Chapter 522: A Monstrosity

Recreated bodies fell short in every aspect compared to one's original body. This was a consensus among all the Qiluo Civilization individuals, though the specific reasons remained unclear.

Even for the Qiluo Civilization, the study of the human body hadn't reached its zenith.

Upon learning this secret, Taru hurried back to his quarters. He knew he had to do something, or he might be eliminated at any moment, with his identity replaced by his clone.

So, he began to use his wits and finally thought of a solution—contacting the high-ranking officials of the Qiluo Civilization and reporting the situation here.

Yan Yun Star had only one place to contact the high-ranking officials of the Qiluo Civilization. Taru was worried that this location had already fallen into the hands of hidden manipulators, as it was common knowledge that this place allowed contact with the Qiluo Civilization's high-ranking officials.

This contact location was, in fact, a research project. Taru applied to be transferred to that project, giving him many opportunities to get close to the communication hub.

Finally, his application was approved, and Taru breathed a sigh of relief.

However, when he arrived at the project, he realized he had rejoiced prematurely.

Even though he was meeting these people for the first time, he noticed something peculiar—they all seemed to be clones, meaning he was the only original human.

In this situation, Taru didn't believe he had any hope of escaping. Besides, even if he did manage to escape, without a warship or spacecraft, where could he go?

He thought of a way to disrupt the ongoing project, named "Polar Ice Light."

Yes, this device had been left behind by the Qiluo Civilization, not the ancient inhabitants of Yan Yun Star. Originally, this weapon's power, once fully researched, was sufficient to destroy the entire Yan Yun Star. It was considered a formidable weapon. However, Taru managed to damage a critical component, significantly reducing its power to the point where it could only destroy an area the size of a district.

As a result, the project was halted, and Taru, due to a major mistake, was recalled to headquarters, the same place where Yun Ru and the others were. At least here, there were still many non-clone individuals.

Back at headquarters, Taru racked his brains and came up with a plan to turn the tide—muddy the waters.

He knew that, with his solitary strength, he couldn't contend with the hidden manipulator. So, he decided to disrupt the manipulator's plan. If he did that, his true colors would be exposed. In such a scenario, the remaining people might have a chance to fight back.

Since he didn't know who was a clone and who was real, Taru used his permissions to enter a research project with very few participants, known as the "Rapid Clone Annihilation Experiment."

This project had been proposed long ago but had few interested participants. It had remained almost stagnant until now, despite containing some very practical research findings.

Taru discovered that the best way to deal with clones was to find the person responsible for creating them. One person creating numerous clones would surely control their lives.

The problem was, he couldn't identify the hidden manipulator, which was why he was so desperate.

Inside the project, there was another method. Despite being identical to the original person, clones actually had inherent flaws. By amplifying these flaws, the clone would self-destruct.

According to the project's instructions, Taru created a flaw amplifier and began implementing his plan.

Some time later, some individuals at headquarters noticed that the number of researchers seemed to be decreasing. They investigated and discovered something amiss—some researchers had died!

They intended to examine the deceased researchers, but a powerful figure among them intervened. At this point, Taru realized that the mastermind behind it all was the highest-ranking official at headquarters!

He felt his heart grow cold. Only the mastermind behind the scenes would prevent an examination of the clones.

At this point, Yun Ru interjected, "What was the purpose of that official's actions?"

"I don't know. In fact, I'm not very clear about what happened afterward. I faked my own death and transferred my consciousness into this inconspicuous sphere, evading their inspection. My consciousness remained trapped within the material experiment, which had never succeeded. Initially, I thought I had died, but when I woke up, I found myself in this place, with everyone else gone."

To be honest, Yun Ru found this story riddled with loopholes, but she didn't confront him directly.

The most glaring inconsistency was the detailed information at the beginning and the sudden lack of details later on.

According to what he said, if he wasn't confident, why would he do it?

While listening to the story, Yun Ru almost simultaneously conveyed all the information to Su Chen on the other side. She hadn't expected to find another person from the Qiluo Civilization here.

Now the question was, had he really stayed there for so long without ever considering escaping?

No matter how beautiful it might be inside, it was still an uninhabited place, like being imprisoned for countless years. Anyone would want to escape.

"You never tried to leave?" Su Chen asked the question through Yun Ru.

Taru's sphere floated up and down. "No, I couldn't break through the spatial barrier outside. Wait, if you can come in, does that mean I can go out?"

But in the next moment, he changed his tone immediately. "No, there are terrible things outside. I can't go out."

"What terrible things? Do you know?" Yun Ru's eyes turned wary, and her Earthbreaker seemed ready to spring into action.

"Well, I saw it using the only observer available inside headquarters. There's a terrifying monster on Yan Yun Star!" Taru said in a cautious tone.

The iron sphere flew to something resembling a telescope. Yun Ru walked over and peered through a hole, seeing images from Yan Yun Star. However, the view appeared limited.

"I don't see any monster. You're lying!" Yun Ru's eyes narrowed, and she seemed ready to unleash her Earthbreaker.

The iron sphere appeared to have no offensive capabilities and hastily said, "I'm not lying. The monster has only appeared a few times over the years, and most of the time, it has been dormant within the planet's interior."

A monster dormant within a planet's interior, if true, could pose a serious problem.

"What does the monster look like, and what is its strength?" Yun Ru continued to inquire.

"I have some images taken back then. See for yourselves."

The next moment, a holographic image appeared before them. They saw a gigantic... rabbit!

Their first thought was of the rabbit at the base. There was no way around it; these two rabbits looked incredibly similar. The only difference was the color, with this rabbit's colors being reversed, and, most importantly, this rabbit was enormous! (To be continued)

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