Terros and her entourage arrived at the Windless mountain and landed on the beautiful terrace that was surrounded by a sea of clouds during that time.

"We're here, girls!" Terros announced merrily.

The two women roamed their eyes around the area.

"Wow! This place is heavenly! I never know such a place existed here on earth!" Laura gushes.

Rebecca's eyes sparkled in delight. "Indeed, the place is breathtaking, so amazing that it takes my breath away!" she raved.

Elva and Veronica burst into the Terrance.

"Welcome to my humble abode, girls!" Elva personally welcomes the visitors.

Veronica stepped back and left Elva to deal with the women. She was amused to see three pregnant women at the same time.

Terros introduced the women to each other. "Girls, this is the deity Elva and her best friend my adopted daughter Veronica. And this is Laura, Graven's wife and Rebecca, Graven's adopted sister. I hope you will get along well with each other..." he said.

Elva gave Laura and Rebecca a quick hug. "Nice to meet you, girls! Let's get inside the house so that you can rest on the comfortable sofa. You will see Graven soon," she said.

"Thank you, goddess for welcoming us in your home! We appreciated it very much," Laura said appreciatively.

Rebecca looked at the goddess and smiled cheerfully. "You're not only beautiful you're also very kind! I feel honored meeting you," she said.

Elva smiled graciously at them. "Don't mention it. Let's get now inside..." she said.

The women followed Elva inside.

Veronica gave Grandpa a thumb up. Terros replied with another thumb up.

The pregnant women settled comfortably on the sofa.

Veronica went to the kitchen and served the guest a refreshing orange juice in the living room.

Elva looked at her pregnant guest. "Look at us! It's raining pregnant women today, eh?" she joked.

ραпdα nᴏνɐ| сom They erupted in peals of laughter.

"Let's have dinner here later... but first let me bring Laura to visit Graven in the healing room," she said. She looked at Laura and asked, "Are you excited?"

"Yes, of course!" Laura answered brightly.

"Finish your juice first then I'll bring you to Graven," Elva said.

"Thank you," Laura said and sipped her juice, gulping it bottoms up. "I'm done!" she blurted.

Elva smiled in amusement. "That's super fast!" she gushes.

Laura beamed. "I miss my husband so much. I wan to see him," she said excitedly.

"Alright, let's go now to the healing room. Follow me," Elva said and rose to her feet.

The women left the living room and proceed to the healing room.

They entered the room. Finally, Laura saw her husband again after a long time, she burst into heartbreaking sobs and rushed to Graven's side. "Husband! What happened to you!" she said between sobs.

Elva sighed, she grabbed the chair and put it beside the bed. "Sit down, Laura," she said.

Laura lowered herself on the chair. "Thank you..."

"Will you be alright alone here? I'm going to my room to rest for a while. I'm kind of sleepy," Elva said and began yawning.

"It's okay, you can leave now... thank you..." Laura replied.

"Don't mention it," Elva said and rubbed Laura's back for a few seconds to console her, then she left the room afterward.

Elva returned to the living room and looked at Veronica and Terros. "Guys, I'm going to rest in my bedroom for a while. Take care of Rebecca and Laura for me," she said.

Terros nods his head. "Okay, leave the ladies to us. Rest well, Elva..." he said.

Elva smiled at Rebecca and left.

Rebecca watched the deity's retreating form until she disappeared behind the door of the bedroom. Then she looked at Terros. "Grandpa, is the deity married? Where is her husband?" she asked curiously.

Terros glanced at Veronica before replying to Rebecca's question. He cleared his throat. "Um... she had an affair with a human guy and realized in the end that the relationship won't work because of their different status in life. They broke up and Elva will be raising her baby alone," he explained.

Rebecca released a deep sigh, her eyes watered. "So sad, Elva's love story is just like mine. We have the same situation in life," she said sadly.

Terros and Veronica looked at each other.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

Veronica cleared her throat. "Do you want to rest for a while? I'll bring you to my room so that you can take a rest. Laura will take her time talking to her husband, so your turn to talk to Graven might happen later in the afternoon," she said.

Rebecca nods her head. "Is it okay if I will sleep in your bed for a while?" she asked.

"Yeah sure! You and Laura are welcome in my room. There is a guest room but I wasn't able to clean it because I got busy. My room is better than the guest room," she said.

"Okay, I'll take your offer, Veronica. Thank you," Rebecca replied gratefully.

"Don't mention it. Follow me," Veronica said and stood up.

The women walked towards Veronica's room.

After settling Rebecca in her room, Veronica left and returned to the living room to talk to Terros.

"The ladies went along just fine and Elva was a perfect hostess, I'm proud of her!" Veronica said.

"Indeed. Elva went the extra mile to make sure the girls feels welcome in her abode. I'm speechless and truly impressed!" Terros said.

Veronica smiled brightly. She thought the deity will leave the welcoming of the guest in her care, it turns out Elva personally welcome the visitors and treated them nicely - like they were old-time friends of hers.

"Everything went well," Terros said.

"Yeah. I'm going to the kitchen now to start preparing the dishes for lunch," Veronica said.

"I'll help you," Terros offered.

"Sounds better!" Veronica replied.

They went to the kitchen and began their cooking preparation.

Back in the healing room.

Laura was eyes were already red due to so much crying. She already poured her heart out in front of her husband's unconscious form but her tears have no plans of stopping yet. "My love, why are you like this? Why are you not waking up yet? You have no idea how sad, lonely and terrified I felt when I learned that you were captured by the enemies along with Grandpa and the others. I felt my world had collapsed, I spent my day crying over your situation and I can't even help you. I'm so hopeless and desperate, it's the worst feeling ever. Due to so much worrying of your safety I lose weight a bit... but I'm okay now after I see you. Please... come back to me soon!" she begged.

She paused for a few minutes. She wiped the tears from her face with her handkerchief.

She took her husband's hand and put it on her bulging tummy. "Husband, our baby miss you so much..." she said. The baby seemed to understand the situation because it kicked hard. Laura smiled brightly. "Baby, Father is safe now. He will go home with us anytime soon!" she said as fresh tears burst into her eyes.

She stared at her husband - looking like a living dead. Graven is breathing normally but has no movement on the other parts of his body, the rise and fall of his chest is the only indication that he's still alive.

She put Graven's hand back in the bed and lowered her head. She planted a kiss on his lips. "I miss you so much, husband! Please, get well soon! I need you! Our baby need you! Your family needs you!" she said as fresh tears rolled on her face.


Graven was listening to his wife's crying in his dark prison wall, feeling sad and devastated that he can't even talk to her, wishing to comfort her. Her heartbreaking cries echoed in his heart and soul - squeezing his heart painfully. He can only hear his wife's voice but can't respond. His situation right now was like prolonged torture without any end.

His situation is getting harder as time goes by, his hopes keep rising up and also keep plummeting every day.

He will surely go crazy if his current situation will go on for a long time. Sometimes he thought that being dead is much better than his current situation. When you're dead everything stopped and you are on your way to the afterlife to start a new life cycle again. Right now the only thing he can do is wait...

He released a deep sigh. His only hope is that Elva can find a way to cure him or else he will be dead, sooner or later.

Laura was still crying when the door opened and Rebecca entered the door. She brought a glass of water and handed it to Laura. "Drink this glass of water, and please stop crying. Your eyes are swollen already," she said gently.

"Thank you," Laura accepted the glass and consumed the water in one go. She returned the empty glass to Rebecca.

"Do you want to rest for a bit? I rested in Veronica's bed a few minutes ago," Rebecca suggested.

Laura released a deep sigh and stood up. "Just talk to him... maybe he can hear you."

"Okay. I'll bring you to Veronica's room's first," Rebecca offered.

The women left the place and went to Veronica's room.

After Laura settled comfortably in the bed, Rebecca left.

She returned to the healing room and sat on the chair facing Graven. She stared at Graven's face for a long time. "I'm back! Too bad, you're in this difficult situation right now. I believe you will be able to recover soon. Get well soon, okay? We're waiting for your speedy recovery, bro! Don't keep us hanging for too long. You gotta fight! Did you hear me? Wherever you are right now, you got to fight!"

Graven felt happy after hearing Rebecca's voice. He was glad that she's finally home and living safely with his wife in his manor.

As per Rebecca's words.

He did try to fight his baffling condition many times, but the darkness surrounding him is too thick to crack. He can't find his way out.

Sadly, there's simply no way out.

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