Chapter 264 : Gift

きつね : Sorry for being missing for nearly a week. I had been so busy with my works. 🙇♀️

After finishing their evening meal, Yuxi took Zisu and Caidie out of the courtyard. The courtyard was built under a mountain peak, and just by standing outside the yard, Yuxi looked at spreading shades of dusk. As the clouds turned misty, the surrounding mountains became undulating, and the mountains were beautiful as if she was in a fairyland.

After looking at the same scene, Zisu couldn’t help but sigh. “The scenery here is so beautiful.”

Caidie said something that kind of ruined the beautiful atmosphere. “The view is indeed beautiful, but the room is too sparsely furnished.” The simplicity was so unbearable that she couldn’t even compare it to her home.

Yuxi smiled and said, “When you go out, it’s already good to have shelter from the wind and rain. How can you even compare it to your home?”

Zisu and Caidie fell silent.

Just as Yuxi was about to go back, an ear-piercing cry sounded from the middle of the jungle. When Zisu heard the sound, her face changed dramatically. “Miss, this is the howl of a wolf.”

Yuxi glanced at Zisu and said, “I am sure that this is not the howl of a wolf.” She had heard the sound of a wolf’s howl, which was quite imposing and not as harsh as this sound now. As for what kind of beast’s cry it was, that was unknown.

Caidie was a bit scared. “Miss, let’s go back!” The problem was that if this howling sounded all night, she probably wouldn’t be able to sleep.

Yuxi smiled. “What’s there to be afraid of? It might sound like it’s right in front of us, but actually, that thing doesn’t know how far it is from us!” There must be no dangerous beast that could hurt them here, and that was why Yuxi was not worried at all.

Zisu was also a bit scared. “Miss, we’d better go back!”Her heart started to ooze with panic when she heard that howl.

By this time, it was also dark, so Yuxi did not force the matter any further and took the two back. Once back in their courtyard, Zisu hurriedly bolted the door and then told Momo Quan about it.

Momo Quan frowned for a moment and said, “It is the third lunar month, and all kinds of beasts are running about, so don’t walk around at night.” The third lunar month was the time when everything woke up. The beasts had done with their hibernation and come out to find food themselves. However, there was nothing for them to worry about those beasts in this area.

When Zisu saw Yuxi was reading once more, she urged, “Miss, don’t read anymore. You should go to bed early!” Somehow, her Miss never forgot to read her books all the time!

Yuxi was still holding her book and said without looking back, “I can’t sleep. If you are sleepy, you can go to sleep first!” Although Yuxi had asked them to go to bed early, how would they dare to sleep, not until their master herself had rested? If they did go to sleep, Momo Quan would surely give them another lecture tomorrow.

“Howl……” The sound was obvious in the silent night. When Yuxi heard the sound, she lost control of her hand, and it knocked the candle on the table to the ground.

Zisu and Caidie also heard this howl, and both of them shivered a little. “Miss, what kind of howling is this?” The sound was so creepy.

Yuxi steadied herself and replied, “That’s the cry of a wolf. Forget it. Let’s stop reading and go to sleep!” After saying this, she asked, “Are all the gates, windows and doors outside being locked?”

Zisu nodded hastily and said, “They were all locked.”

Momo Quan came from the next room and said, “Miss, that was a wolf just now. Let’s go to bed early, and we’ll go down the mountain first thing in the morning tomorrow. ” She had never heard of wolves around here before. Otherwise, how would they dare to spend the night here?

They spent the night with trepidation and fear. Yuxi was fine since she didn’t hear any howl after that and quickly fell asleep. Zisu and Caidie, on the other hand, could not close their eyes for the rest of the night.

When Yuxi got up the next day, she noticed the dark circles under their eyes and shook her head. “It’s just a few wolves’ howls. Just look how scared you already are!”

At this time, Momo Quan also came in from outside. Yuxi caught sight of the large black circles around Momo Quan’s eyes and felt a little awkward. Why did she feel like she was the only one who was being muddle-headed and daring?

Zisu said, “Miss, Zijin has also been studying for more than four years. So it’s time for her to come back.” In a situation like last night, if Zijin were around, they would have nothing to fear.

Yuxi was a little hesitant. It had taken Zijin most of the year to get into Master Yang’s eyes, and now she had been learning a lot more day by day.

Momo Quan looked at Yuxi and said, “Miss, Zijin has been learning for four years. With her skills, she is good enough to protect you.” What Momo Quan meant was that when Yuxi had asked Zijin to learn martial arts, she had only wanted to have someone around who knew it just to protect her, not to train a martial arts master. Now that four years had passed, Zijin was already good enough to look after her Miss.

Yuxi nodded and said, “Okay. I’ll write to Zijin when I get back.”

Perhaps influenced by the wolves’ howls yesterday, the morning saw many people descending the mountain. There was an advantage to having this large number of people: since they had somebody to keep them company, they would not be afraid of wild animals.

Back at the State Residence, when Qiu Shi saw the group, she frowned and asked, “Why are you all in such a state after staying overnight in the mountain?” They were all looking so listless.

Yuxi answered with a wry smile, “There had been wolves on the mountain. They were all frightened when the wolves howled for a while last night.” Yuxi was still looking fine despite that situation. But some of the other female guests still had their hearts fluttered with fear when they went down the mountain.

Qiu Shi was shocked to hear about this. When she looked carefully at Yuxi and found that Yuxi was unharmed, she put her mind at ease. “It’s better not to live outside in the future.” If she had known, she would not have let Yuxi go to the Lingshan Temple to offer incense.

That afternoon, Marquis Taining Residence sent quite a few things to the State Residence. Qiu Shi handed Yuxi a small rosewood box and said, “This was quietly given to me by the Lady of Taining’s trusted Momo, saying that it was for you to help you get over your shock.”

So mysterious. Yuxi immediately opened the box and saw a baby palm-sized yupei lying inside. As soon as her hand touched it, her eyes went wide. “This jade……” This jade was surprisingly warm and not even a bit cold.

Qiu Shi noticed that Yuxi’s appearance seemed somewhat unusual. “What’s wrong?” After that, she looked at the piece of yupei inside the box. The yupei was beautifully carved, and its colour and texture were warm and slick, which gave people a warm feeling.

A smile emerged on Yuxi’s face, “Mother, this is warm jade.” Yuxi had only read about it in books, but she never thought she would one day be able to own such a legendary item.

Warm jade refers to jade that is form from high temperature and high pressure condition. Today they are mostly known as nephrite. And the most well-known ‘warm jade’ is Hetian Jade. One of the most expensive jade in ancient China. Visually, it can give a sense of warmth when one lays on it. It is much tougher and lighter than jadeite, another type of jade.

Qiu Shi let out a cry and said, “Yes, it’s a good thing. It should be worth several thousand taels of silver. Since the Lady of Taining has the heart to give it to you, then you can just wear it.”

Hearing this statement, Yuxi didn’t tell Qiu Shi that she couldn’t buy this even if she had money. She just smiled and nodded a little. She took the yupei out and put it around her neck. [+]

The State Residence had just been divided, and many things needed to be done. Thus, Qiu Shi said, “Yuxi, you should go back first.” She still had a lot of things to deal with. However, she didn’t mind this time. She was going to have a much easier life after this hard work anyway.

Back in Taoran House, Yuxi couldn’t stop the smile on her face. Momo Quan smiled and asked, “What good things did the Lady say to Miss just now?” She seldom saw Yuxi looking so cheerful.

Once Yuxi entered the house, she took out the newly-acquired yupei from her neck and answered with a smile, “This was given to me by Lady of Taining just now.” It was a small matter, but what was rare was the Lady of Taining’s intention. Yuxi had been worried that the Lady of Taining didn’t like her, and she would turn her face when she met Yuxi in the future. This yupei dispelled this worry of hers. Since the Lady of Taining had gifted this precious thing, it showed that she had recognised Yuxi as her daughter-in-law.

A smile appeared on Momo Quan’s serious face. “It is indeed a good thing.” With her mother-in-law’s approval and her husband’s affection, marrying into the Chen family would undoubtedly make for a smooth life for Miss.

When Yuxi returned from the mountain, she also kept her promise by asking Guo Daniang to make twelve pieces of pastries to give to the entourage who had followed her to the mountain.

When Qiu Shi found out, she said with a smile, “You girl, if you think they’ve worked hard, just give them some more rewards. Why are you still sending them pastries?” The whole residence knew about Yuxi’s sending of pastries to her entourage.

Yuxi was now not afraid to make a splash and stated, “I promised them at the time that I would each send a piece of pastries made by Guo Daniang when I returned. One has to be a man of one’s words and have to do what one has said.” Even if they were mere subordinates, they couldn’t be fooled.

Qiu Shi spoke out a few words casually on something else instead, “The examination will finish in two days. I just hope Chen Ran can do well this time. When you two get married, you’ll live in honour.” Although her son had said that Chen Ran’s results were outstanding and that the second rank was not that difficult for him to get, she would not be sure until she saw the results. Many talented people had failed in the examination. Under normal circumstances, it would have been fine if they were just unsuccessful, but it would be a big deal if they had to retake the test, as Chen Ran was still young. But the Monk Liao Tong’s words still made Qiu Shi uneasy. She didn’t believe the old bald donkey’s words, but the problem was that others did. If Chen Ran failed the exam, people outside would probably say that Yuxi had brought him down.

Yuxi was not worried at all, and she had confidence in Chen Ran as she said, “Mother, don’t worry. Second Master Chen will pass the exam.” Chen Ran was not like Jiang Hongjin. He did not have an older brother who would keep on suppressing him, and his life had always been smooth. Hence, how could he fail the exam? Moreover, even if Jiang Hongfu restrained Jiang Hongjin by not giving him any hope of earning the title zhuangyuan, just by getting the second rank would not be a problem.

Qiu Shi’s heart was anxious, but she didn’t want to pass on her anxiety to Yuxi. “Well, Mother also hopes that he can pass brilliantly. It’s best if he can get one of the top three positions, then no one will say anything sour about it anymore.”

Yuxi responded with a smile, “Mother, let them say sour words, and don’t worry about those who don’t matter.” Even if those people were sour in their hearts, they would at most chatter in private but still be polite and amiable to the person they talked about.

Qiu Shi nodded her head, but when she remembered that Yuxi would be married in a month or so, she felt a little sad. “I remembered that you were just a palm-sized child when you were born, and now, in the blink of an eye, you’re getting married. How time flies!” In gratitude for Ning Shi’s kindness in saving her youngest son’s life, Qiu Shi made a great effort when Ning Shi was giving birth. Otherwise, Ning Shi would not have been successful in delivering her child.

Mama Li thought that her Lady liked to pick the kettle that was not boiling. This remark from her Lady would surely remind Fourth Miss of her birth mother’s untimely death. “My Lady, didn’t you just say that the kitchen accounts were wrong?”

Qiu Shi was wondering what was wrong with the kitchen accounts. Then she saw Mama Li’s give her a wink. After so many years, they had a tacit understanding of each other, so she nodded and said, “Yes, I had forgotten about that. Yuxi, why don’t you go back first.”

How could Yuxi not see that Mama Li was trying to save her from embarrassment? She just smiled and nodded. “Okay, I’ll go back then.” She didn’t even know how to react to Qiu Shi’s words just now.

When Yuxi had left, Qiu Shi asked, “What is it that I have to avoid saying to Yuxi?” Qiu Shi treated Yuxi like her own daughter, so she never avoided saying anything to her unless it was a private matter.

Mama Lin did not know whether to laugh or cry. “My Lady, you just mentioned the birth of the Fourth Miss, and she will surely think of the late Lady Ning.”

When Qiu Shi heard this, she also felt that she had been saying something inappropriate. “I hope the child doesn’t overthink about it.” The child was a broad-minded one and should not think too much about it.

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