The Devil’s love

Chapter 329 - Night Craving

Shrugging it off thinking she must be hungry, he asked, "Are you still mad?"

"Of course, you lied to me," she stated. ​​

"But that wasn't intentional honey, I—"

Cutting him off, she remarked, "So you are trying to tell me that you chose not to tell me about a bizarre crazy woman barging into your office just to see you? And it wasn't intentional?"

"See if you put it that way, it sounds very bad."

"You lied Yichan, just admit it."

Nodding his head in agreement, he sighed, "Fine, yes I lied and I am sorry."

"Great, sleep in some other room today. You are not allowed to enter my room tonight," she stated before dusting her hands and walking away.

Widening his eyes in shock, Yichan tried to protest. "What? Babe—" He then rushed after her, trying very hard to convince her.


Mo base.

Jason's room.

"What are you doing?" Elizabeth asked before entering the room.

"Hey—" Jason smiled at her. "Just work—what are you doing here??

"Hmm I was bored so I thought maybe I'll pay you a visit," she answered before sitting beside him.

"Kiara is not there?"

"Of course she is not and I don't expect to see her anytime soon," she chuckled. Looking at the computer screen, she asked, "What are you doing?"

"I am trying to crack into a system without getting caught," he answered.

"Woah, this looks complicated. What is it about?" She curiously inquired.

Passing her the file, he explained, "We need to find the details of this woman. Apparently she is very important and I cannot make any mistakes."

"Woahh, she died eleven years ago."

"Yeah, we also need to find the cause of her death, the real cause of her death."

Going through the file, she asked, "Do you want some help?"

"Sure, I can use some help but it's gonna be a long night."

"Don't worry about that, I am used to long nights."


Yichan and Ning's place


"Yi—" When he did not move, Ning frowned and shook his arm harder. "Yi, get up."

"Ummm—" he groaned before slowly opening his eyes. Scratching his head, Yichan looked at her with his eyes half open. "Did I oversleep?"


Glancing at the watch, he widened his eyes in shock. "Babe it's one in the morning, why would you wake me up in the middle of the night? Are you sick? Did something happen?"

"No, I just thought maybe you are uncomfortable here so—"

Cutting her off, he asked, "You will let me in the room?" When she nodded her head, he sighed, "Thank you, I was so cold and—"

"I am hungry—" When he frowned, she added, "I want pritzers and ice cream."

"Ning, it's 1:00 am," he groaned.

"If you get me pritzers and ice cream then I'll let you inside the room and also hug you to sleep. I won't be mad anymore as well," she stated, leaving him with no other choice.

Yichan on the other hand, quickly rushed towards his room, grabbed his coat and car keys before rushing outside to get what his wife wanted.


Mo Base.

"That is not true—"

"Of course it's true, you were very mean to me," Elizabeth remarked.

Shrugging his shoulders, Jason defended himself. "I thought you were some guy so—"

"So? Even if I was a guy, would things be different?"

"Of course it would be different. If you were a guy, you would definitely not be this cute and beautiful, things would have been very different," he stated.

Crossing her arms in the front, she scoffed, "Aren't you getting better and chessy?"

"As long as it works, who cares?"." Winking at her, Jason closed his laptop.

Scrunching her bow, she asked, "Wait, why are you closing it? I thought we were pulling an all-nighter."

"Well, I thought we should take a break and grab something to eat before getting into the next part."

"I don't take breaks," she remarked.

Shrugging his shoulders, he explained, "I was like you when I had first started learning tech and other stuff. I would work without breaks continuously for hours, there were times when I did not sleep for forty-eight hours. At that time, someone told me that thought knowledge and skill is power, health is wealth. If there is no health, your knowledge and power is useless. So the moral of the story is, take breaks in between your work and stay healthy."

"Who told you this? Boss?"

"You won't believe me who it was—" Jason chuckled, "Linhou."


He nodded his head and answered, "Apparently he read it somewhere and came rushing to me. We were still young at that time so I happened to listen to him and those words kinda left a print in my mind."

"How long have you two known each other?"

"Linhou and me?" When she nodded her head, he added, "We were rescued together from an orphanage by boss, we were eleven at that time and we joined the clan by choice when we were eighteen."

"You were given a choice?"

"Of course we were, either we could do what we want, join Mo corporation or be here." Pausing for a while, he asked, "Why? Were you not?"

"Hmm, I guess not—I mean, after grandpa Bai found us, we were schooled as well as trained since a very young age so—"

"So if given a chance, what would you wanna be?"

Shrugging her shoulders, Elizabeth answered, "I really don't know, I can't see myself anywhere else you know. I just feel like I belong here and this is what I am supposed to do. This is my destiny and I love it."


Downtown 24/7 cafe.

After ordering some Pritzers and ice cream, Yichan patiently waited for his order. Glancing at the watch, he sighed. It was 1:30 and here he was waiting for pritzers instead of sleeping. But he couldn't help it, since his wife wanted pritzers, so he had to get them.

"Woah dude, what are you doing here?"

"I can ask you the same question."

Sitting beside him, Guiren answered, "I am here to get pritzers for Meili."


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