The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 363 - Sublimation Of Seven Sins


In light of the emissions from Apollo's body, the Goliath's eyes widened with realization, "A damned evolution?! No wonder you have been protecting him. However, your expectations are futile. Your fates are inevitable!'


The Goliath charged relentlessly towards Apollo. For some odd reason, he felt uneasy about Apollo's evolution. It wasn't direct, but it was still evident enough to enter the Goliath's radar.

While Apollo's momentum wasn't terrifyingly strong, Fuhrer was already enough of a headache. If another troublesome enemy appeared, then his chances of escaping lessened dramatically. If life wasn't so precious to him, he wouldn't have set up this intricate place to restore his lost vitality.

After all, the battle of the races was truly a cataclysmic event, leaving marks of its terror upon each of its participants. Whereas the Demons were forced to go into hiding, the Titans experienced mass damage to their ranks. Several Goliaths lost their lives, and their superiors—the few Colussus were left in an adverse state.

A desperate animal was one who put up the fiercest fight. And, desperate the First Monarch was at that time. 

"I'd like to see you step past me," Fuhrer said with an intimidating pressure whilst also brandishing Brynhildr. Unlike the others who failed to track Fuhrer's sword once aimed at them, the Goliath stopped in his tracks with a deepening glare.

At a glance, it seemed like Fuhrer was attacking but in truth; it was two strikes weaved together. The interlocking attacks fulfilled both an offensive and defensive role, forming a powerful barrier before him.

Furthermore, being composed of void energy, it was extremely difficult to perceive.

However, as a race sensitive to energy, the Goliath could sense the discrepancies in his surroundings. As void energy was famed for its intangible and often elusive properties, it was the optimal energy for internal attacks.

Thus, the Goliath remained wary of this strike.

Contrary to what one would believe, the Titans also possessed a glaring weakness. Their outer physique drained most of their energy. And, because of its properties, their robust physique was only present to guard the weakness birthed by their innate constitution.

Though their external physique was powerful, once the shell was bypassed, they were akin to fragile glass. Needless to say, with his extensive knowledge, Fuhrer was well aware of this and preyed upon it.

Even if his own reserve weren't too deep, as long as he managed himself properly as to limit the exhaustion of Apollo's reserves, then Fuhrer wasn't too worried. Not to mention, there was also the fact he drew upon his Daemos Soul.

As one of the Demon's strongest power sources, it temporarily reversed the burden his actions frequently placed upon Apollo's Tainted Temple as well as introduced a minute influx of energy indigestible to Apollo's mind.

In a sense, it could be seen as one of the reasons he managed to start his evolution now. Besides understanding the deep need for strength, the energy presented severe and unforeseen circumstances.

Shockingly, Fuhrer's repressed energy allowed Apollo and glimpse into the past.

During that encounter, he came across a familiar face. Except, unlike the face in his vision, this one was bloodied and somber. On the other side, there stood many beings of great strength, ostensibly his rivals.

Fortunately, there was an ally by his side. But, two people could only accomplish so much. While experiencing this sensation, Apollo fell into a selfless state. 7 archaic glyphs appeared before him. Each of them possessed a color along with a distinct emotion embedded in the strokes of the glyph.

A faint resonance tempted Apollo to touch the glyphs. The first to come in contact with his hands was crimson in color, matching the blood found on a gruesome battlefield.

Upon contact, endless rage submerged Apollo's mind. In that state, he came to understand just what Ira's purpose was.

Similar to Saehtyn, Apollo possessed an unmatched talent for this particular Sin. Growing up with loathing towards everything, wrath was Apollo's single-most intimate emotion. Hence, why he lost himself to rage quite often in the past.

But, the next one surprisingly humbled his mind. The rage dissipated, flowing back to the blood-red glyph. Subsequently, a golden haze encased Apollo, presenting an oddly pleasing feeling. For some time, Apollo felt as if he was on top of the world. As though there was no comparison in this world.

Regrettably, that delight was snatched away, only to be replaced by a third emotion. At this point, Apollo started to feel a tearing sensation, in addition to an inconsolable yearning from the depths of his soul.

Rather than vanishing like the rest, however, this feeling was superimposed by the desire to steal everything for himself, obtain power by any means necessary, and a resentment for anyone who possessed a better fate than he did.

The deluge of emotions were the personifications of his own Sins. Each Sin carried a trait unique to his experiences. As one, they formed his potential. Despite remaining still, each sensation grew alongside one another.

Soon enough, Apollo experienced something he was incapable of describing. In short, it felt like the system was an advocate for this particular Sin. Or, at the very least, its presence warped his comprehension of this Sin.

Apollo spectated as he watched himself from a distant view. Different from how he usually took matters into his own hands, Apollo witnessed as this figure delegated all tasks—battle, logistics, trivial—everything. Anything that didn't require his supervision was given to his subordinates as a task.

"Sloth," Apollo muttered. Since this was his first confrontation with this Sin, it left a deeper impression on him. Meanwhile, with the introduction of each Sin, the glyphs shattered to dust before forming a turbulent tempest.

With his Tainted Temple as the object of interest, the remnants of the glyphs pierced deep into the crystalline exterior until it began the melding process. Instead of blending, Apollo's Tainted Temple underwent a ghastly change of destruction.

"Agggggh!" Apollo's body trembled before falling to his knees. Just as Fuhrer had warned, his evolution to a Greater Demon proved to be much worse than others. Not only was the collision of the Sins an unimaginable pain, but the reformation was even worse.

Soon enough, the residual energy trickled down to his Infernal Nucleus, becoming a war on two fronts. Both Apollo's mind and body were being assaulted. Yet, there was no sign of trial as with Ira.

Suddenly, Apollo's eyes opened, but they were blackened. At a glance, it also seemed as if he was void of a soul and was merely an embodiment of Sin. However, the energy he emitted changed directions before converging at the point of origin.

Fuhrer's eyes brightened with excitement as he watched this. By no means was this a sign of failure. It was quite the opposite! Managing to keep his body together alone was a monumental feat.


While the Goliath was too focused on Apollo, Fuhrer delivered a sharp kick on his chest to create some distance. "You're far too close. Your inconsequential presence will not sully his greatness. For what is about to awaken will lead us all to the proper end."

"Tch, what blind beliefs. What are you, a zealot? Your olden Monarch led you by the noise and it seems you are doing it again. Truly a disgraceful race, groveling at the first signs of possible strength," the Goliath said.

However, despite his derisive words, Fuhrer didn't react. After all, Fuhrer recalled the Monarch's words perfectly. "You and your leaders will see. Greatness requires an audience. In this case, the audience will also be.

Fuhrer paused before turning towards the Goliath with a malevolent grin, "the victims."

"Preposterous! We defeated you before and it will happen once again! The abomination of your race has already perished. While hidden, we are all aware that the Demons grasp at nonexistent straws!"

A light chuckle escaped Fuhrer's lip before sighing, "As always, you all talk too much. But, my young Lord. You may test out the hatred that runs through the fiber of your beings."


A low sizzling noise was heard as Apollo's body cracked completely. Unlike before, which required him to activate the Tartarean Fiend Regalia consciously, it seemed to be one with his body now.

Additionally, Apollo's right pupil changed from its previous amethyst color. It was completely gold with a crimson pupil in the middle. Lastly, Apollo's features seemed to age a few years. The effects of the evolution were obviously overwhelming.

Another set of horns appeared on his forehead and after undergoing this evolution, Apollo looked at the Goliath differently. 


Apollo lifted his arms and summoned two Perfected Demonic Massacre Waves, yet they seemed inherently different from before with sparse fragments of magma-like Ira embedded within.

"Fuhrer, it's your turn," Apollo ordered before giving a faint nod.

Although no explicit directions were given, Fuhrer understood the intention behind this action. Fuhrer extended his arm and injected Sin Energy within the two conjured waves in a fluid motion.

Immediately, those waves hurtled towards the Goliath, whose eyes widened as a result.

An instinctive guard was employed, but there was something unusual with the combination attack.

There was only silence at first, but then a deafening scream echoed repeatedly.


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