Wen Qing held her breath and didn't dare to move.

Huo Tingshen endured it for a while before raising his hand to scratch her nose.

"I'm hungry. Come, let's go eat."

He got up and walked to the door with his hands in his pockets.

Wen Qing exhaled lightly.

Huo Tingshen turned around and asked, "Were you expecting something just now?"

Wen Qing hurriedly looked up at him in the mirror and said, "I don't have any."

"Then why are you still sitting there? "Let's go eat."

"Ah?" "Oh, I'm coming." She got up and trotted out after him.

Just now ?? She did think he was going to kiss her.

She must have been seen through.

Heavens, this was too embarrassing.

Deep into the night, Wen Qing suddenly felt a chill run down her spine.

She got up and covered herself with the covers.

However, it did not seem to be able to be relieved.

She got up and walked out of the room in a daze, then went to get the blanket from Huo Tingshen's room.

With the two air-conditioned quilts over her head, she still felt cold.

Hearing movement, Huo Tingshen got up. Seeing her trembling under the blanket, he got off the bed, went around to her side and pressed her arm: "Little Qing?"

"Hmm?" Wen Qing opened her eyes and looked at him in the darkness. She said in a daze, "Why did you get up?"

"What's wrong with you? "Why are you trembling all the time?"

Wen Qing sat up and wrapped herself in a blanket. "I feel very cold."

"Cold?" He reached up and touched her forehead.

It was a little hot.

"Wait a moment."

He got up and left the room. Not long later, he brought back the electronic thermometer and measured her body temperature.

38.5 ??.

"Little Qing, you have a fever."

He stood up and picked up his phone to call the Butler Tong.

"Have the doctor come over. I have a fever."

Wen Qing said, "I'm fine. I'll cover myself with a few more layers of blankets in a while. I'll be fine after some sleep."

"This won't do, you have to take a cold seriously. If it gets serious, don't talk about the pain yourself, it will also spread to the children, don't you think?"

Wen Qing didn't dare to resist when Huo Tingshen said this.

She turned her head to look at him. "Take Hoho to sleep tonight. I'll go next door.

"No need, let auntie take Huo Huo Huo out for safety."

Wen Qing felt a little embarrassed. She had a fever by herself, so her whole family no longer needed to sleep with her.

Five minutes after his aunt came to carry Huo Huo away, his family doctor rushed over.

The doctor took Wen Qing's pulse and said she had a cold caused by a cold.

After Wen Qing took her medicine, she laid down on the bed.

She looked at Huo Tingshen, who was sitting on the edge of the bed and staring at her, and said, "You should go rest too. Don't stay here and watch me. I'm fine."

"I'll sleep when your fever subsides." He raised his hand and gently caressed her hair. "Sleep, I'll stay here with you."

Wen Qing knew his temper.

She definitely wouldn't be able to chase them away. She was truly a bit dizzy right now, so she simply closed her eyes and went to sleep.

After a while, she was covered in sweat. She could feel someone wiping her sweat with a warm towel.

In her daze, she also felt someone gently kiss the corner of her lips.

Wen Qing subconsciously told herself that it must be a dream.

The next morning, Wen Qing woke up from her sleep and saw Huo Tingshen sleeping beside her.

His carved profile was as perfect as ever.

She rolled over, and Ben tried to look sideways at him for a moment.

But he instantly woke up.

As their gazes met, Wen Qing felt somewhat embarrassed.

Huo Tingshen was calm as he raised his hand to cover her forehead.

Wen Qing's eyes rolled slightly. It seemed like ?? It was a bit awkward.

Huo Tingshen was worried, so he got up from the bed to measure the temperature for her. He helplessly said, "Why are you still burning? What kind of medicine did this quack prescribe? Get up, I'll take you to the hospital."

Wen Qing sat up and said, "How can a cold be cured so quickly? There has to be a process. Don't worry, I'm feeling very comfortable right now. I don't feel uncomfortable at all."

"I can't be careless even if I have a cold. Just listen to me."

Wen Qing lay down with her back to him. "I'm not going because I'm going to the hospital with a little cold. This is too unreasonable."

"If the cold is severe, it can be very dangerous."

"I'm not going anyway."

"If you don't listen, I'm going to carry you out."

Wen Qing immediately sat up and got off the bed with a serious expression. "I'll go."

Seeing her obedient appearance, Huo Tingshen couldn't help but smile. He remembered when he used to threaten her with this matter.

According to Huo Tingshen's request, Wen Qing was hospitalized.

Wen Qing truly felt that being hospitalized with a little cold was such an unreasonable act.

However, Huo Tingshen was his grandpa. If Ye Zichen didn't listen to him, then he would threaten people.

Too much.

Because Wen Qing was sick, Huo Tingshen's anger towards the Bai Family people rose.

After Wen Qing was discharged, he personally went down to tear Bai's Group apart.

The once glorious business empire collapsed in just two weeks.

Bai's Corporation was purchased by Ren An Corporation.

During that entire day, the web was filled with news of Bai Chengtai leaving Bai's in a sorry state.

Wen Qing's heart was filled with mixed feelings as she watched the scene in the video on her phone.

The hatred towards Bai Family, from then on, seemed to be able to draw a conclusion.

From now on, she no longer wanted to have anything to do with Bai Family.

At noon, after lunch in the staff cafeteria, she walked back to her office past the open basketball court.

Huo Tingren, who was playing ball, saw Wen Qing. After greeting his teammates, he ran towards her.

"Third sister, did you see the good news today?"

"You're talking about Bai's?"

Huo Tingren snapped his fingers: "That's it. How do you feel after reading it?"

Wen Qing calmly replied, "Not much."

"Ah?" "It can't be, right? Don't you know that my third brother did his best to arrange this for you?"

Wen Qing nodded. "I know."

"Then why did you say you didn't feel anything? My third brother knows that. It's time for him to feel sad."

"I didn't feel anything when I said that. I was saying that I didn't feel anything when Bai's Group went bankrupt. I will remember everything that your third brother has done in my heart."

"You scared me. I was just about to say that you have no conscience."

She laughed and said puzzledly: "There is one thing I don't understand. It was clearly your third brother who was going against Bai's Group, but why did the news say that it was Ren An Group who did it? Ren An Group... I've never heard of it before. "

Huo Tingren smiled proudly: "It doesn't matter if you haven't heard of it. The important thing is that you know their CEO."

"I know the CEO of Ren An Group?"


Wen Qing waved her hand and smiled. "What a joke. This is the first time I've heard of this company."

"The first time I heard of it, it doesn't mean that you definitely don't know it. Think about it, think about it, it's actually very easy to think of it."

Wen Qing pondered for a moment. Since it was Huo Tingshen who did this, it should be related to Huo Tingshen. Is it your third brother? "

"Aiya, no, guess again."

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