The Devil’s love

Chapter 109 - Narrow-minded And Sly

When Muchan did not say anything, Roger laughed harder. "Fools like always."

"We know how and when we are supposed to take action unlike you Roger. And trust me, you would've been dead by now if not for my work ethics and professionalism. I am honest in what I am doing. So no matter how much I wanted you dead, as a doctor I couldn't let you die but trust me, outside this hospital walls and without this white coat, I am not so merciful and kind. And it's the same for all the boys. At least I am helpless at times because of my profession but Yichan, I mean who better than you knows how Yichan is right?" When Roger frowned, Muchan smirked and left. ​​

A few minutes later, Roger shouted, "Latif."

Latif, who was standing outside the room trying very hard to contact Rogers' father, rushed inside the room when his boss called him. "Yes boss."

"Call Ning." Roger shouted.

"But-" When Roger glared at him, Latif quickly fished out Rogers phone from his pocket and punched in Ning's number before passing him the phone.

When Ning did not receive the call, Roger frowned deeper.

Tossing the phone aside, Roger got down from the bed and ordered, "Get the car ready, we are going to Yang corporation."

Latif widened his eyes in shock and tried to stop Roger. "But boss, you are not supposed to leave the hospital."

"Do what you are told to." Roger shouted.


Mo base.

With his sleeves folded up to his elbow, Yichan was glaring at the screen.

Jason, who was sitting right beside him, couldn't help but gulp in nervousness. The aura his boss emitted when he was angry was extra suffocating.

"Ehh Boss, what do we do next? Linhou is still in the location with Yufan boss and they are already done dealing with them."

"The day Roger steps into the country, our men get attacked, this cannot be just a coincidence right?" Guiren asked.

Turning towards Jason, Yichan asked, "He is still in the hospital right?"

"Let me check."

After a few seconds when Jason frowned, Yichan raised his eyebrows and asked, "What is it again?"

"He is not in the hospital."

Guiren frowned and asked, "What do you mean? Where is he then?"

"H-He is in Yang corporation."


Yang corporation.

Inside Ning's office.

"Boss is in a meeting right now so you have to wait."

Settling down on the couch when Roger nodded his head, the employee left.

Latif who was standing outside couldn't stop but panic for his boss. He knew what his boss was trying to do. Apart from the fact that his boss had deep feelings for Yang Ning for quite some time now, he knew Roger was also purposeful trying to provoke Mo Yichan.

Since Roger and Ning were old acquaintances, getting access to her office wasn't tough because this wasn't the first time he was visiting her.

After sometime when Ning came out of the meeting room all tired and frustrated, she frowned when she saw Latif standing outside her office.

When Latif saw Ning, he politely greeted her. "Ms Yang."

Ning nodded her head and asked, "What are you doing here? Is he inside?"

When Latif nodded his head, Ning scrunched her brows. She had a very horrible meeting and wanted to see her husband. She wanted to cuddle in his embrace and rant to him about how irritating and frustrating the presentation was. She really didn't have the time and energy to deal with Roger.

Though Yichan didn't tell her anything, she could vaguely guess that there was something going on between Yichan and Roger. She could see anger and disappointment in Yichan's eyes when she told him about Roger but she still didn't force him to tell her everything. She knew that eventually, her husband would tell her everything.

Without saying anything, Ning entered her office.

When Roger saw Ning, he quickly got up and rushed towards her but stopped midway when he felt a slight pain in his chest.

Not wanting her to know about his illness, Roger gritted his teeth and balled his hand into a fist and endured the pain.

"Ning I-"

"What are you doing here? I mean why didn't you call me before coming to my office?" Ning asked.

Noticing the change in her tone, Roger frowned. This wasn't the way she used to greet him. Where was the sweet little welcome smile when she greeted him in the past?

"I just arrived in the country so I decided to pay you a visit. Did I disturb you?" Roger asked.

"I had taken three days off so I am very busy today. Pending meetings, appointments, unattended files, there are many things I have to do." Ning answered. In other words, she meant that he was indeed disturbing her.

"Oh actually I was hoping that we would go out for lunch in our usual place and-"

Cutting him off, Ning smiled, "You do know that I am married right?"

Roger smiled and nodded his head. "Yes, I do but that doesn't mean you cannot have lunch with an old friend. Or is your husband so narrow minded and sly that he wouldn't allow you to."

Walking towards her desk, Ning answered, "Having lunch with a friend whether is a man or a woman is completely okay. In fact, when I told my husband about the text that you had sent me, he was the one who told me to go ahead and meet you. So you see, he isn't narrow minded or sly but I am."

When Roger gave him a confused look, Ning added, "I was super mad when one of his childhood friends who was also his one day fiancée called him a couple of days ago and I even warned him to get rid of her as soon as possible. Forget about that shitty fiancée of his, I would be mad even if he goes out to have lunch with any female companion even if nothing is going on between them. So as you can see, I am the narrow minded and sly one here not my husband."

"But aren't we just two normal friends? What problem do you have going out for lunch with me? Everything is still the same, nothing has changed." Roger added.


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