Chapter 59

After finishing his meal, Chi Yu glanced up and was about to ask Song Luokui if she wanted to tour his company when he saw her asleep on the sofa nearby.

Chi Yu walked over slowly and sat down next to her. After watching her for a little while, he reached out to touch her face, but his hand stopped right before it, and he retracted it. He was about to take off his coat to cover her instead.

Just as he was about to drape the coat over her, Song Luokui shifted slightly, and her eyes shot open. When she saw Chi Yu's face, her gaze instantly turned intense, causing Chi Yu to pause.

It took Song Luokui a moment to regain her composure before her expression softened. She rubbed her eyes, "Sorry, I didn't sleep well last night."

Chi Yu put his coat away and couldn't help but ask, "Why... do you always look like you want to take me out?"

Song Luokui: ?

Chi Yu said firmly, "You wanted to take me out just now, but why?" He seemed perplexed.

That first glance from her at the mansion felt the same way.

Song Luokui didn't understand, "What are you talking about?"

Chi Yu smiled, "Nothing, should we head back? That person is probably not downstairs anymore."

Song Luokui: "Mm, okay."

The two stayed silent as they took the elevator down to the first floor. As Chi Yu saw her out, he couldn't help but ask, "Is it because of your brother?"

Song Luokui turned to look at him, blinking, "You tell me?"

Chi Yu froze momentarily.

Song Luokui had already waved goodbye and left.

Chi Yu stood there for a while before chuckling and heading back into the building.

In the corner, Chen Xinyuan poked her head out. She finally knew who that woman was - no wonder she seemed so familiar. It was Song Luokui of the Song family. But why was she here?

And why did Chi Yu seem to have such a good relationship with her?

She remembered that the young master of the Song family didn't get along well with Chi Yu. Could it be that...


Song Luokui walked for a while before stopping abruptly. It seemed that deep down, she still harbored that thought. Come to think of it, the idea of taking out Chi Yu had been in Song Luokui's mind for a long time.

Back then, she felt that the plot god was being unfair. If the plot god couldn't accommodate her, she would drag the male lead down with her, and they could both be gone.

Maybe then, her brother wouldn't end up as the villain either. On the contrary, without the male lead Chi Yu, her brother might even become the male lead instead.

It was just a thought, she realized later. It wasn't Chi Yu's fault that she felt that way, and he didn't seem to have done anything to her. As for her brother, the two hadn't reached that point yet.

But Chi Yu said "always"?

Had she revealed that intention before?

Song Luokui shook her head and left. So what if he knew? She hadn't actually done it. She was probably just tired today, so her subconscious thoughts slipped out when she opened her eyes and saw him.

Song Luokui didn't go straight home but had her driver take her to her brother Song Luosheng's company instead. She even brought afternoon tea.

Song Luosheng: "Why did you come? Don't you have classes today?"

Song Luokui: "Mm-hmm. I came to see you." She walked over to his side and happened to notice the plan for the An City Project. 𝐟𝐫eewe𝗯𝐧𝚘ve𝐥.c𝚘𝚖

Song Luokui immediately recalled the information she overheard in Chi Yu's office. "Brother, are you thinking of investing in the An City Project?"

Song Luosheng didn't hide it from her. "Still considering it. What's wrong? Suddenly interested in your brother's business?"

Song Luokui walked over to a potted plant and fidgeted with the leaves. "Brother, I suggest you don't invest in that project."

Song Luosheng: "What do you know about it?"

Song Luokui: "I heard from a friend that there's something fishy about that project. In any case, you should be careful."

Song Luosheng: "Which friend? I didn't know you had friends familiar with An City."

Song Luokui: "Well, it's a classmate from my school. You know there are hidden talents even in schools. I just happened to overhear it. Anyway, I suggest you be cautious."

Song Luosheng nodded, "Alright, I'll look into it thoroughly."


"Since you're free, why don't you join my meeting later? It'll be good practice for when you graduate and work for me."

Song Luokui spun around and headed for the door, "No way. I'm going to take a look around the company. You go ahead."

Song Luosheng didn't force her and just smiled and shook his head. However, he did make a call afterward. "Keep investigating the situation with An City. Send someone undercover to ask around with the locals."


Song Luokui left her brother's company after a brief tour, not even staying for half a month. Soon after, some issues with the An City Project were exposed online. First, the land was found to be polluted above safe levels. Not only that, people in the surrounding area had developed cancer, and some even lost their homes and everything. The whole thing blew up, and authorities got involved. Needless to say, the entire project was put on hold.

In the meeting room at Songhua Technology, those who were originally going to invest in the project all breathed a sigh of relief. Initially, when the investment vote started, many had voted in favor. If it had passed, they would have invested five billion into the project.

While losing five billion wouldn't cripple Songhua, their reputation would undoubtedly suffer. Not to mention the potential trouble caused by the aftermath.

However, Song Luosheng directly vetoed it with his single vote in the end. As the primary decision-maker at Songhua, he had the power to veto and make final decisions on everything.

The voting was just to gauge everyone's opinion.

Some didn't understand Song Luosheng's veto at first, as they believed the project would be highly profitable. Someone even asked why on the spot.

Song Luosheng: "This project has issues. You'll find out later." At the time, Song Luosheng's investigation didn't uncover much more, only that there were indeed some red flags.

He then had his people look into Shan Yu Group as well and found no activity on their end. So Song Luosheng knew the project was no good - if it was truly profitable, Shan Yu Group would not have been idle.

As the news report ended, the entire meeting room fell silent. Finally, Zhou Yuan stood up and started clapping, "Clap, clap, clap," the applause echoing through the room.

Lin Xingyan: "It's all thanks to the boss for vetoing it back then."

Zhou Yuan: "Thank goodness, thank goodness."

The others in the meeting room also looked relieved. Song Luosheng raised his hand to signal them to stop. "Alright, that's in the past now. Let's move on to today's new agenda."

After the meeting, Song Luosheng immediately called Song Luokui. "Luokui, you did your brother a huge favor. What do you want?"

Song Luokui had also seen the news. "Nothing in particular." But then she thought she should probably thank Chi Yu too, so she said, "If you want to give me something, just give me money." She could use it to treat Chi Yu to a meal.

Song Luosheng gave her the money, she treated Chi Yu, and the end result was: Song Luosheng thanked Chi Yu.

Hmm, she didn't know if her brother would be furious if he found out.

What she didn't realize was that because of this incident, the wheels of fate had shifted once again.

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