hundred years, and she needed to dual cultivate with someone of pure yang physique to suppress it. The first three times were successfully managed with willpower and Immortal Miao Feng's help, but this fourth time… according to Miao Feng's words, even she felt a bit helpless. She had thought she would witness Xuan Yin's demise, but it turned out that he himself became the opportunity.

Little did Lu Xuan know that he actually guessed correctly. At this moment, Xuan Yin felt a slight strangeness in her body. A desire surged from the depths of her heart, and this feeling… she was very familiar with it. It was the reaction of the Yin surge.

Oh no! Oh no! It seemed like the virtual yin was a little early.

Xuan Yin's face turned pale with fright. She quickly put away the small box and started reciting the "Purifying Heart Technique" her master had taught her. After a moment, the restless desire gradually faded away, and her tranquil and indifferent thoughts reclaimed her mind.


Lu Xun didn't know when he had sat beside her, looking at her with concern, softly asking, "Are you alright?"

Xuan Yin slowly opened her eyes, feeling a sense of exhaustion wash over her body. She breathed slightly heavily and casually said, "Why are you so close to me? Get away and go back to the corner. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

"Here we go again."

"Can't you speak nicely? Must you always act so domineering?" Lu Xun rolled his eyes and said irritably, "Since you're fine, I'll continue to meditate. You… do as you please."

With that, he stood up and returned to the corner of the dilapidated temple, sitting there and resuming his cultivation.

Xuan Yin glanced at this demon slayer, who remained silent and meditated. A strange emotion arose within her. Thinking about it carefully, he was quite handsome, especially when he smiled. Having such a husband, many women should dream of it, right?

Lost in her thoughts…

Suddenly, Xuan Yin froze, and in an instant, a faint blush crept up on her cheeks, accompanied by slightly rapid breathing and unexplainable palpitations.

Ugh! Him, the mere demon slayer, I wouldn't be interested in him!

The next morning, Lu Xun opened his eyes and realized that the aloof demoness had disappeared again. He didn't bother about her whereabouts and silently opened his data panel, only to close it disappointedly. He stood up, walked out of the dilapidated temple, took a breath of fresh air, and stretched lazily. He couldn't help but marvel at the start of another beautiful day. Today, he had to strive to survive once more.

At that moment, a streak of light came flying from the sky and crashed heavily in front of Lu Xun, instantly raising a cloud of dust.

"Cough, cough, cough…" Lu Xun coughed while driving away the smoke and complained, "Can't you land a bit more gently?"

When the smoke cleared, Xuan Yin stood there, holding a flying sword, her expressionless face looking at him coldly. She said, "Pack up, it's time to leave."

"Leave? Where are we going?" Lu Xun looked puzzled. "Are we going back home?"

"To the southeast mountain in Quanzhou region," Xuan Yin said calmly. "Get ready, don't dawdle."

"Oh. Just wait."

Lu Xun hurriedly ran back into the temple and soon came back out, sitting on the flying sword beside Xuan Yin. He tightly hugged her slender jade leg and said, "My wife, when you start, please go a bit slower. Don't fly too fast, your husband won't be able to handle it."

"Hmph." Xuan Yin coldly snorted and muttered a spell. Then, she took off with Lu Xun.

Having experienced it a few times before, Lu Xun didn't yell this time, which made Xuan Yin feel a bit relieved. Just as she was feeling satisfied, suddenly her body stiffened, and a strange blush appeared on her cheeks.

"If you dare touch me again, I'll kill you on the spot!" Xuan Yin warned fiercely.

"The wind was too strong," Lu Xun replied helplessly. "It blew my hand up there."

Hearing his explanation, Xuan Yin's face turned almost green. How could such a crude excuse come out of his mouth?


"My wife, I have a question," Lu Xun asked cautiously. "I'm not sure if I should ask it or not. I'm afraid you'll beat me if I do."

"Then don't ask." Xuan Yin replied coldly.



"I've been thinking about it all night." Lu Xun pursed his lips and curiously said, "For snake demons like you and your master, when it's mating season, do you prefer to use a human form, your true form, or a half-human, half-demon appearance?"

Faced with Lu Xun's doubts, the aloof demoness blushed instantly, and indescribable sensations surged within her body. She didn't know whether to feel angry or embarrassed. Suppressing those inexplicable feelings, she coldly said, "What does it have to do with you?"

"Of course, it has everything to do with me!"

"You are my wife! Although we haven't officially married yet," Lu Xun replied earnestly.

Xuan Yin tightly bit her lip. She really wanted to refuse to answer this question, but for some reason, she wanted to use this opportunity to play a little prank on him, scaring him half to death.

After a long silence, the aloof demoness finally said, "I prefer to use my true form, to transform into my original appearance, a golden giant python, and then coil around you tightly, exposing only your head. The more you struggle, the tighter I'll coil around you, until you show a look of pain. But the more you suffer, the more excited I'll become, and the more excited I get, the harder I'll grip."

At this point, Xuan Yin paused. She lightly pursed her vermilion lips, a hint of playfulness in her coldness, and asked faintly, "Lu Xun, are you looking forward to it?"

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