The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 362 - Restriction Lifted


"D-dammit! This why I hated going up against these damned colossal beings!" Furcas snapped. Most of his restriction was unstable because of two reasons. One, the Goliath was one of the largest current beings Furcas had to combat. Ever since having a portion of his strength sealed, the Titan Race was the least of his worries.

Now, with the reappearance of such an enemy, he didn't possess the instruments required to erect a constraint strong enough to hold it. Furthermore, the Goliath's presence was akin to a diesel engine being placed inside a meager truck with an insufficient fuel tank.

The slightest action caused a ludicrous consumption of ambient energy. With its huge structure, Furcas found it difficult to manipulate the energies of this place to align with the barrier he intended to create.

"I'll help! Just get it done," Apollo ordered before rushing forward. Since it was just him and his demons in this area, his body underwent a rapid change. It grew from just beyond six feet to over ten as the color of his skin shifted to a blend of crimson and purple.

Finally, two short horns appeared on his forehead, with streams of magma flowing through them. After adopting the Iraym Form, his strength returned to its original level. Furthermore, Apollo wasted no time in employing his Incomplete Sin Armaments.

As a being with nigh impenetrable defenses, Apollo understood he was in no situation to hold back. He intended to use whatever means he had at his disposal. As such, he turned towards Furher's frightening visage and attempted to calm him down.

"Fuhrer, don't lose your composure. Remember, there are many of us to assist you or at least try to," Apollo exclaimed. Outside of him, there was Jorgun, Zarkath, Furcas, Valac, and even Typhir. With such an extensive team, Apollo didn't understand how they posed no threat.

In fact, Apollo turned towards Valac and gave him a gesture with a solemn nod. Judging by his expression, Valac understood it was no time to quip. Although he was immature, he understood there was a time and place for everything. If Apollo lost his poise as well, then there was no telling just what he'd do with his Absolute Order.


Valac's wings unfurled while he took to the skies. Dense azure flames coated the tips of his wings as he left a blazing trail in the air. Similarly, his demonic form appeared, except he didn't adopt his childish form. Like before, when going against Apollo, he tapped into the second awakening.

When he did so, most of his figure changed and escaped the curse of perpetual childhood placed upon him. Although it wasn't the proper way to undo the curse, it was a temporary fix for him. Except for the First Monarch and Fuhrer, there weren't many others who were privy to his affliction.

Nevertheless, the Goliath noticed Valac's movement the moment he acted. Contrary to what one would expect from its size, the Goliath moved at lightning speeds to intercept Valac in the air. In two seconds, it appeared before Valac with a disconcerting smile.

"Quite a slow demon, aren't you? Really disappointing. How dare a measly child, who hasn't even reached their Archdemon stage try to confront me! Borderline disrespectful to think I can't deal with you," the Goliath said with a presumptuous sneer.


Without remorse, the Goliath swatted Valac out of the sky, but not before being intercepted by Fuhrer. This time, more than three sword scars appeared on its forearm. This was the first bit of damage for it to receive, yet it didn't seem fazed by it.

"Getting sharper, but I'm sure you remember the strength of us Titans. Surely, the Demons don't compare to us in this aspect," the Goliath said. Then, a shocking sight took place. The scars on its arm healed at a visible rate, on par with Apollo in an area submerged by infernal energy.

No, it was even a tab faster.

Meanwhile, Apollo appeared by Valac's side to find him in a crater. A look of shock was plastered across his face, which was soon replaced by indignation. If there was one thing Valac hated, it was to be looked down upon. He received enough of that from his own kind.


Valac exploded from the crater, intending to rush towards the Goliath, but Apollo grabbed his arm and stopped him. Clearly, Valac was losing all rationality yet again. But, if both he and Fuhrer lost their reasoning, then who would make the clear-minded decision of battle?

"Relax. What are you going to do? Headbutt him until you feel better? Obviously, this is an enemy that outclasses you terribly. If we wish to be of use, then we'll have to work together with everyone, understood?"

"But he is looking down on me, dammit! I am supposed to just accept that? Hell no! Let me gouge those smug eyes out of his head and eat them. I bet they taste terrific!" Valac snarled with a vicious growl.

Unfortunately, Apollo didn't condone such behavior. Maybe it was acceptable in other situations, but from what he learned a Goliath wasn't a typical enemy. For if it was, then Fuhrer wouldn't have been reduced to his current state.

As the member of the team with the greatest control, it took an absurd reason for him to fall into a near mindless rage.

While holding Valac's hand, Apollo directed orders to the others. Without hesitation, they dashed towards Fuhrer to assist. Instead of directly interfering with the battle, they awaited a halt in Fuhrer's moment to strike.

Although they understood most of their attacks were next to meaningless, their only purpose was to become a nuisance for the Goliath. The slightest blunder was an opportunity for Fuhrer to deliver an ungodly amount of damaged.

When it came to strength in terms of burst power, Fuhrer single-handedly held the lead, and many times over at that.

"Tch, damn bug. I should squash you like the vermin you are. I don't understand why the Titan Monarch didn't eradicate your race when he had the chance. Unlike us, who possess many viable options, there was only one other capable of contending for the ruling spot of you demons. 

"You may have eluded destruction, but I have already sent word of your presence. As the right-hand man, it's only a matter of time! Hahaha!" 

The Goliath burst into laughter filled with mirth as he thought about the impending eradication of the Demons.

However, hearing this, Apollo froze and so did the others. In Apollo's case, he thought this was an independent space. How could the Goliath possibly transmit information from this place? 

In addition to the difficulty, this distance should make it virtually impossible.

"You're bluffing," Apollo said before looking at the Goliath with an intense gaze.

Shockingly, Fuhrer relaxed his shoulders before turning back towards Apollo, "Regrettably, he isn't. The Titans possess a kind of hive origin. They're all connected to a single source which allows it to transmit information. Although the speed varies... it will reach there nonetheless.

"Exactly," the Goliath said with a smug smirk. 

Ignoring his actions, Apollo gazed at Fuhrer, "How long do we have? We can still kill this thing, right?"

"Seeing as this is a Goliath and an ancient one at that… I estimate we have close to a higher world year before they learn of my exact position."

According to Apollo's knowledge, a higher world's time was much slower than a world like Astarat. Hence, why days and months always passed upon returning from the Nihilistic Rings. 

"A year?" Apollo parroted. Then, he looked towards the Goliath before releasing his own Ira. It seemed yet another individual was contributing to his peril, almost like he didn't hold any sway over his own destiny.

"I'm not strong enough. I don't have the power I need, the power I desire. Yet everyone aims to eradicate us. Is this the fate I have been condemned to?" Apollo muttered. In light of his seething rage, the Tartarean Fiend Regalia on his body started to bubble.

Upon noticing this, Fuhrer took a step back and allowed Apollo to advance closer. 

Though, just because he allowed it, didn't mean the Goliath felt the same way. Once Apollo came too close, it punched forward, collapsing the space before its fist as a bizarre force traveled towards Apollo.

Before it could reach him, however, Fuhrer sliced it in two and continued to let Apollo, whose exterior armor seemed to shatter, walk forward.

"This entire time I have been blocking my own self from advancing further. I've asked many questions yet blinded myself to the truth. It's exactly as Fuhrer said. The answers have been within all along."

[Lad, just what is happened? Why is your Anima so chaotic? And your Diabolic Heart of Wrath is quaking. Are you…]

"Who is this lad? I've never seen a demon protect another so closely. There are no initiate relationships amongst you primitive beast. Something is amiss," the Goliath muttered while examining Apollo closely.

Yet, no matter how closely he inspected Apollo, he could find the discrepancies he was looking for. After all, his biased opinion was clouding his judgment severely.

On the other hand, Apollo stopped approximately 15 meters away from him. During this time, Apollo's thoughts grew increasingly chaotic. Signs of every Sin surfaced within his body.

After this happened, Fuhrer's anger gradually subsided as his appearance soon turned into one of excitement. 'Yes, the young Lord has finally awakened to a fragment of himself. Perhaps the deep-rooted hatred of the races was the right catalyst. Plus, this Goliath seems quite foolish.'

〈System Alert! The restriction on the objective has been lifted. Due to completion, all rewards have been delivered.〉

〈System Alert! Greater Demon Evolution [100.0%]!〉

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