The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 192 - Infernal Pride Of An Ancient Demon


Once the voice resounded, Apollo's mind was assaulted by trepidation. Even in his current demon form, the aura emanating from the cave entrance caused him to take a step back. Despite the system informing him of the location of a "piece", the only thing he felt was unspeakable terror. If this was a piece needed in his path, then just what would he have to attain in the long run?


Furthermore, not just Apollo, even Ouroboros felt apprehensive about this existence. He shirked back on Apollo's shoulder and took cover behind his neck. Yet, even then, he still didn't feel safe. "Master, this isn't safe. Something feels very wrong. It feels like if anything were to happen, we'd be powerless to resist!"

"I know, but what do you expect me to do? Something deep within me resonated with me and guided me in this direction. Somehow, whatever resides in this cage is important to me. Whether it is the demon itself, or something it is guarding, both of them seem to be in my best interest," Apollo responded. Afterward, he tried to soothe the uneasiness in Ouroboros.

Unfortunately, that was easier said than done. Before he could do so properly, Ouroboros screamed out in his mind suddenly. Furthermore, from his tone, it seemed he was entering a panic, "Master, we have to leave now! Leave, leave! This thing is coming!"

Be that as it may, Ouroboros' request became useless. While it sounded in Apollo's mind, the pressure surrounding them underwent a tangible shift. From suppressive, it became restrictive and locked them in place. In fact, this included their minds as well. The mental channel used for their communication appeared to be interrupted at the moment.

Under this pressure, Apollo found himself defenseless. Additionally, at this point, he reckoned this aura was many times worse than Saehtyn's. Even if Saehtyn withheld a vast majority of his aura, Apollo wasn't judging the vastness, he was judging the purity of fear the aura could inflict.

When compared to this one, the aura Saehtyn presented paled in comparison in all aspects. But, he also didn't want to witness the true aura of Saehtyn. From what he could infer, he was sure Saehtyn's real power was something he was just incapable of sensing. After all, how could the difference between a Greater Demon and Noblesse be small?

Not to mention, one who reached the planes of the Lords. Just the subservience of Ira's boundless power spoke volumes of one's true capabilities. 

On the other hand, as Apollo remained rooted in place by the aura, rhythmic yet heavy steps sounded from within the cave. With each step, the ripple of the step synchronized with the tiny fluctuations in the restrictive aura. Not long after the first footstep sounded, a monumental figure appeared from the darkness of the desolate cave entrance.

And, after seeing what came forward, Apollo was perplexed. If he could speak again, he would still be shocked and wordless. After all, the being that exited from the cave wasn't something you'd expect to find in this type of environment. A few things immediately became apparent to Apollo.

Firstly, this demon took the word "knight" to an extreme. Unlike the other demons Apollo came in contact with, most of whom sported bare bodies, this particular demon was adorned in luxurious armor.

From head to toe, its body was outfitted with imposing black armor that connected seamlessly. Furthermore, each piece of armor possessed fine marking. Each stroke of the demonic runes was like a work of art and every single one gave off a unique feeling.

Shortly after the demon appeared, the dark helmet covering its head receded. From the thin T-shaped opening for his eyes, an aged visage appeared before Apollo. When Apollo saw this, he didn't know what to think. Frankly speaking, he didn't know a demon could look so ancient.

"Since you don't want to talk, I have locked your speech for a while. If you're unable to give me the answers I need, then I shall just seek them out myself," Fuhrer stated suddenly. From his calm tone, Apollo could tell this demon was sure he could obtain what information he needed through his own means.

Yet, Fuhrer then changed his mind, "Unless, are you ready to talk? I can already sense something from you and if it is correct, then your current abilities have let me down tremendously." Afterward, Fuhrer snapped his fingers. In a flash, the pressure bearing down on the two was alleviated. 

 Yet, that didn't mean they were in the clear. Nevertheless, Apollo understood silence wouldn't suffice. Thus, he answered, "Truthfully speaking, no one sent me here. At least, I don't think so. What brought me here was a gut feeling. I don't know why I was attracted here, but I need to be here it seems."

For a moment, Fuhrer was silent. While that happened, Apollo examined him. No matter how he looked at it, he couldn't understand what he saw. If he crossed referenced this demon with what he experiences thus far, there would still be a disconnect in his knowledge.

As far as he knew, he thought all demons retained their youthful appearance. Take Saehtyn for example, he looked no older than a middle-aged man. However, from what Azridan stated before, he possessed a relationship with Azridan. This meant Saehtyn was at least thousands of years old. Yet, there were no signs of this present on him.

Meanwhile, this other demon, Fuhrer, looked like an old man. Granted, this was only in retrospect to his visage. When it came to the matters of aura, physique, or demeanor; by no means could any of these aspects be called weathered by time. 

Hence, only two conclusions came into Apollo's mind. Either this appearance before him was an illusion that Fuhrer kept up at all times or he was truly far older than Saehtyn and Azridan. However, if that was the case, then his current power sitting at the Greater Demon standard made no sense at all. Thus, for every question Apollo posed to himself and answered, two more arose in its place.

When it came to the matters of demons, it was clear Apollo only possessed a modicum of understanding. What he didn't know was that due to the great vitality of demons, their lifespans were astronomical. In fact, to a demon, 1 year would be equivalent to a thousand for a human.

To put it differently, it would take thousands of years for demons to show signs of age. Then, it would take even more effort for those signs to increase. Thus, Fuhrer wasn't a regular demon, but an ancient. After all, how could a regular demon be a vital piece in the grand scheme of things?

"Very well. Unfortunately, that doesn't suffice." Fuhrer answered. But, before saying another word, he placed his hand on a longsword inside a hilt on the side of his waist. Based on the answer Apollo gave, it was clear he would confront him. In light of this, Apollo gulped preemptively.

Although he wanted to defend this as a truth, Apollo was sure reasoning wouldn't get through to this old demon. Not to mention, he wasn't sure how Fuhrer would react to his words. On top of that, the system warming was still fresh on his mind. 

This was among the first times the system ever generated a warning like that. This meant if he made the wrong move, he would be in imminent danger. Yet, that was counterintuitive to his purpose of being here.

First, the fact Fuhrer was deemed a piece meant his cooperation was vital for Apollo's future. His presence was dire to the grand goal and Apollo's purpose. Without him, Apollo would be missing a large piece of the puzzle.

Second, this was a foe he was incapable of combatting in the slightest. In fact, Apollo felt this demon held more power in a single pinky finger than he did his entire body. 

Third, Apollo didn't quite understand what the Knight-level meant. Truthfully speaking, he wished to learn more about it. However, in this current predicament, that was easier said than done.

Nevertheless, with his hand on his blade, Fuhrer inspected Apollo more closely. Thus, he soon found out a piece of information that made him chuckle, "The Iraym Bloodline? Is that what gives you the confidence to appear before me? Asinine, you aren't the only current individual alive with this bloodline. Yet, even they don't have the gall to seek me out. Very well, during my years of sealing myself away, it seems the old ones have long forgotten about my strength."

In response, Apollo was once again at a loss. What was this old demon going on about? All he sought was pointers yet here he was mouthing off. On the other hand, it seemed his own words angered himself.

He unsheathed a razor-sharp blade. Just this action caused a shrill cry to emit from the blade. As he dashed towards Apollo, Apollo's mind blanked. "Wait, wait, wait! Azridan! I come due to Azridan!"

After uttering this, Apollo slammed his eyes shut from fear.

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