The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 390 - Masters Of Sin (I)


Saehtyn frowned while continuing to look at the woman before him. This particular demon was one that many sought, yet never managed to taste. In a sense, she was lauded as the forbidden fruit of the Nihilistic Rings. Always tempting, but never allowing the actual deed to take place. 

However, the way she teased Saehtyn was many times worse in comparison. Because, unlike the others, he didn't fall victim to the temptations of her otherworldly features, or the behavior that matched it. Thus, his reactions intrigued her into sparing no efforts in trying to break his willpower.

"Oh, come on big boy~ Don't look at me like that. I'm more than just a Lord, don't I deserve some affection as well?" Asmidia cooed, stepping next to Saehtyn as she dragged her finger around his body. However, Saehtyn's gaze remained stoic, unaffected by the tempting practices of this demoness with a devilish figure.

Asmidia, in particular, was a female demon that embodied all the qualities likened to features that would incite the most petrifying lust. Her teal hair reaching her hips fluttered in the wind as if set adrift by an ever-present breeze that graced her presence alone. This caused a tingling scent to waft into the nose of anyone who bore witness to her allure.

Her willowy waist dipped on both sides, creating a scene that should be otherwise impossible. Not to mention, a pair of slender, unblemished legs accompanied her thin waist. Instead of the usual reddish skin tone of a demon, hers was a perfect mix of cream and white to form a combination that attracted the eyes of all.

In addition to her behavior, her outfit matched as well, barely covering the most tantalizing parts of her body. Her tight-fitted suit seeming to be made from a glossy black material was barely enough to keep any of her assets from spilling out.

Still, Saehtyn didn't fall victim to the dangerous power in her grasp. In fact, most of the energy she used to lull others was burned upon coming within 1 meter of Saehtyn. Part of this was his doing, but it was mostly the doing of Ira, which for some reason detested the presence of Luxuria.

Aware of this matter, Asmidia's bond with Luxuria only served to deepen her desire to corrupt Saehtyn, even if it took forever.

"Watch where your hands travel lest you no longer possess them by the grace of dawn," Saehtyn threatened while just barely looking in Asmidia's direction.

"Ooh~ I'm so sorry. Will you finally do me in~? Yes please, I want you to destroy me," Asmidia said with a giggle. Not only did Saehtyn's threat have no effect, it even excited the odd woman!

In return, Saehtyn could only groan before emitting a dreadful heatwave to create some distance between them, but Saehtyn soon found it to be pointless. 'I hate this power of hers.'

Before Saehtyn released that wave, a dense cloud of pink mist engulfed Asmidia, which allowed her to disappear completely. But, once Saehtyn stopped, she reappeared in the exact same position. Clearly, his actions were ineffective.

"No no no~ Honey, you can't stop me from getting what I want once my mind is set on it. How about you just come and have one taste, I promise you'll get addicted~," Asmidia whispered softly with an endearing wink.

"I'm surprised, I was actually beat to a task. Although I didn't want to appear here in the first place," A voice dripping with pride echoed throughout the room. Suddenly, a dark portal opened to reveal a demon with golden hair draping over his shoulders while being dressed in dark armor resembling a suit. 

Saehtyn's expression darkened as soon as he heard this person's voice. Partly because he detested this individual, but truly because he sensed 4 more similar portals opening in quick succession.

"What is this? Is my quarters some kind of meeting area? Just why have all of the Lords appeared within my personal quarters? We could have easily convened at the Council Space. And, you! Lucifer! You have the gall to appear here?!" Saehtyn snarled.

Lucifer merely chuckled in return, "I have the gall to do anything I please. Do you believe you can stop me?" 

Again, Saehtyn seethed even further after experiencing Lucifer's insufferable arrogance. 

Meanwhile, Asmidia bit her finger in thought while looking between Lucifer and Saehtyn. Finally, she couldn't help herself, "Mmn, it's hot when you two argue. Lucifer, you're just as much of an enigma as Saehtyn is. Why do you never call upon me~?"

"Because you can't handle me, and I know the true you. Not this facade that Luxuria has turned you into. Therefore, I have no reason to call up you, nor are you up to par with my worth," Lucifer answered with a scoff.

Asmidia gripped her cheeks while smiling unusually, "Mmm, so confident. And, you scold me just right. Maybe you would be better to punish me when I've been naughty!"

But, after giving his opinion on the matter, Lucifer didn't speak again. Instead, he turned his attention towards the 4 figures appearing from within the portals.

"Belphegor, Mammon, Abaddon, and Beelzebub," Saehtyn groaned before once again taking a seat in his chair. Every Lord of Sin was now present in his quarters, and from their expression, they all came for a single reason.

A demon with a sloppy appearance and oversized belly sucked on a large bone while looking around the room, "Hahaha! I see you removed all signs of edible ware from this place, but do you think you can stop me?"

"No, forget edible. Point me in the direction of his valuables. I'm sure he has acquired quite the collection over the years. It'd only be right before me to peruse his things, no?" Another demon with a haggard appearance said while cackling and rubbing his hands together with excitement.

Meanwhile, Abaddon the Unmatched Sloth, the only one separate from the rest, lazed against a pillar while sighing, "I know I'm one to avoid the problem, but I had to leave the embrace of my Eternal Cushion, so why don't we just hurry this up."

"Eternal Cushion; you have one of those? Tch.. and why isn't my tower as large as this one? I don't like it at all," Beelzebub snarled while revealing his undisclosed jealously.

  As a result of this union, the room fell into chaos, as nothing but bickering ensued. Since each of them possessed a thorough link to their Sin, all of their personality were morphed to draw upon the strongest power possible.

Fortunately, Saehtyn had enough, causing him to slam the bottom of his ax against the floor. A fiery shockwave undulated throughout the room before he could gain all of their attention. "You are all obviously here for a reason, so how about we just deal with that matter before anything?"

"Very well, you are correct. We need to address how we will react to the presence of that aura not too long ago. Didn't we agree that the creation of households were henceforth forbidden? So who was foolish enough to ignore this," Lucifer revealed.

Towards this question, no one had an answer. But, Lucifer wasn't done. From his expression, it was clear he intended to place the blame somewhere.

"The origin of the ripple seems to be Ashiraem. Or, we wouldn't have all come here. Wouldn't you agree?"

"Mm, I just came to see this handsome and strapping fellow," Asmidia commented with a wink.

"I just required more food. If there is some present, point in the direction," Belphegor shrugged as well, continuing to suck on his bone.

"I sensed something, but it should've come from my Ring, because I would have handled it accordingly," Beelzebub chimed in.

Again, a bunch of nonsensical murmured circulated the room, making Saehtyn how any of these fools managed to become a Lord. Each of them focused on inane things!

"As you should know, the origin was this ring. We were merely the first to receive the signal," Saehtyn corrected.

"Still, if you're first, that means the creation was closest to you. Meaning that someone doesn't respect you. Could you be losing control of your Ring?" Lucifer said with a condescending smirk.

"Presumptuous! Watch your words, because your Ring will fall before mine."

"If that is what you truly believe, then why don't you scan your ring for the culprit, Saehtyn?"

Eventually, everyone started to agree with Lucifer, but if they were being honest, this place wasn't as remarkable as it was in the past. But, that was Saehtyn's intention because of a past incident involving these fools.

Namely, Belphegor, Mammon, and Beelzebub. These three alone were enough to rob anyone blind in the matter of a single night!

Nevertheless, Saehtyn still attempted to scan his Ring to prove his innocence, however his expression soon changed after realizing he couldn't.

"I...can't scan my Ring," Saehtyn said. 

"What do you mean, you can't scan your ring? Could you be losing your power as well," Lucifer answered with a derisive tone.

"Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?! Am I speaking a language you don't understand, fool? As I have disclosed, I can't!" Saehtyn seethed after receiving Lucifer's derision."

"Tsk, I should have expected as much from you. Luckily, I left my avatar within Suprenis. I'll just have to…" Gradually, Lucifer's words slowed and his expression turned into one match Saehtyn's.

"What is the meaning of this?! I can't scan my Ring either," Lucifer boom with a distraught expression. Immediately, he thought someone was attempting to overthrow him, hence his strong reaction.

But, after convincing the others, they attempted the same thing and all failed. As this situation was unprecedented, they all asked the same question.

"Just what type of household was made and just what has it done!? The order has been disturbed!"

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