Taking the top from his hand, Nuying quickly got down from the desk. "You should go fast, I'll arrange everything and leave later."

Buttoning his shirt, Muchan vigorously shook his head, "Oh no no, don't leave. I'll come back as soon as possible and then we can continue…..I mean, we can continue talking over this matter and mutually decide what is best for us." ​​

"But how will you go out like this? I mean-" looking at the huge bulge on his pants, Nuying added, "Wouldn't that look weird?"

"Umm you should put on your top first because you standing like this in front of me is not helping but it's definitely making things worse."

Nuying quickly wore her top and was about sat something when Muchan inched closer and grabbed Nuying's hand and asked, "Do you want to quickly help me out?"

Nuying blushed vigorously and slowly nodded her head but before they could make any move, the nurse standing outside started banging on the door louder.

"Dr Zhang, it's an Emergency."

"Okay, I guess we don't have time for that but stay here okay? I'll be back as quickly as I can." Muchan reminded her once again.

"Hmm, we can do it some other time too. I mean-"

Cutting her off, Muchan vigorously shook his head, "No no no, it's happening today. Just wait for me."

"Okay but my phone is dead and I-"

Fishing out his phone from his pocket, Muchan added, "Here, you can do whatever you want with it. I'll be right back."

After Muchan left, Nuying started fixing the mess that they had created before calling her brother. She was supposed to arrive home early in the morning and have breakfast with them but unexpected events and situations had prevented her from going home so she needed to inform them.

"Hello brother Feng?"

"Nu? Is that you?" Shaofeng asked.

"Hmm, it's me. I am stuck somewhere with a friend so I'll come home later. You don't have to wait for me okay? Tell dad that I'll be there by evening and we can have dinner together."

"Yeah that is fine but isn't this Dr Zhang's number? What are you doing with him?" Shaofeng asked.

Nuying widened her eyes in shock and asked, "Y-you happen to know him?"

"He is dad's cardiologist. Dad has been seeing him for a couple years now but how do you know him?"

"Ehhh-that-Muchan..I mean Dr Zhang happens to be a very good friend of Ning's and Mei's husband's so I met him yesterday at the resort."

"And what are you doing with him right now?" Shaofeng asked.

"Oh haha nothing much. I am going out with Mei and Ning but my phone is dead and I borrowed Dr Zhang's phone to give you a call. I am not hanging out with him or something like that so we are good. Okay so gotta go now, bye." Hanging up the call, Nuying tossed Muchan's phone aside and breathed a sigh of relief.


Emergency room.

Balling his hand into a fist, Muchan gritted his teeth when he saw Roger lying on the bed with his eyes half open.

The nurses and other doctors kept on running around but Muchan stood there rooted on the ground.

"Dr Zhang, his heart is not responding." Another doctor shouted.

With different kinds of emotions building up in his heart, Muchan was contemplating whether he should help him or just let him die. Wouldn't things turn back to normal if Roger dies?

For the first time in his life, Muchan's personal affair was stopping his professional self from making a move.

With his eyes half open, Roger mockingly smirked before passing out.


Yang Corporation.

Pressing the elevator button, Ning chuckled and helplessly shook her head. "Like seriously? You are already late for your meeting Yi."

"No, I am not at all late. Okay maybe a little but this is important to. The employees of Yang corporation should know that their boss has married the handsome Mo Yichan." Yichan insisted on dropping Ning to her office on the top-most floor saying that he wanted to mark his presence in Yang corporation.

"Why are you so thick skinned? Wait, you weren't so thick skinned earlier." Ning asked.

"Your love has made my skin thick. Wait not only my skin, many things are becoming big and thick." Yichan added.

Smacking his arm, Ning pinched his waist. "Filter your words Mr Mo. I don't allow people to cuss in my office."

"Alright ma'am, no cussing."

They were about to enter the elevator when Yufan called Yichan.

"Hmm, alright I'll be right there." Yichan said before hanging up the call.

"What happened? Is something wrong?" Ning asked.

When Yichan shook his head, Ning added, "If it's important then you should go, I'll call you when I am done with work and then we can go home together."

Kissing her forehead, Yichan nodded his head and left.



Five hours later.

When Roger woke up, he had several tubes attached to his body while Latif was sitting right beside him.

"Sir you are awake? Let me call the doctor."

After Latif left, Roger removed his oxygen mask and started taking out the tubes from his body. Clutching on the side of the bed,he forced himself up and was about to set down from the bed when Latif arrived with the doctor.

"Mr Williams please, don't get down." The doctor quickly rushed towards him and prevented Roger from getting down from the bed.

"You weren't supposed to get up until tomorrow but-" The doctor was actually shocked and surprised when Latif told him that Roger had woken up.

"I told you that sedatives don't work on him." Muchan said before entering the room along with a nurse.

Lying down, Roger let out a mocking chuckle. "Stupid."

Without paying attention to his remark, Muchan gestured the nurse to check Roger's blood pressure but when Roger jerked his hand off, Muchan gestured the other doctor and nurse to leave.

"Only when I thought you people wouldn't be as stupid as you were in the past, there you are again." Roger mockingly said.


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