The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 389 - Effects Of Past Actions, A Newcomer


Now that Apollo and his minions were back in Ashiraem, obviously, he came with a plan in mind. If not, why would he be here? As for the matters of where Valac was found, naturally, that was a stronghold. However, the layout of Suprenis was vastly different from Ashiraem.

Unlike Suprenis, which housed numerous strongholds headed by either strong Greater Demons, or some Archdemons, Ashiraem's current situation was much different. Strongholds were not only scarce, but information regarding their locations was scarce as well.

Especially now, after every demon alive experienced the aftereffects of Apollo reawakening the slumbering Dominus Household. As a result of its rebirth, the Rings were in a state of discord. Although most demons didn't understand the unusual wave that hurtled through the Nihilistic Rings, it was a different story for some others demons.

For example, the Lords who possessed close ties to the Sin's primal sources and the council. After all, if that aura truly symbolized the activation of a household, then surely that household was headed by a demon on a conquest. There was an intent to dominate embedded within the deepest recesses of that wave's signature.

"Although I am the leader, your opinions hold weight as well. So, what do you guys suppose we do in this situation? Do we head towards that grand tower in search of something to occupy us, or do we settle within these outskirts and forge something unique to us?" Apollo questioned abruptly after turning towards the demons behind him.

For a while, everyone was silent with pensive expressions as they pondered Apollo's question. However, Jorgun merely looked at Apollo while chewing on his forefinger. Evidently, he didn't possess any input towards this decision. Out of all the demons, his intelligence was amongst the lowest.

In short, Jorgun was all brawn, no brain. But, Apollo could easily make do with this because everyone played a special role. If everyone possessed identical strengths, how would they synergize properly? Differences were needed to truly augment one another strengths while filling in the gaps of their weaknesses.

Meanwhile, the others realized that each decision posed its benefits. The latter—choosing to settle within the outskirts and created something unique was as it sounded. It would be a unique construct under Apollo's sole possession. If they took this route, it offered them unhindered freedom, as well as the element of surprise.

However, that element of surprise only went so far. Sooner rather than later, they'd be vulnerable to attacks on all sides from various types of demons since it was an uncharted area. If a stronghold appeared out of nowhere, and the demons in the area vanished, obviously that would soon raise red flags for the leaders of this Ring.

Contrarily, the former—taking control of an occupied stronghold—eliminated the need for initial funds steep enough to cover the expenses of creating brand new constructs. But, if the stronghold they chose was too strong, then it was bound to have forces littered throughout the ring. 

Again, this particular development would paint too much of a target on their back. Causing a large scene at this stage in his plans would only inhibit its progress. Of course, there were ways to work around the issues of both choices.

As such, Sapphyr was the first to speak up, "I suggest we go with the former, my Lord. Even though it would be nice to have something of our own, don't we already own something that belongs to us? We merely need to find it. So, it's in our best wishes to find a victim to take advantage of."

Apollo smiled upon hearing this answer, "Look at you acclimating to your desires already. I'm sure this isn't something you would say prior to your transformation. I'm pleased by your progress," Apollo praised.

In response, Sapphyr presented a charming smile before averting her gaze from Apollo. Because of his Deluging Luxuria Stigmata, Sapphyr felt as if she would fall into a quagmire of lust if she looked at him for too long, especially when he praised her like that.

Nonetheless, Apollo shifted his gaze around, "Any other suggestions? How about you Furcas, you seem as if you want to reveal something?"

As a Demonic Diviner, Furcas was amongst the top decision-makers on the team, so it was only natural that Apollo sought his input on this decision. And, after being called upon, his opinion came quick.

"I agreed with the lady. According to the dark stars, it'd be ill-advised to create a fresh stronghold. Especially in this ring. For now, it doesn't appear to affect us greatly, but there is a strong disturbance in the fate of this ring," Furcas revealed.

"What do you mean?" Fuhrer questioned immediately, narrowing his dreadful eyes.

"Well, while it doesn't face destruction, Ashiraem will certainly be afflicted with a plague. Whether this is literal or just an allusion, I'm uncertain. All I know is that the signs are quite potent. They may even be on par with your Fuhrer," Furcas admitted with a solemn expression. 

"If that's the case, then we'll settle for the majority decision. Now, all we need to do is compile information on the strongholds in this ring. Can I leave that up to you, Fuhrer?" Apollo questioned. After all, he experienced firsthand the strength of Fuhrer's perception while back in Astarat. It was capable of enveloping most of the world!

Unfortunately, Fuhrer's expression seemed odd after hearing Apollo's request. "I would do so without hesitation for you. But, there is truly something amiss. I'm not sure if it's because of the awakening of our original household, but the entire ring is engulfed in an aura that I can't penetrate with my current level of mental force."

"Is that so," Apollo muttered with a small frown. 'Could my own actions be putting a wrench in my plans? Is this what they called taking a sip from a poisoned chalice? Could awakening the household truly have caused this? Or, does this tie into Furcas' revelation.

Despite Fuhrer word's, Apollo didn't believe that this was the result of his actions. Immediately, his thought traveled back into the past, extremely far in fact. So much so, he looked to Azridan for assistance.

'Azridan, can you sense what they speak of?'

[I can. Now that you're many times stronger, your perception is even more effective than you know. As for the energy veiling this Ring. It's actually, Fuhrer's except it's been tampered with using an energy on par with his own.]

Apollo's eyes widened when he heard this. How could that be possible? The barrier of the Nihilistic Rings existed for eons and did so without the faintest sign of growing weak. But, everyone overlooked an action of Fuhrer.

[The breach was small, but whoever introduced this energy was skillful enough to weave it in a way that would eventually nullify the entire thing. And, it seems they entered through a lapse. If anything, it's only a matter of time before the Nihilistic Rings face the wars I once read on the tablets.]

"Fuhrer," Apollo called out in a grim tone, gaining Fuhrer's attention. This was a tone Apollo seldomly use. He then continued after receiving his undivided attention, "When you went up against the Goliath, who was stronger?"

Briefly, Fuhrer's expression changed as he faced this odd question, but then he recounted the experiences of that abnormal dimension and recalled a matter he completely overlooked, "At first, it was the Goliath. But, then I tapped into my original power; the one guarding the realm."

"And, because of that, something, or someone managed to take advantage of the barrier's instability. A foreign energy decays the barrier as we speak," Apollo announced. Not just Fuhrer, all of the demons present revealed mortified expressions.

"It must be someone from one of the three races then!" Fuhrer snarled, which caused a burst of dark energy to flare around him. Now that he tapped into his berserk power, his fuse was even shorter. Though, their current predicament was one that warranted anger.

However, it wasn't all bad. Because, if utilized properly, this was a piece of information that would be valuable to those in power. For example, the ones who didn't wish to lose their luxurious statuses.

"That's okay. A reenactment of the past only means that the same forces need to rise once again. Perhaps this isn't all bad. Maybe we can forge our ideal race in the flames of perilous wars. Give me more information about this place. From what I sense, there only seems to be one hub on this ring," Apollo said, raising his hand to Fuhrer.

Finally calming himself after a while, Fuhrer imparted the knowledge he possessed about Ashiraem. Since this was a ring of destruction and fire, settlements barely survived.

However, with Saehtyn as the guardian of that zone, the flames weren't allowed to bubble out of control. As a result, there existed a single civilization on Ashiraem, and it was known as Firaria, the Hellish Land.

Because it was one of a kind, it was the only place Apollo could target. That place marked the origin of his conquest!

Apollo unfurled his wings with a strong gust of black winds, 'It seems like we'll be heading there anyway. We'll just have to lay low until it is time.' Apollo thought.

Eventually, everyone rushed towards that position. Those who could fly stuck to the ground at insane speeds, while those like Apollo, Valac, and Sapphyr took to the skies, leaving a trail of demonic energies in their wake. 

Meanwhile, while the entire Dominus Household rushed towards Firaria, Saehtyn's fiery visage reacted to the presence of someone in the room. "Hmm? What brings you here?"

"What? I can't just visit a succulent man for no reason," A coy voice answered. Both playfulness and soul-stirring temptation meld as one inside this statement.

Hearing this voice, Saehtyn showed a small frown, "Asmidia, when will you stop your tactics? You're a Lord, so you need to fortify that image."

"Mm, I dunno~ Why don't you spank me because I've been naughty girl?" 

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