
"That tiger you mentioned earlier has already been crushed by you with a single foot." Even someone as knowledgeable as Lu Xun couldn't help but swallow hard at the scene before him. He shuddered and said, "I knew my wife was formidable, but I never thought she could crush a fierce beast with just one foot."

If his wife is this powerful, then what about her master, Immortal Miao Feng?

Lu Xun still hadn't figured out Immortal Miao Feng's cultivation level. But judging from the strength she used to beat him on ordinary days and the extent of his suffering, her cultivation must have reached a terrifying level. Anyone before her would be insignificant like ants.

"Oh, I see." Xuan Yin pouted and casually asked, "So, you just fought with it?"

"More or less." Lu Xun looked at the spot where the white tiger had been crushed, carefully searching for its demonic core. Absentmindedly, he replied, "I was fighting with all my might, and I knew my wife would come to find me. As soon as I had that thought, you came flying on your sword. It seems we have a psychic connection."

Xuan Yin immediately frowned, coldly saying, "Don't flatter yourself. Who has a psychic connection with you? I just didn't want to be lectured by my master. And you keep calling me ‘wife.' How long do you plan to keep doing that?"

"For the rest of my life."

Lu Xun's thoughts were entirely focused on the demonic core; he didn't pay much attention to what Xuan Yin said. After all, such a powerful monster must have accumulated a lot of cultivation in its demonic core.

Hearing his response, Xuan Yin's heart, which had been lonely for four hundred years, stirred with an indescribable emotion. This was the second time something similar had happened, the first being earlier that morning when he had forcefully bumped his head against her buttocks.

"Hey, you!"

Xuan Yin pursed her lips, intentionally or unintentionally observing the disheveled Lu Xun in front of her and asked, "What are you looking for?"

"Why isn't there a demonic core?"

"Did you crush it with a foot?" Lu Xun asked in confusion.

"A monster doesn't have a demonic core unless it has cultivated into human form," Xuan Yin explained seriously, touching her vermilion lips. "Only after opening its spiritual root and transforming into human form can it form a demonic core. By the way, what are you looking for a demonic core for? You're not an alchemist."

"To sell it for money." "A top-grade demonic core is quite valuable." Lu Xun shrugged, looking up at the aloof and cold demoness before him. He said earnestly, "You don't understand the power of money, being a demon and all."


"I don't care; I'm not interested in such worldly possessions." Xuan Yin pursed her lips and continued, "Besides, we have my master, who has plundered countless treasures, including numerous famous calligraphy and paintings, all hidden in a secret room. There are tons of gold and silver, each worth a thousand gold taels."


Hearing these words from his wife, Lu Xun was stunned. His eyes were filled with astonishment and disbelief, and he felt a bit overwhelmed. He hurriedly asked, "Does your master really have that much wealth?"

"Of course. Why would it be fake?"

"I've been there countless times." Xuan Yin replied nonchalantly.

For a moment, Lu Xun's mind buzzed, and a bolder idea took root. What if I marry Immortal Miao Feng as well? If I can marry a 400-year-old demoness, why not marry another who is over a thousand years old? It doesn't seem like a bad idea.

At this moment, Lu Xun wished he could go back right away and find Immortal Miao Feng. He would grasp her beautiful legs tightly and beg her pitifully, "Auntie, I don't want to work hard anymore!"

"What are you thinking about now?" Xuan Yin looked at him, amused by the ever-changing expressions on his face.


Lu Xun suppressed his unrealistic but promising fantasies and said lightly, "Let's go, my wife."


"You can go back by yourself!" Xuan Yin snorted coldly and flew away with a swoosh, leaving Lu Xun standing there all alone, looking up at the sky.

Lu Xun returned to the dilapidated temple and saw the aloof demoness sitting cross-legged on a heap of dry grass, meditating. Despite feeling annoyed, he didn't disturb her. He went to a corner, sat down, and opened his bag, rummaging through its contents—lime powder, hidden arrows, arsenic, and meteor darts—fearsome items that instilled terror in the hearts of the martial world.

In fact, buying these things had caused a moral struggle for Lu Xun. He considered himself a righteous person with an impenetrable defense, so he shouldn't need these tools. However, the martial world was dangerous, and who knew what might happen.

"What did you buy in the city? It sounded like clattering," Xuan Yin asked coldly, still closing her eyes.


"Some self-defense gadgets, as you can't be by my side all the time. So I bought some hidden weapons to protect myself," Lu Xun put away the items and looked at Xuan Yin, who was meditating. He hesitated for a moment before saying softly, "There are many people in Quanzhou City. I encountered two groups today—one dressed like Daoists and the other like bandits."

"Is that all?" Xuan Yin said calmly, "Nothing else?"

"What else should there be?"

"Do you expect me to go and ask each of them if they're here to steal the Heavenly Dao Diagram?" Lu Xun retorted with irritation, "I know you want to take this opportunity to beat me up and vent your dissatisfaction with me these past few days. You don't need to scheme like this. If you want to beat me, do it. Just like your master."

After a long silence, Xuan Yin spoke coldly, "I am not like that."

With a change in her tone, she corrected herself, "I'm not that kind of demon. Don't think so lowly of me. Watch out, or I'll beat you to death."

Lu Xun remained silent, sitting there and staring at Xuan Yin's profile intently. He couldn't help but ask himself, if it weren't for Immortal Miao Feng's powerful intervention, would he have become her husband?

When faced with this question, he didn't know what answer to give. From a personality perspective, he strongly refused the idea. Xuan Yin was always calling for violence, and her strength was terrifying. He couldn't withstand her antics. However, as the saying goes, beauty can enthrall the most reluctant hearts, and when considering her figure, he felt he could endure it.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Xuan Yin noticed his peculiar gaze and a flicker of imperceptible emotion crossed her features. She asked coldly, "Is there something on my face?"


"Just wanted to quietly look at my wife." Lu Xun pouted and took out a box of top-grade rouge from his pocket, saying softly, "I passed by a shop selling rouge and powder in the city and thought of you. I bought this top-grade rouge, even though you might not use it. But it's a gesture of my affection. This small box cost me most of my savings."

Saying that, he directly tossed the box to Xuan Yin. As she caught the box of rouge, she carefully examined it in her hands. An inexplicable emotion surged in her heart, and then she silently opened it.

Meanwhile, Lu Xun sat not far away, looking at her with a face full of confusion, his mind filled with question marks.

Why is she out of breath?

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