Chapter 265 : Second Rank

The Spring Examination soon finished, and the next step was to wait for the results to come out. Yuxi was in a good mood as she ate and drank as she should and was not affected at all.

Chen Ran was the son of the Chen family, and whether or not he succeeded was a matter for the Chen family and had little to do with the Han family. However, the most anxious person in the entire Han family was Qiu Shi, who had been restless these days, unable to eat or sleep. Yuxi had advised her several times but to no avail. In the end, she simply stopped doing so, as the examination results would be released in only a matter of days anyway.

On the day of the results, Qiu Shi kept on pacing inside her room without a pause. Yuxii couldn’t help but smile as she watched. “Mother, don’t be nervous. Second Master Chen will definitely pass.”

Ye Shi was also looking at Qiu Shi and Yuxi’s reactions and couldn’t help but smile as well. This situation was indeed like the Emperor was not even worried, but his eunuchs were!

At the beginning of wushi, the page boy assigned to wait for the results finally came running in. When Qiu Shi saw him, she hurriedly asked, “How is it? Did the Second Master Chen family pass the exam?”

The page boy nodded, but since he had just run into the inner courtyard, he could only pant and could not speak.

In response, Qiu Shi’s eyes lit up. “Did he pass?” That would’ve been wonderful. As wonderful as reading this chapter at its original translation site, at xinshou blogspot com.

Yuxi was calmer as she smilingly instructed Zisu, “Bring him a cup of tea. Let him moisten his throat first and ask him to speak slowly.”

The page boy finished his cup of tea, and by this time, once he had recovered, he said joyfully, “He passed. Fourth Guye has gotten the second rank passed scholar.” To them, that was a big deal.

When Ye Shi heard this, she was shocked. “Is there a mistake?” If there was no mistake in the Imperial Examination, he should have been in the top three positions!

The boy cracked a smile and said, “I have double-checked. There can be no mistake. Congratulations, Madam, and congratulations to the Fourth Miss.” He didn’t know who said that the Fourth Miss had a bad fate, and just look, the Fourth Guye had earned himself a second rank position.

Yuxi smiled and asked Zisu to give the prepared hebao to the page boy. The page boy squeezed it, and it was bulging. Thus, he withdrew contentedly. Others said that the Fourth Miss was generous when giving rewards, and it was true.

Qiu Shi’s face was full of smiles at this point. “Second rank passed scholar, how nice.” Let’s see who dared to say that Yuxi had a bad fate. Her Yuxi was clearly a child with good fortune.

Ye Shi saw that although Yuxi had a smile on her face, she did not have that ecstatic look. She didn’t even know whether to say that Yuxi had an excellent mentality or she was just so good at hiding her emotions. Whichever it was, the Second Master Chen had won the second rank passed scholar, and Yuxi was like the boat that floated high when the river water rose. Ye Shi sincerely congratulated her, “Si Mei, congratulations.”

Yuxi smiled and responded, “Thank you, Dasao.”

When Han Jingyan heard that Chen Ran had won the second rank in the examination, he was silent for a moment and asked, “Did the Second Young Master Jiang pass the examination?” Hearing the attendant say that he did, the expression on his face eased considerably, and he asked again, “What position did he win?”

The attendant answered, “My Lord, Second Young Master Jiang got the eighteen position in the exam.” This rank was also very good, but it was a lot worse when compared with Fourth Guye.

Han Jingyan waved his hand and said, “Withdraw!” After saying that, he started to write another word. But as soon as he put his writing brush onto the paper, he somehow ruined his handwriting style. Han Jingyan was not as calm as he appeared to be.

When Chen Ran won the second rank, the most resentful one in the Han family was Wen Shi. “Wasn’t she said to have a bad fate? How did the Second Master Chen pass the exam? How did he get the second rank in the exam?” If Chen Ran had failed, Han Yuxi would have been disliked by the people of Marquis Taining Residence. However, he passed and even earned himself in the second rank position.

Wen Shi now blamed Yuxi for her miscarriage and wanted her to be as miserable as possible. Unfortunately, not only was Yuxi not as unlucky as she would like her to be, but her life got even better. [T/C]

When the old woman servant who served Wen Shi heard this, a flash of disgust appeared in her eyes. It was ridiculous to blame the Fourth Miss when Wen Shi had made a fool of herself, making her lose her child. In fact, when Chun Lan was sent back to the Biteng courtyard, the old woman servant did not allow her to come in but ordered her to go outside instead, as she was afraid that Chun Lan’s ghostly appearance would scare Wen Shi. Unfortunately, Wen Shi was looking for trouble as she insisted on seeing Chun Lan when she knew that Chu Lan had returned and ended up being so frightened that she had pregnancy complications. Anyway, as far as the old woman servant was concerned, it was good that the child was not there, for it would not have been good to be born by such a mother.

After staying in Biteng Courtyard for a long time, she wished she could go back much earlier. But the longer she stayed here, the more empty her heart became. Since she knew so many things about Wen Shi, will Wen Shi let her go back when she was finally out of confinement? This matter seemed like it was still hanging in the air.

Yuchen’s gifts arrived that afternoon, and it was impossible to say that Yuchen’s reaction was not fast. Looking at the valuable things, Yuxi smiled and had Zisu sort them out and then put them into the storeroom.

Momo Quan followed Yuxi into the room and asked, “Miss doesn’t seem very happy that Second Master Chen won the second rank passed scholar?”

Yuxi shook her head and said, “I’m not unhappy. It’s just that I’ve expected it. Now that he has won the second rank passed scholar, as far as Chen Ran’s looks are concerned, he is in all probability will be titled tanhua for this term.”

Momo Quan let out a cry of admiration. Everyone was still ecstatic that Second Master Chen had won the second rank in the examination. Yet, her Miss was already thinking about the Palace Examination. Her Miss was thinking far ahead. “I thought Miss was not happy?”

Yuxi smiled a little. “A woman’s honour and disgrace all depend on the man. If Chen Ran excels, I will also have a face.” Otherwise, Yuchen would not have sent over the gifts. [+]

Of course, Yuxi had mixed feelings about this. It wasn’t that she didn’t like it. It was just that she had an unspoken sense of disappointment. A woman’s whole life depended on her man. If a man was glorious, only then could a woman have status. The reason why she had this thought was if a man didn’t like you, even if he was glorious, he probably wouldn’t want anything to do with you and would probably treat you just like a decoration. On the contrary, if the man were useless, the woman would also look down upon by other people. No matter how you looked at it, being a man was happier than being a woman.

Momo Quan didn’t like what she heard. “Miss……” Reading too much also had side effects. That was, one would tend to overthink.

Yuxi smiled and said, “It’s nothing. I’m just talking casually.” She couldn’t change the status quo, so she could only make herself adapt to it. Fortunately, Chen Ran was an open-minded person and would not restrict her from doing anything.

The next afternoon, Zhou Shiya’s personal maid, Xiao Ling, came over. When Yuxi saw that Xiao Ling did not look right, she asked, “What’s wrong with Shiya?”

Xiao Ling said with an anxious look on her face, “My Miss is unwell.”

Yuxi was alarmed, “What happened to Shiya?”

Xiao Ling said with a panicked look on her face, “My Miss said she wants to see you. Miss Biao, please go and see my Miss!”

Her words frightened Yuxi’s heart as she rushed to the Zhou Residence without even changing her clothes.

Momo Quan pulled Yuxi’s arm and said, “Miss, no matter how urgent it is, you should change your clothes first!” Asking Yuxi to change her clothes first was only stalling for time. Momo Quan felt that Xiao Ling’s demeanour was wrong and wanted to wait until Yuxi changed her clothes to interrogate her.

Yuxi was in too much of a hurry. Where would she have time to change her clothes? She just wanted to go to Zhou Residence to see what was going on as she said, “I won’t change my clothes. I have to hurry over to see her.”

Seeing this situation, Momo Quan said, “Then I will go with Miss!”

Yuxi nodded and agreed without thinking. Momo Quan had more experience. In case something happens to Zhou Shiya, she would be able to help.

Along the way, Yuxi’s mind imagined a lot of things. The more she thought about it, the more anxious she became, and she kept urging the coachman to hurry up. Momo Quan grasped Yuxi’s hand and advised, “Calm down, Miss. Even if there is something wrong with Miss Shiya, there is still Second Lady Zhou!” There was something wrong with this Xiao Ling, but the current situation was so chaotic that Yuxi didn’t realise it yet. In the end, Yuxi was still young and had not suffered any setbacks, so she revealed her flaws when things suddenly went wrong.

When Yuxi arrived at the Zhou Residence, she saw that Zhou Shiya was intact, and her anger rose. “Zhou Shiya, there is a limit to jokes, okay? Do you know how scared I was?” Yuxi imagined many scenes on the way here, but she didn’t expect Zhou Shiya to be alright.

Zhou Shiya was initially very happy to see Yuxi, but who would have thought that Yuxi would start splitting her head and covering her face with a lecture. At that moment, she asked with a puzzled expression, “What’s wrong?”

Yuxi asked coldly, “You’re asking what’s wrong? The people you sent said you were unwell and asked me to hurry over to see you. I thought something had happened to you, and you expect that would not freak me out?”

When Zhou Shiya heard this, she blushed. “I did ask someone to go to the State Residence to ask when you have time, just to get together and chat.”

Yuxi was scared just now. When she saw that Zhou Shiya was fine, her anger suddenly came up. After listening to Zhou Shiya’s words, she also felt that something was wrong. “The maid who came to deliver the message is your second-class maid, Xiao Ling.” If it weren’t for Xiao Ling to be one of the maids serving around Zhou Shiya and holding the post of the Zhou family, Yuxi would not have followed out in a hurry.

Zhou Shiya dragged Yuxi to the Second Lady Zhou’s courtyard, explaining to Yuxi as she walked, “Xiao Ling had already gone to work under Zhou Shiru last month.” Zhao Shiya and Yuxi hadn’t seen each other for two months, and although they had written to each other, Zhao Shiya couldn’t write about a maid in a letter.

Yuxi knew that the problem lay with Zhou Shirui.

When Second Lady Zhou found out about this, she was also furious. She immediately went to find First Lady Zhou, intending to ask for an explanation from Zhou Shirui and Xiao Ling on this matter.

Xiao Ling knelt on the ground and told the story of what had happened. It was a straightforward matter. The maid Zhou Shiya had sent to deliver a message to Yuxi had lost her balance and fell. This scene coincidentally was seen by Zhou Shirui. Zhou Shirui had gone out of her mind when she instructed Xiao Ling to lie to Yuxi by saying that Zhou Shiya was not well. In other words, the incident was a joke played by Zhou Shirui on Yuxi.

Yuxi was furious as she shouted angrily at Zhou Shirui, “A joke? Do you know that this joke almost scared me to death?”

Zhou Shirui yelled at Xiao Ling resentfully, “You dead girl, when did I let you do such a thing?” After saying that, she walked up and kicked Xiao Ling twice, knocking the person to the ground and continued saying, “How dare you wrongly accuse me! You want me to kick you till you die?” [T/C]

Such an aggressive Zhou Shirui was an eye-opener for Yuxi.

When Second Lady Zhou saw this scene, her face became even more ugly as she said, “If you dare to do something, you dare to be responsible for it. Dasao, if you don’t give me an explanation today, this matter will not be over.” How could a maid have the guts to make such a joke? But Zhou Shirui was afraid to admit it for fear of being held accountable.

At once, First Lady Zhou sent someone to call the yapo to have Xiao Ling sold. Xiao Ling did not react when she heard this instruction, as if it was not her who was going to be sold. Yuxi looked at her with a little surprised and bewildered. She was afraid this matter was not that simple.

As for Zhou Shirui’s punishment, it was simple: Zhou Shirui was grounded for six months and ordered to copy the «Meditation Sutra» every day. Since confinement in residence was useless as Zhao Shirui could still cause trouble, it would be better for her to be locked up inside her courtyard and not allowed to come out. Thinking of this, First Lady Zhou felt that it would be appropriate to keep Zhou Shirui under house arrest until she was married.

Although Yuxi had suffered a fright, in the end, she didn’t sustain any severe damage. The Zhou family had already punished Zhou Shirui, who was still the Han family’s relative. In the end, the matter just ended there.

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