The Last Commander of the Red Alert

Chapter 523: How Did You Discover This?

Chapter 523: How Did You Discover This?

These two rabbits can't possibly be related by blood, can they?

Yun Ru immediately reported the situation here to Su Chen, who promptly contacted Alice to act as a translator.

"Does this Rabbit have parents?"

"It claims not to have any memory of them. It seems it has been in human captivity ever since it was born."

The trail went cold with the Rabbit. According to the Rabbit itself, it was originally an ordinary Rabbit without any intelligence. It gradually gained its own intelligence after consuming the corpses of the Ghost Clan.

In a sense, the Rabbit had evolved.

Normally, natural evolution occurs rapidly and wouldn't progress this quickly, unless there was some catalyst involved.

Clearly, the corpses of the Ghost Clan served as that catalyst, propelling the Rabbit's rapid evolution.

Su Chen now understood that the Ghost Clan was a race created by the Qiluo Civilization researchers who had originally stayed here. So, there might be some traces of the Qiluo Civilization in their bodies, making them potential catalysts.

Who knew what those researchers had left within the bodies of the Ghost Clan?

However, the mutated appearance of the Rabbit was almost identical to the creature Yun Ru and her team had encountered. To say there was no connection between them was something Su Chen couldn't believe.

"That monster has been dormant within the planet's interior. In other words, there's a chance it might awaken again. If I want to control Yan Yun Star, that monster is a threat."

When facing a threat, Su Chen's preferred method was to eliminate it completely. Unfortunately, he hadn't discovered the monster's existence, so that plan was temporarily shelved.

The three of them continued to chat with Taru, hoping to extract some information from him. Occasionally, Taru would also inquire about the outside world, especially recent events. Yun Ru took note of this.

Taru, despite having an instrument that allowed him to see the outside, seemed strangely uninformed about many things, particularly when he heard about the widespread Ghost Clan attacks on humans outside. He fell silent momentarily, something Yun Ru immediately noticed.

However, she pretended not to have noticed, and both sides engaged in a silent confrontation.

Until Yun Ru finally asked her last question, "I have a general understanding now. Mr. Taru, our Commander would like to meet with you."

"Commander? With your weak abilities, you can still get in touch with someone high-ranking?" Taru's voice carried a hint of surprise.

Yun Ru furrowed her brow slightly. Did he think their abilities were weak?

If this got out, it would likely make people laugh!

However, on the other hand, the Qiluo Civilization from back then had nearly ascended to the highest ranks of humanity. That raised the question of just how powerful the original Qiluo Civilization had been.

Suddenly, Yun Ru recalled some related information she had acquired from Death Reaper Les. In this universe, the weakest level of power was at the planetary level, which was where they currently stood. To have a basic presence in the universe, one needed to reach the Small Galaxy level. To truly establish oneself in the universe, one had to possess Constellation-level strength at the very least.

In light of this, Taru might have a point when he considered their abilities weak. He had likely encountered numerous powerful individuals.

"Remove the gravity field outside the tower," Yun Ru said to Taru, and she and her companions had no intention of holding back this time. If he dared to refuse, they wouldn't show any mercy.

Taru immediately went to a nearby device with a glowing orb and said after a moment, "The gravity field outside has been deactivated. I can't fathom how you managed to get through it."

Some time later, Su Chen entered the room with Tanya accompanying him.

Su Chen found this place to be perfect for establishing a new base, one that would be difficult for anyone to discover. Once they mastered the technology for controlling the spatial barrier, this location would be virtually undetectable.

"Are you their Commander? You don't seem all that special," Taru said, thinking their Commander must be some important figure. However, upon closer inspection, he realized she looked like an ordinary person.

But he had no idea that his words had offended Su Chen, Yun Ru, and the others.

Massive Earthbreakers, phantom-like bullets, invisible psychic powers, and Tanya's dual pistols all struck Taru without mercy. This time, they didn't hold back at all, finally breaking through the invisible defense on the surface of the orb.

The iron sphere was sent flying but bounced around inside the room. Its surface appeared undamaged, revealing that this iron sphere was far from ordinary.

Seeing them preparing to attack again, Su Chen stopped them. "Taru, don't you want to know why I've come here to find you?"

The iron sphere finally stabilized after much effort and floated in front of Su Chen. Taru's attitude toward Su Chen was completely different from how he had treated the others. "Why should I care about your business? Just tell me to leave, and I won't!"

Su Chen's lips curled slightly. "Is that so? What if this matter concerns your consciousness?"

With that, a vast surge of psychic power emanated from Su Chen, enveloping the entire iron sphere and intruding within.

Taru was astonished. "You... You actually have psychic powers. How is that possible?"

Afterward, Taru fell completely silent. It seemed as though Su Chen had successfully taken control of him.

Su Chen's expression, however, did not reflect success. He had encountered a problem.

Taru's consciousness was surrounded by a psychic shield, and its power level was far higher than Su Chen's at the moment.

"Is this Qiluo Civilization's psychic technology?" Su Chen was the first to think of this possibility.

Fortunately, this psychic shield only protected Taru's consciousness and couldn't attack. Otherwise, Su Chen might not have been Taru's match.

Separated by the psychic shield, Taru's consciousness took on the form of a somewhat gloomy-looking man. "How did you discover this?" (To be continued)

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