The Devil’s love

Chapter 328 - Do You Still Love Me?

"Babe I was standing right in front of you and I even called you out, how could you not see me?"

"I don't know, you tell me," she snapped. ​​

"Wh—did I do something?" he asked, not understanding what was wrong. Everything was fine when they left for work in the morning. Was she mad because he did not accompany her to see her parents? But he was willing to accompany her, it was she who told him not to and that she would be fine by herself.

Scrunching his brows, he started thinking what he might have done which triggered his wife. As he was busy figuring it out, he saw Ning place a dress on the bed.

"Are we going somewhere?"

"I am going," she answered.

"Alone?" When she didn't say anything, he asked, "Where?"

"Grandpa's place."

"Okay, I will go to grandpa's place too," he stated before walking towards his wardrobe.

"Why don't you stay at home? Maybe someone will come and visit you in my absence," she remarked. Before Yichan could react, she added, "And this time maybe you can try not lying to me."

Still not understanding what she was hinting at, he stood there all confused feeling very wronged. "You are making it sound like I am having an affair or something, which even you know is not the truth."

"When I am not with you, I am working and when I am with you, I don't even look at my phone. And lying? When have I ever lied to you? Forget about lying, I never keep anything away from you. I even tell you the number of times I drink coffee each day and yet you are—"

Cutting him off, Ning snapped, "So you don't lie to me?"

"Never," he exclaimed with full confidence.

"Why didn't you tell me about Angella?"

"Ohhh—" Awkwardly clearing his throat, Yichan tried to explain himself. "Actually I was about to tell you but—"

"But you didn't? That's great."

"Babe—" he sighed. "I didn't think it was important, okay? And besides, does it even matter?"

"Of course it does." Looking at him with teary eyes, she asked, "Do you even love me anymore? Today you start lying, keeping things away from me. What's next now? You will sell this house without my consent or maybe change our bed and—" Stopping midway, she started sobbing.

Yichan widened his eyes in shock and panicked when she started crying. "Babe—" he remarked before pulling her into his embrace. "Why are you crying?"

Vigorously shaking her head, she answered, "I don't know, I just feel like crying."

"Come here." Making her sit on the edge of the bed, he knelt in front of her. "I didn't tell you because I thought it wasn't a big deal. And didn't want to ruin your mood by mentioning her."

"So you lied—"

Cutting her off, he shook his head. "No babe, that is not a lie. I just kept something away from you."

Wiping her tears with the back of her, she sniffled. "I thought you never keep anything away from me. Do you not love me anymore? Is there someone else?"

"What? Who someone else? There is no one, okay? You are my one and only." Wiping her tears, he sighed. "Why would you cry like this? You know I don't like when you cry."

"I don't know why I am crying," she remarked.

Grabbing her hand, he kissed her knuckles. "Of course I love you, why are you even thinking about such things? I didn't tell you because I thought it wasn't important and I didn't want to ruin our mood by mentioning people who are not important."


"Okay? That's it?" When she did not say anything, he asked, "Are you not mad anymore?"

"I am but I will be okay if you get some large fries, pizza, a soft drink and some dessert," she demanded.

Raising his brows, he asked, "You wanna have a pizza?" When she nodded her head, he remarked, "But you never eat junk."

When she glared at him, he quickly got up and rushed outside.


30 minutes later.

Looking at the food, Ning asked, "What did you bring for yourself?"

"Huh?" Yichan frowned. "It's a lot of food so I thought we could share."

"Okay." Sitting on her seat, she added, "I thought maybe Angella invited you over for dinner or maybe she might be visiting you so—"

Helplessly shaking his head, he sighed and sat down beside her. He knew these kinds of comments won't end anytime soon. Well, this is the price he has to pay for keeping things away from his wife.

While Ning was busy eating, Yichan stepped out when he received a call. "Babe, I'll be back soon." When she nodded her head, he left.


Living room.

"What is it?"

"Boss, the details you asked me to find out, it will take some time," Jason informe.

"Why?" Yichan inquired. He had given Jason to find out more details about Lucas' mother

"Well, it's kinda complicated actually. I need some time to figure out the system."

"Okay, take your time but I want valid results." Yichan wanted to confirm all the possibilities before passing on the results to Roger. He didn't want to give Lucas an inauthentic information about his mother.

"Okay boss, I'll get back to you soon," Jason answered.

"How is Linhou? I haven't heard from him for many days," he asked.

"Linhou is fine, he is just busy with field work."

"Hmm, tell him to come and meet me in my office tomorrow," Yichan instructed before hanging up the call.


After talking to Jason when Yichan returned to the dining space, Ning was still eating.

When he sat down and peeped into the pizza box, he was surprised when it was already half empty.

Looking at his wife who was shoving fries inside her mouth, he gulped wondering what was wrong with her. Though she liked eating junk at times, she avoided it at night and even if she did end up eating, it was never more than a slice or two.


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