
Terros and the women gathered around the dining table located in the kitchen.

Elva looked at the faces of her visitor and smiled brightly. She directed her gaze at Laura and saw her red swollen eyes due to so much crying. She cleared her throat. "Is there something that you want ladies? Anything-? Don't hesitate to inform Terros, Veronica and I, we're always ready to help and assist you..." she said.

Laura and Rebecca looked at the deity and smiled.

"We're fine. Thank you for your graciousness, Elva," Laura replied.

Rebecca smiled. "Can I stay in the terrace for a while after I'm done eating breakfast?" she asked.

Elva nods her head. "Sure! You can stay there anytime you want, feel free to do so without asking my permission," she responded cheerfully.

"Thank you, goddess!" Rebecca spoke.

Elva looked at the delicious dishes appreciatively. "Alright, the foods looks appetizing to me. Thanks a million to Veronica's expertise in cooking - we can enjoy a good meal today. Let's eat!" she said merrily.

They picked up their utensils and began putting food on their plates.

They ate their meals in comfortable silence.

Half an hour later.

They finished eating lunch, Elva left the kitchen and went to the healing room along with Terros to check on Graven's condition.

The women helped Veronica in cleaning the table and washing the dirty dishes in the sink.

ραпdα nᴏνɐ| сom After they finished cleaning the kitchen, Veronica accompanied the two visitors to the terrace.

Laura and Rebecca settled on the chair and admire the spectacular view in front of them. The clouds were gone and now they can see the top of the mountains and the horizon beyond - stretching as far as their eyes can see.

"Wow! Such an amazing view! I love looking at the scenery so much!" Laura gushes.

"Me too! Such a breathtaking view! I can't get enough of this place!" Rebecca raved.

Laura marveled at the tranquil atmosphere, feeling herself relaxing. She savored the terrific surroundings encompassing her consciousness with tranquility after an intensely emotional scene talking to her unconscious husband in the healing room.

She inhaled and exhaled fresh air into her lungs and released a deep sigh.

Rebecca looked at Laura after hearing her deep sigh. "Are you okay?" she asked.

Laura nods her head and smiled. "Yeah... I'm just shaken a bit after seeing my husband lying unconscious in the bed looking like a living dead, it terrifies me. It's horrifying and tormenting to look at him in his current condition. My heart is bleeding - wanting to reach out to him but I don't know how! I'm in extreme agony watching him like that..." she said in a frustrated manner.

Rebecca bit her lower lip and patted Laura's arm gently. "I understand how you feel. I also feel the same way after seeing Graven in his pitiful state. I wish there's something I can do for him, but his condition is beyond my capabilities. I'm grieving for him - but I also know that he wants us to stay strong for our children. So let's keep our sanity intact and continue to be strong for our children and him," she said with a heavy sigh.

Laura wiped the tears that starts rolling on her face and fixed her attention to the panoramic view in front of them.

A few minutes later, she looked at Rebecca and asked, "How long do you think Graven will stay in his perplexing condition?"

Rebecca was shaking her head. "Honestly, I have no idea. But I am feeling optimistic that he will recover sooner or later. Let's hope for the best and prepare for the worst," she said grimly. She patted Laura's hand. "Stop crying, your baby will feel sad too..."

Laura forced herself not to cry anymore.

Minutes went by.

Elva arrived on the terrace and went to Laura's side. "Time for you to talk to your husband again. At 5:00, you have to go home - so make use of the remaining time that you still have," she said in a soothing voice.

Thank you, Elva!" Laura said, feeling grateful for the deity's kindness.

"Come with me, I'll bring you to the room. I need to tell you something about Graven..." Elva said.

"Okay," Laura replied and rose to her feet.

Elva walked towards the door and entered the house, Laura was following her from behind.

They arrived at the healing room.

Laura sat on the chair facing her husband.

"I'll return here two hours later 'coz I need to bring you somewhere..." Elva said.

Laura's brows knitted together. "W-where?"

"I'll tell you later..." Elva said and left the room.

She returned to the living room and joined Veronica and Terros there. "Guys, I have a plan..." she said.

"What plan?" Terros asked.

Veronica raised a brow - she has no idea what the deity is planning in her head right now.

"We can bring Laura to the cave where we imprisoned that cursed King's servant. If he is truly the King just disguising as the servant then he will recognized Laura the moment he saw her. Maybe we can ask the King what had he done to Graven before he put him in the coffin," Elva suggested.

Terros and Veronica looked at each other.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

"I don't think it's a good idea to bring Laura to that cave. The cursed King was waiting for Laura for a long time, who knows his power might suddenly be awakened just by the sight of Laura. I think there is another person who can help us identify if the one imprisoned in the cave is the real King or not..." Terros said.

The women raised their brows.

"Who?" Elva asked.

"C-could it be Luke?" Veronica said.

Terros smiled. "You got it right, daughter!"

"Why we didn't think about it when Luke was still here?" Elva scratched her head.

"Because we are preoccupied with Graven's condition and Luke was in a hurry to go home. Don't worry, I'll try to find Luke and bring him here to identity the King," Terros said.

"That's better!" Elva said and rose to her feet, she looked at Veronica. "I'm going to my mini laboratory to concoct another medicine. Take care of the girls for me. If it's already time for them to leave, knock on the door and I will see them off..."

"Okay, got it!" Veronica replied.

Elva left the living room and entered her mini-laboratory room to start her work.

Veronica and Terros joined Rebecca on the terrace.

Back in the healing room.

Laura can't help but shed fresh tears for her husband. Every time she saw him like this her heart is bleeding inside. "Husband... Rebecca and I will go home at 5:00. We only have a few hours left to spend with each other. I have no more words left to say to you except to beg you not to give up. Keep fighting your current situation, don't lose hope. You need to wake up, not only for yourself... but for me, your baby, and your family and for everyone who loves you!

The goddess Elva is very kind to me and Rebecca. She welcomes us with open arms. I hope she can successfully cure you. I hope that in my next visit you will finally open your eyes. I would like to stay here with you every day but I know that it's not a good idea because I will only disturb your recovery. I will return here next week... I love you so much. I and our baby are waiting for your return," she said. She caresses his face lovingly and planted a kiss on his lips.

She continues staring at his handsome face not talking anymore.

Hours went by.

Outside the healing room.

Rebecca and Veronica were preparing refreshments in the kitchen.

The time is already 3:00 in the afternoon.

"I will bring the snack to Laura," Rebecca volunteered.

"Okay..." Veronica said and placed the glass of fruit juice and rice cakes on the tray.

Rebecca picked up the tray and left the kitchen, going to the healing room.

When she entered the room and placed the tray on the table. Laura was still crying beside her husband. She went to her side and rubbed her friend's back. "I'm here to bring you a delicious snack. Stop crying for a few minutes and feed your baby inside your tummy," she urged her.

Laura sighed and nods her head. She wiped the tears from her face and stood up. She went to the table and began eating the refreshment. She looked at Rebecca. "How about you?" she asked.

"Later... " Rebecca replied and stared at Graven's face, racking her brain... thinking on how to help him.

Then she remembered Granny Menedelia. Maybe she can help Graven! If not, maybe she can suggest something! There's no harm in trying. If Granny can't visit her in the manor this week, she will go to her place and consult her about Graven's perplexing condition.

A few minutes later.

Laura finished eating her refreshment.

Rebecca picked up the tray and left the room. She returned the tray to the kitchen and washed the plates and glass.

Done in the kitchen, she went to the terrace and joined Veronica and Terros.

Rebecca stared at the horizon, enjoying the serene atmosphere surrounding the mountain. She will tell the deity about Granny. She hoped the goddess will accept third-party opinions. For now, she will keep the thoughts to herself.

Hours went by.

The time has finally come for the ladies to go home.

Veronica went to the mini-laboratory and knocked on the door. "Elva, time for the ladies to go home," she said.

"Okay..." Elva replied and opened the door.

The women went to the Terrace.

Rebecca and Laura were ready to go home.

Elva gave the ladies a quick hug. "Nice meeting you, girls!"

"Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity to us, especially to my husband," Laura said feeling grateful for the deity's help and assistance during these difficult times.

"Don't mention it. I'm glad to be of help to Veronica's friends and anyone who needs my help. All of Veronica's friend is also my friend," Elva replied with a smile.

"Thank you so much, Goddess, for helping my brother Graven. In the future, would you accept help or assistance from someone who might also be capable of diagnosing Graven's condition?" Rebecca asked.

Elva gave Rebecca a quizzical look. "What do you mean-?"

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