As they entered the bustling Silver-Haven town, David couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and curiosity. The town, nestled within the boundaries of the City of Eldoria, was teeming with life and possibilities.

"So where are we going first?" David inquired, his gaze scanning the surroundings. He looked to Luna, his trusted companion, and guide in this new endeavor.

Luna, ever knowledgeable and resourceful, responded promptly, "Master, our first priority should be your registration. Instead of obtaining a simple identity card, I suggest we acquire an Adventures guild license. It serves not only as an identification document but also offers various benefits that will aid us in our future quests."

David nodded, acknowledging Luna's expertise. "Alright, let's proceed with the adventures guild registration," he agreed, trusting Luna's judgment.

With Luna taking the lead, they made their way through the bustling streets of Silver Haven town. The town's layout was well-organized, with neat rows of houses and shops lining the streets.

The aroma of freshly baked bread wafted through the air, mingling with the lively chatter of townsfolk going about their daily activities.

As they approached the eastern side of town, Luna guided David toward the Adventures Guild. The building came into view, a sturdy two-story structure with a sense of purpose.

The upper floor housed the guild master's office, overseeing the operations and management of the guild. The lower floor, accessible to adventurers only, served as the main area where quests were assigned and information was exchanged.

David's eyes were drawn to the large signboard hanging above the entrance, proudly proclaiming the name "Adventures Guild." The board was adorned with colorful illustrations depicting various daring quests and extraordinary feats.


The small iron bell hanging above the entrance let out a pleasant chime as David and Luna stepped into the bustling Adventures Guild.

The interior was alive with activity, with adventurers of all sorts gathering to fulfill their quests and obtain valuable rewards. The air was filled with a mix of anticipation and camaraderie.

The guild hall was spacious, adorned with intricate tapestries depicting legendary heroes and fearsome creatures. Various notice boards were strategically placed, displaying a myriad of missions, ranging from simple errands to perilous expeditions.

Navigating through the bustling crowd, David and Luna made their way toward the helpdesk, where a young lady with a vibrant presence stood. Her long, chestnut hair was neatly tied behind her back, and she wore a green uniform with a smartly tied red tie, a symbol of her affiliation with the guild.

"Welcome to Adventures Guild," the lady, who introduced herself as Katheryne, greeted them with a friendly smile.

"How can I assist you today?" she inquired, her voice a harmonious blend of confidence and approachability.

David stepped forward, taking the lead in their interaction.

"We are here to register for an adventures guild license," he stated, his tone expressing a clear sense of purpose.

"I understand," replied Katheryne, her gaze focused on her desk as she retrieved a form for David.

Placing it in front of him, she explained, "Please fill out this form and select your preferred rank examination. Based on your selection, a test will be conducted. If you pass, you will be issued a license for that rank. If you fail, you will be assigned the lowest rank, and you can attempt to advance in the future."


David nodded, comprehending the process. He took the form and began filling it out, providing the necessary information as requested. As he scanned the options, he noticed that the license rankings ranged from E to A rank.

Perplexed, he raised an eyebrow and inquired, "Excuse me, I don't see any option to select S rank here."

Katheryne smiled, understanding his confusion. "Ah, S-rank licenses are exceedingly rare in this guild. As of now, no one has ever registered for an S-rank license here. That's why the option is not available,"

"However, in certain circumstances, if someone desires an S rank guild license, they must first pass the A rank test. And if they wish to proceed further, they must conquer an A-rank dungeon solo."

"I see," David replied, absorbing the information.

"In that case, I will select the A rank for now. And later, if I decide to pursue the S rank, I'll undertake the A rank dungeon test as well."

He finished filling out the form, ticking the A rank box with determination.

Katheryne maintained her friendly smile, but inwardly she couldn't help but think, "Another overconfident fool who believes they can pass the A rank examination."

It was a common occurrence for adventurers to have an inflated sense of their abilities, only to be humbled by the harsh reality of higher ranks. Nevertheless, she proceeded with professionalism, taking note of David's choice.

"Thank you for filling out the form. Since you have selected the A rank evaluation, please come tomorrow morning for the test," Katheryne informed him, her tone polite but tinged with a hint of skepticism.

"Sure, I'll be there," David responded confidently. I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

ραΠdαsΝοvel.cοm He was eager to have his adventures guild license since he was pretty confident in his skills.

Before parting ways, David had another question. "By the way, is there a place where we can submit the monsters we have slain?" he inquired, turning his gaze to both Luna and Katheryne.

Katheryne nodded, gesturing toward a nearby counter. "Certainly. You can visit that counter over there. They will evaluate the monsters you've defeated, assessing the damages and the quality of the creatures. Upon verification, you will receive a slip, which you can then redeem for the corresponding reward."

David approached the counter where the butchering process took place. A middle-aged man with a prominent mustache and an apron stained with blood sat behind the counter, his hands clutching a sharp butcher's knife.

"Hello, I have a few wargs that I would like to submit," David politely requested as he approached the counter.

The butcher, his weathered face showing years of experience, nodded in acknowledgment. "Sure, you can place the monsters on the table here," he replied, pointing to the empty space in front of him.

David took a moment to gather himself. With a hushed command, he whispered, "Open storage." Like a ripple in space, a portal materialized before him, revealing a glimpse of the otherworldly dimension within.

Quickly, David retrieved the lifeless bodies of the slain wargs from his storage and carefully placed them on the designated spot of the counter. The sharp scent of blood mingled with the air as the butcher's skilled eyes assessed the quality and condition of the monsters.

"Oh, you must be a pretty high-ranked adventurer, I guess," the butcher remarked with a smile as he noticed David opening the portal, a rare sight in these parts.

Nestled in a corner, the butcher's area remained undisturbed by the attention it would have otherwise garnered.

"No, I just came here to register and happened to encounter these monsters on the way," David replied, his cheeks tinged with a faint blush in response to the compliment.

The butcher carefully noted down the details of the shadow wargs, visibly impressed by their excellent condition.

"Please come back tomorrow to collect your payment. It will take some time to skillfully butcher and prepare the valuable parts," the butcher requested.

"Of course," David acknowledged before bidding farewell and leaving the guild.

"Now, I think it's time to find a place to stay," David turned to Luna, contemplating their next move.

He consulted the system screen, which displayed his considerable wealth accumulated from quests. He had previously inquired whether the currency could be used in both worlds, and the system had confirmed its utility. David was currently carrying a substantial amount of cash.

"Take me to a good lodge, Luna," David requested, his eyes fixed on the system screen.

The prospect of comfortable accommodation awaited them, and with his financial abundance, David was determined to find a suitable place to rest and rejuvenate. Together, they ventured forth, navigating the streets of SilverHaven, in search of a lodge worthy of their status and aspirations.

As they scoured the town for a suitable lodging option, their search eventually led them to the perfect establishment. Being a small town, the choices were somewhat limited, but they managed to find a place that caught their attention.

"Welcome, esteemed guests!" greeted one of the attendants at the helpdesk, a warm smile gracing their faces.

Sensing their desire for accommodations, David inquired, "We are looking for two rooms."

"Oh, guests, we currently have only one room available," the attendant informed them apologetically.

Luna, ever adaptable, chimed in, "Master, one room is enough, Nya."

Considering Luna's suggestion, David acquiesced, "Alright, please book one room for a week, and if possible, could you add an extra bed?"

The attendant's mischievous smile seemed to suggest something beyond mere hospitality. He was well aware that many customers who frequented the lodge were adventurers seeking companionship for a pleasurable night or locals seeking similar endeavors.

His expression hinted at his assumption that David and Luna had arrived for that particular purpose.

"Well, you don't have to worry about an extra bed," the attendant coyly replied.

David, however, remained oblivious to the attendant's insinuations and simply nodded, unaware of the unintended meaning.

"Alright, a room for a week. It will be 10 gold coins," the attendant stated matter-of-factly.

After settling the payment, both David and Luna were led to their designated room.

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