Chapter 58

As the banquet ended, Chi Yu escorted Song Luokui to her car. As he closed the door, he left her with the words: "Remember to send the meals."

Song Luokui: "...Yeah, yeah, I know. Bye."

"Goodbye, good night."

When she got home, it was already past ten, almost eleven o'clock. Unexpectedly, her brother Song Luosheng was sitting on the sofa in the living room, waiting for her.

Song Luokui took off her high heels and walked over. "Brother."

Song Luosheng was staring at a photo on his phone. Hearing her voice, he immediately turned to look at her, his gaze complex, as if she had betrayed him.

Song Luokui, puzzled: "Brother?"

Song Luosheng held up his phone. When Song Luokui saw the photo, her pupils instantly dilated. In the picture, she was dancing with Chi Yu on the dance floor, his arm around her waist, leaning in to speak into her ear.

"Haha, it's a misunderstanding! Listen to me, brother."

Song Luosheng, expressionless: "You talk."

Song Luokui immediately began fabricating in her mind: "Well, you know, I've been accompanying VIPs these past couple of days. Tonight just happened to be the dance party, so... I couldn't really refuse."

Song Luosheng still felt something was amiss. "Why would he invite you to dance? And he was even talking to you? What did he say?"

Song Luokui: "He didn't invite me, I invited him. There was this guy from H Country among the VIPs, and he wanted to come ask me to dance. You know how obnoxious people from H Country can be? He actually said our country isn't democratic! That we plagiarize! He even said our chopsticks were copied from his country!"

Song Luokui grew increasingly agitated as she spoke. "Isn't someone like that just infuriating? He even wanted to add me on In-Talk... I shut him down, but the next day he acted like nothing happened and tried to approach me again. I didn't want to deal with him, so I just randomly invited someone nearby to dance. How was I supposed to know it was him?"

Song Luokui pouted, turning the tables. "Why didn't you go, brother? He was there. If you'd gone, I definitely would have found you. Brother, is it because you're not as capable as him?"

Song Luosheng immediately responded: "I received an invitation too, but I had something to take care of so I didn't go. Which guy from H Country are you talking about? I'll go meet him tomorrow." 𝔣𝔯𝖊𝔢𝖜𝔢𝔟𝖓𝖔𝔳𝔢𝖑.𝔠𝖔𝔪

Song Luokui: "But tomorrow it'll be mostly over. Who knows if he'll still be around."

Song Luosheng loosened his tie: "Even if he leaves, I'll have ways to find him."

Song Luosheng: "Alright, I'm too tired today. I'll head up first."

Song Luosheng: "Wait!"

Song Luokui paused, feigning displeasure as she turned around. "What is it, brother? I'm really tired."

Song Luosheng: "You still haven't told me what Chi Yu said to you."

Song Luokui's eyes shifted. "He asked if you didn't come because you didn't get an invitation. I got angry right away, but you just didn't see it since it was in public and I couldn't make a scene."

Song Luosheng frowned: "He really said that?"

Song Luokui: "Mm-hmm."

Song Luosheng: "Don't pay him any mind from now on, Luokui."

Song Luokui: "I know. You and I are on the same side, brother."

Song Luosheng: "Go get some rest now."


Song Luokui returned to her room and immediately messaged Chi Yu.

Chi Yu: "If you don't want to blow your cover, then remember to send me meals a couple more times."

Song Luokui: "..."


Since Song Luokui now had a driver assigned to her home, a former soldier, it wasn't easy for her to just go to the Shanyu Group building to deliver meals to Chi Yu.

She first went to a mall near Shanyu, then snuck over to the Shanyu building. For this, she even wore sunglasses, a hat—luckily the weather had gotten a bit colder, so her bundled-up appearance didn't seem too out of place.

"I'm at your company's building lobby. Come down quickly to get this, or have someone come down." Song Luokui sat somewhat furtively in the first-floor lounge area.

At Chi Yu's desk, the investment manager was briefing him on work. "I'll have someone escort you up by elevator. I've got something going on right now."

Song Luokui: "Okay, that works."

Soon, a polite receptionist guided her to take the private elevator directly to the CEO's office. "Ding"—as the doors opened, Song Luokui saw Chi Yu seated at his desk, with another person standing before him.

That person turned at the sound, laid eyes on her, and immediately widened their eyes in shock.

Song Luokui froze as well, not daring to move.

Seeing her appearance, Chi Yu seemed amused, covering his mouth with a fist to suppress a cough and smile. But his eyes sparkled with mirth as he gestured toward the sofa, telling Song Luokui: "You can sit over there first."

"Oh... okay." Song Luokui obediently took a seat on the sofa, carrying her meal containers.

"Continue," Chi Yu instructed, turning back to the investment manager.

Although curious, the manager proceeded with his briefing. "Regarding the Ancheng project, we've uncovered some irregularities..."

Upon hearing "Ancheng project," Song Luokui's eyes blinked—she had overheard Song Luosheng mention it during a phone call that morning as well.

"The inspection company accepted bribes. That inspection report was likely falsified."

Chi Yu: "Keep investigating. Don't rush into investing for now."


After finishing his report, the investment manager left. Chi Yu then walked over and sat down beside Song Luokui. "Why the disguise?"

Song Luokui finally removed her sunglasses. "It's camouflage." She handed him the meal containers. "Here, I need to get going now."

Chi Yu: "So soon?"

Song Luokui: "Yeah? Isn't it just to deliver the meals? I've done that now. Uncle An is waiting for me in the car, I can't stay too long or he'll come looking for me."

Chi Yu set the containers aside. "Then let me walk you down first."

Song Luokui wanted to refuse, but Chi Yu insisted on accompanying her to the elevator.

The two soon reached the ground floor. Song Luokui put her sunglasses back on. Just as she was about to bid Chi Yu farewell, a familiar young woman approached, delighted upon seeing Chi Yu. "Brother Chi, did you come down to meet me?"

Song Luokui: Whoa~

Chi Yu frowned: ?

It was Chen Xinyuan. Song Luokui felt like she had stumbled upon a gossip scene. She prepared to slink behind a nearby pillar and eavesdrop, already taking a step—but her clothes were tugged.

Song Luokui turned toward Chi Yu: Let go.

Chi Yu: "No, don't sneak off."

Song Luokui: ...What did I ever do to you?

Chen Xinyuan had only just noticed Song Luokui, but with her heavy disguise, couldn't tell who she was. As Chen Xinyuan studied her, Song Luokui immediately lowered her head, then turned to stand behind Chi Yu.

If she couldn't leave, she would just hide for now.

Chen Xinyuan craned her neck, trying to get a better look. Song Luokui simply hid directly behind Chi Yu, poking him.

Chi Yu immediately blocked Chen Xinyuan, signaling for security to come over. "Escort her out. Those without an invitation aren't part of this company—don't let them in again."


Chen Xinyuan suddenly looked pitiful. "Brother Chi, I..."

Chi Yu: "I'm an only child in my family, I don't have a sister. This young lady should mind her words in the future."

Security: "Miss, please leave. Otherwise, we'll have to use force."

Chen Xinyuan wanted to say something more but was ushered out. However, she lingered outside, still peering in.

Song Luokui wanted to leave but was afraid Chen Xinyuan would see her.

Chi Yu turned to her: "Let's go upstairs. You can leave after a while if you don't want to be spotted."

Song Luokui: "...Alright, I guess that's the only option. Let me call Uncle An first." She explained the situation to the driver Uncle An, saying she had run into a friend and would be staying a bit longer.

Back in Chi Yu's office, she sat playing on her phone while he ate the meal she had brought.

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