The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 193 - Fuhrer's Confrontation


Right before Fuhrer kicked off his front to accelerate at breakneck speeds, Apollo screamed in panic. Before doing so, he was at an extreme loss. In truth, he didn't understand why this demon seemed so hostile. If it were in the event that he interrupted his practice, Apollo would understand.


However, when Apollo arrived here, there were no fluctuations. This indicated the old demon wasn't in the process of practicing. In fact, to Apollo, it seemed more like this being was too prideful. Almost like it would not tolerate anyone intruding upon this area.

Additionally, it seemed the demon was hostile to the world itself. After all, some of his words seemed to be aimed at the world itself. Naturally, this rose questions, but once again, Apollo bit his tongue. If he overstepped any boundaries, a severed head seemed to be the least of his worries.

"Wait, wait! I'm Azridan's successor! I think that is what guided me here," Apollo exclaimed in panic. Afterward, his eyes slammed shut. He didn't want to witness what was about to happen. Yet, as he waited, he felt no pain whatsoever.

Therefore, he opened his eyes and took a peek at his surroundings. In response, he found a scowling Fuhrer still in the motion of taking a step. As he looked at him, Apollo swore he saw rage building in Fuhrer's eyes and he was right. 

Soon after, Fuhrer bellowed in disgust, "That's what this familiar aura on you is? You're the successor of that damned fool?! Now you deserve even more punishment! After I trained that insufferable fool, all he cared about was the Monarch's mantle and fulfilling the prophecy but I warned him it wasn't his destiny! He forgot all about this old man."

In his fit of rage, Fuhrer's aura continued to bolstering. But, it didn't travel far from his body as he kept it contained. Had not for this, his aura would've decimated both the area and Apollo all the same. 

Meanwhile, Apollo was shocked by this information. If Fuhrer trained Azridan, then that meant most of the techniques in his hand, Fuhrer should be capable of using them. Furthermore, Apollo now understood part of the reason this demon was so cranky. He felt abandoned.

Perhaps, he wasn't just sealed here of his own accord. Maybe, even Azridan didn't possess the ability to retrieve him from this place. In fact, now that Apollo looked at the situation as a whole, he came to realize something. Fuhrer didn't move any further than 10 meters from the cave entrance.

Either he wasn't permitted to do so, or if he did, something inexplicable would happen. Nevertheless, based on the strength of Fuhrer, he didn't want to find out if any of the two speculations were correct.

On the other hand, Fuhrer still seemed agitated. "So that is why you approach me? You seek my training only to abandon me as well? Well, I will tell you this instant, I decline! I will not train you, so you can return from whence you came. And, I don't mean this in context to the Rings. You're no-... Hmm?" Fuhrer's rant ended abruptly as he examined Apollo more closely.

Now that he did, he picked up on a few irregularities. For example, he couldn't discern Apollo's true origins. Also, he couldn't understand why the dissonance between his soul purity and his body was gradually weakening. This was something he'd never seen before. Except,

"Foul youth, have you taken possession of someone's body? Why does your body not match the frequency of your original soul? Who are you and how can Azridan allow you to do such a thing?" Fuhrer frowned. Shortly after, he raised his blade to Apollo's chin.

"I must warn you, I don't take kindly to liars. So tell me, what is your origin and where did Azridan find you," Fuhrer added. While awaiting Apollo's answer, he seemed to activate some technique that enabled him to see through lies. He gazed at Apollo's Diabolic Heart of Wrath.

In response, Apollo was stumped for words. First and foremost, he didn't seek out Azridan nor did Azridan seek him out. According to what they both knew, a 3rd part sought out both of them and paired them together. However, this new demon, APollo was unsure if he could trust him to tell him the whole truth.

So, Apollo settled for some omission. "I don't know if I took possession of someone's body, but I will tell you it was given to me. I also didn't seek out Azridan nor did he. I just happened to chance upon his guidance."

For a brief period, Fuhrer was silent. As he processed the information, he witnessed no faults in Apollo's heart. In other words, these words were the complete truth. 'If that's true, then what is wrong with him? This is an interesting situation. I can sense power beyond what Azridan cultivated emanating from this boy.'

"Tell me, where is Azridan?" Fuhrer questioned.

At this point, Apollo looked at him with an odd expression. Fortunately, he soon realized what was wrong. "Azridan...doesn't have a body. He didn't tell me what happened but I remember he said that he was betrayed or fell victim to some scheme. I don't know the details."

"Oh, so the boy is dead. Wait, WHAT?!" Fuhrer's eyes widened as he approached Apollo.

'How long was this guy holed up here? He doesn't even know what took place outside? Then, maybe Azridan didn't abandon him. I think he may have lost his body soon after leaving this man. It'll have to wait until Azridan awakens to know the truth.'

"If it's like this, then boy, you must have spoken with his soul. In that case, you must promise me something. Avenge Azridan and bring the ones who betrayed him before me," Fuhrer stated in a grim tone. For the first time, he took on an appearance even more dignified than Saehtyn. Even without pressure, the imperious aura in his eyes made Apollo oblige.

"I will. But, I don't have long here nor do I know how strong they are," Apollo answered.

"They are on a level suspended between a Daemos and Noblesse. It will require all my training for you to reach that level. But, before that, let's have a wager. If you remain standing after 10 blows, you may come under my tutelage," Fuhrer announced.

Although it had been millennia since he trained someone, in addition to this jarring information, there was something subtly pleasing about this youth. If he had to put it in words, then only one sentence fit.

'It may be faint, but I can smell the aura of both my old master and friend from this youth. I wonder how he is related to them. It is a shame they are long gone,' Fuhrer mused.

At the same time, Apollo gave his immediate answer, "I will do it! But, may I ask for a handicap?" In other eyes, this may seem shameless, however, Apollo was aware that this was an insurmountable adversary. Even if Fuhrer held back, Apollo was certain one blow was enough to end him.

"What do you request?" Fuhrer inquired. He relaxed his stance and took his hand off his blade. In actuality, he was intrigued by this youth. If it was any other demon of the Lesser standard, they would find looking in his eyes to be difficult. Yet, he could tell from his gaze, Apollo was only wary of his strength and not of death.

"I want to know if I can use my partner," Apollo asked. After, he reached behind him and presented Ouroboros. 

"Hm? You've bonded with one of those? Oh, and it was a newborn. Interesting, the most complete imprint I've ever seen. However, no, you can't use that baby hydra. Besides, you don't need to. It'll be incapable of help in any way possible. In fact, I suggest you put him in a secure location. My blade has already accidentally slain one of his kind in my youth," Fuhrer warned.

Needless to say, Apollo acted quickly. He set Ouroboros back inside his Tainted Temple and stood at leisure. "So...what now?"

"Now, you ready yourself and prepare your bloodline! If you seek my training, there are a few basic qualities you must possess. One, you need fine instincts! If you are to walk this path and attempt your hand at becoming the Monarch, you must be prepared to withstand dangers from all angles. This includes me!" Fuhrer exclaimed.

After placing his hands on the blade once again, Fuhrer disappeared while unsheathing his blade. The only thing left in his prior position was a lifelike but fading shadowy afterimage. Upon seeing this, Apollo was surprised!

'Could this be the Second Baleful Step?' Apollo marveled. Yet, an instant later, both his Tainted Temple and Diabolic Heart of Wrath trembled. With both of them empowering each other, Apollo sensed imminent danger. Similarly, a whisper entered his ears.

"Behind." Upon hearing the voice, Apollo turned around. However, before he could defend himself. A boulder-like force hit his chest. Without pause, he flew back at a speed greater than he could achieve himself.

Only after smashing into a wall deep in the cave did Apollo stop. Obviously, such an overpowered strike was beyond him. Apollo's eyes widened while his entire body remained embedded into the wall.

Frankly speaking, even breathing felt hard right now.

〈System Alert! Your health has decreased drastically. Your Health has fallen under 50%. Now sacrificing some Demonic Reserves to mend your broken ribs.〉

As he craned his head down, Apollo witnessed a gaping indent on his right rib. Although the point of impact was small, nearly all of his ribs on this side were broken. In light of this, Apollo became glum. How was he supposed to handle at least 10 of these strikes?

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