There was no response from outside, but the sound of high heels tapping on the ground as they walked away could be heard.

Wen Qing was infuriated. She wiped the water that was still dripping off her face, took out her phone, and made a call to Huang Ya ??

Huang Ya rushed over and released Wen Qing. Seeing that her entire body was drenched, she exclaimed, "Teacher Wen, what's going on?"

"Teacher Huang, lend me the clothes you bought, I need to change."

Huang Ya quickly fished out a set and gave it to Wen Qing.

After Wen Qing finished changing, she stormed out of the bathroom.

She looked around but found nothing.

Huang Ya immediately said, "Teacher Wen, what's going on?"

Wen Qing patted her hand, "Teacher Huang, someone was plotting against me just now. I need to go to the control room of the mall. You can go back first."

"I'll go with you."

When White Snow and Bai Yue returned home, Bai Chengtai walked out of the study while proudly talking about this matter.

He heard their conversation and walked up to them. "Are you crazy?"

Bai YueLeng looked at Bai Chengtai and said, "So what if I'm crazy? Wen Qing has caused me so much trouble, and she doesn't even allow me to fight back?"

White Snow also stood up and pushed Bai Chengtai away, "Don't try to protect that bastard you had in the outside world. No one knows about what happened today. We are here to vent our anger on Xiao Yue."

"Surveillance is everywhere in a place like a shopping mall. As long as Lord San is willing to investigate ??."

"We're going shopping, can't we go to the bathroom? If they don't have any evidence, they can force us to admit it. "

Bai Chengtai extended his finger and pointed at the two of them: "Are you really pla

ing to pay the entire Bai's just for a moment of happiness? Someone like the Third Young Master Huo, even if there is no evidence, as long as we know that you guys are the ones who did this, we will definitely not let you and Bai's get away with it. "

Bai Chengtai's words made White Snow and Bai Yue look at each other.

White Snow said, "I don't believe that San Ye would really make a move against Bai's just because of such a small matter."

"Of course he can," Bai Chengtai berated: "The Bai Family will be destroyed by you two sooner or later, when that day comes, you better not cry."

"Bai Chengtai, you ??" Before White Snow could finish, Bai Yue's phone rang.

Bai Yue saw the name displayed on the screen and said to White Snow, "It's Wen Qing."

Bai Chengtai snorted: "If Wen Qing told San Ye about this, the first thing to be down would be Bai's. I've worked hard with Nancheng for so long and you've been dragging us down, have you really not seen the situation clearly? "Wen Qing, you're already people you don't deserve to touch anymore, don't you know?"

White Snow was displeased, "Enough, stop cursing, what do we do now?"

Bai Chengtai walked forward and took Bai Yue's phone. He walked into the study to answer the call.

Wen Qing's sarcastic voice came from the other end of the phone, "You two are really going to make a move even if you don't dare to come in the open?"

"It's me," Bai Chengtai said coldly. "I've heard about what they did to you. Are you alright?"

"Stop being so hypocritical. Since you can't educate your own wife and children, I'll help you educate them."

"Lil 'Qing, this matter is the fault of the mother and daughter pair. However, can you give me some face and not bother about it?"

"Bai Chengtai, your face has never been valuable, so don't use it to exchange for something with me. "Tell your wife and daughter that I, Wen Qing, will pay for what you owe me. Let them wait for me."

She hung up.

Tomorrow, she would go to Bai Family and tear off the mother and daughter pair.

By the time Wen Qing returned home, it was already eight o'clock.

Huo Tingshen was a bit unhappy at first, it was obvious that her hair was a bit wet and her clothes weren't the same as when she left in the morning. He asked worriedly, "Why did you go out to stroll on the street?"

Wen Qing passed a bag to her aunt and said, "My clothes are wet. I'll have to trouble you to send it out for me tomorrow."

"Alright Third Mrs. Huo."

It wasn't raining outside, so how could his clothes get wet?

Huo Tingshen came forward and said, "What happened?"

Wen Qing turned around to look at him and pursed her lips.

He lifted his hand and squeezed her hair.

"Let's go up and dry our hair first." He pulled Wen Qing upstairs, and when they entered the room, he personally helped her dry her hair.

Wen Qing sat in front of the makeup mirror with a dull expression.

Huo Tingshen helped her dry her hair and asked, "Tell me, what happened?"

"When I went to the restroom in the mall, I was locked in and poured water over the top."

Huo Tingshen's face darkened: "Do you know who it is?"

"After the Teacher Huang rescued me, there was no one outside. We went to check the surveillance and found out that the mother and daughter duo followed me for more than half an hour and when I entered the washroom, they followed me in as well. However, there was no surveillance in the washroom as there were no footage of them pouring water over me."

"Bai Family... It's the Bai Family again. It seems that I have given them face. "

Huo Tingshen took out his phone and was about to make a call.

Wen Qing held him down and asked, "What are you pla

ing to do?"

"I will avenge you."


Huo Tingshen did not say a word and just dialed the number.

Very quickly, the call co

ected, he said to the person on the other end: "The plan to deal with Bai's Group has been advanced, I will only give you one month's time."

The call was brief, and he hung up.

Wen Qing wondered, "What plan?"

"The plan to make the Bai's disappear," he said as he raised his hand to rub her head, "Don't worry, I'll soon let you see how the people from the Bai Family look like without anything."

"You just said that you pla

ed to advance the time, did you intend to do this from the start?"

"Bai Chengtai found an American venture capital firm. If nothing goes wrong, at the end of this month, he will be able to get some money. Originally, I wanted to let him see some hope after he obtains the funds, and then ruthlessly crush his hope. Let him experience what is called despair. But now, it seems like there's no need for that. Since the result is the same, why should I let them live a comfortable life for another two months? "

Wen Qing couldn't help but be speechless. "You capitalists are playing around with people. Why do you look like a cat or mouse? You catch them and don't kill them immediately, give them hope, and then let them down ??"

Huo Tingshen heard this and rubbed her head with a smile.

"You haven't called me a capitalist in a long time."

Wen Qing smiled and said, "What do you think that is?"

"In the past, I've always felt that it was your pet name for me."

Favorite Names...

Wen Qing looked away from his face in embarrassment.

Huo Tingshen looked at her blushing face and had an uncontrollable urge.

He bent his body slightly and put his head close to hers ??

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