The Neko Girl emerged from the bushes, adorned in the clothes David had provided. With a grateful smile, she approached him, her voice filled with sincerity.

"Thank you, Master Nya, for saving me from those monsters," she expressed, her eyes shimmering with gratitude.

"It's alright"

David nodded, acknowledging her words. Deep within his thoughts, he recognized the role the system had played in leading him to this moment.

"If not for the quest given by the system," he pondered silently, "I wouldn't have found myself here, standing before her."

Unexpectedly, the Neko Girl drew closer, sinking her teeth into David's ear and then gently licking it, emitting a purring sound.


Surprised and taken aback by her sudden action, David's face flushed with embarrassment.

"Hey, what are you doing?" he stammered, his voice betraying a mix of shock and bashfulness.

A playful glint sparkled in the Neko Girl's eyes as she winked, conveying her intention behind the unconventional gesture. It was her unique way of expressing gratitude, symbolizing a feline's affectionate manner.

"Oh, I was just saying thank you," she playfully responded, her wink hinting at the depth of her appreciation for his assistance thus far.

Interrupting the lighthearted moment, David realized he hadn't yet asked her name. Curiosity prompted him to inquire further.

"I haven't asked your name yet," he admitted, his curiosity piqued.

With a gentle smile, the Neko Girl replied, "My name is Luna, Master Nya," affirming her commitment to follow him as her newfound protector.

However, David, longing for solitude, expressed his reluctance. "You don't have to," he replied, implying his preference for solitude and self-reliance.

Undeterred by his response, Luna persisted. "Master, what is your name?" she inquired, genuine curiosity coloring her words.

David hesitated for a moment, contemplating how to handle this unfamiliar situation. Aware that his true identity as a traveler from a distant realm would be met with disbelief, he chose to conceal his origins.

"I am David," he replied, masking the true extent of his extraordinary journey.

Luna's curiosity was piqued by his answer, sensing that his name held an air of foreignness.

"David? Nya? That's not a name commonly heard around here," she mused, her curiosity bubbling beneath the surface.

"Oh, I am traveling from a faraway nation," David offered, skillfully diverting the conversation away from his true nature, protecting the secret of his transmigration to this fantastical realm.

As David stood beside Luna, his trusted companion, he contemplated their next course of action.

"So, what are you going to do now?" he inquired, his gaze fixed on her. Luna's response was swift and resolute.

"I will follow you wherever you go, Master," she declared, her loyalty evident in her words.

Deciding on their immediate destination, David stated, "I am heading to the nearest town."

He paused momentarily before continuing, "Once we reach there, you can go your own way."

However, Luna remained steadfast in her commitment.

"No, Master, I will continue to follow you," she insisted, her determination unwavering.

A mysterious grin played across David's face as he considered Luna's unwavering loyalty.

"Alright, for the time being, you can accompany me," he relented, allowing her to stay by his side.

With a subtle hint, he signaled their departure. "Now, shall we go?" he prompted, his readiness to embark on their journey evident.

However, Luna's voice halted their movement. "Master, wait," she implored.

David turned towards her, curiosity etched on his face. "What happened?" he inquired, eager to hear her request. Luna's suggestion caught him off guard.

"Master, why don't we take these shadow wargs with us? We can sell their remains or use their meat for sustenance. They fetch a good price," she proposed.

ραΠdαsΝοvel.cοm Her eyes glanced towards the motionless bodies of the seven defeated wargs, each with a small hole in its head from the stones that had killed them.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

Intrigued by the notion of profiting from their victory, David queried, "Oh, we can sell these shadow wargs?"

He observed the fallen creatures, their lifeless forms sprawled on the ground. Luna affirmed his inquiry, her voice brimming with confidence.

"Yes, Master. Their hides and meat are highly sought after. They can fetch a good sum, or we can utilize the meat for culinary purposes. It's quite delectable," she explained, her knowledge of the local market evident.

A mischievous smirk played on David's lips. "Hmm, perhaps I can explore my culinary skills in this world," he mused.

Accepting Luna's suggestion, he nodded in agreement. "Alright, let's do it that way."

His attention then turned inward as he murmured, "System, open the dimensional storage you have granted me as a reward just now."

In an instant, a portal materialized before them, spiraling in a circular pattern. Its initial blue hue deepened as it twirled, revealing a darkened color. David marveled at the sight before him.

"So, this is the storage?" he marveled, his eyes fixed on the mysterious portal. Luna, taken aback by the sudden appearance, stammered in confusion.

"Ma Ma Master, what is this?" Panic laced her words as she tried to comprehend the enigmatic phenomenon.

David sought to calm her concerns. "Oh, it's just a storage dimension that I've accessed to store these monsters," he explained nonchalantly, his voice soothing.

Luna's eyes widened with awe and admiration. "Master, you are truly formidable. This is the first time I've witnessed someone opening such a storage dimension," she admitted, her curiosity piqued.

Unfamiliar with the rarity of this feat, David couldn't help but wonder. "Is this really that uncommon?" he mused aloud.

Luna confirmed his suspicions, her voice filled with certainty. "Yes, Master. Typically, people purchase small storage rings at exorbitant prices to store their belongings. It's a luxury only a few powerful mages possess,"

David's thoughts wandered as he contemplated the concept of a storage ring. "So, there is something called a storage ring, huh?" he mused silently.

However, he quickly dismissed the notion, considering it irrelevant to his situation. Blessed by the gods themselves, he possessed immense strength, rendering any fear of his powers being exposed unnecessarily.

Reflecting on the typical plotlines of various series and fantasy manga he had read, he realized that the protagonist often concealed their abilities initially, but he saw no need for such secrecy.

"Since I am already strong, I don't need to hide my powers," he resolved, confident in his decision with a smirk on his face.

With a swift motion, David called upon his wind magic, summoning a gentle gust that swirled toward the fallen wargs. The wind enveloped their lifeless forms, slowly lifting them from the ground, guided by his magic.

Effortlessly, he maneuvered the wargs towards the open portal of the storage dimension, placing them inside with ease. Luna watched in awe as her master nonchalantly manipulated the wind to lift the wargs.

"Wow, Master," she exclaimed, marveling at his display of power.

Satisfied with the task completed, David turned his attention forward, ready to continue their journey.

"Now, let's go," he announced, striding confidently ahead, his eyes fixed on the map displayed on the system screen. Guided by its directions, he set off towards the destination, Luna trailing faithfully behind him.

Their journey reached its end as Luna and David finally arrived at the nearest town indicated on the map. As they approached the town's entrance, they were met by two guards clad in brown army attire, each holding a spear.

The town was enclosed by a towering wall, providing a sense of security and protection. The rounded walls encompassed the entire town, with houses, markets, hotels, and merchant shops bustling within.

From where David stood, he could see a grand structure in the distance, seemingly belonging to a noble family. As they neared the entrance, the guards scrutinized them with a hint of suspicion.

One of the guards spoke up, demanding, "Identify yourselves and state your purpose."

David found himself without any means of proving his identity, so he turned to Luna for assistance.

Luna stepped forward confidently and introduced herself, saying, "I am Luna, and here is my Adventurers Guild license."

She presented a small iron badge as proof. Gesturing towards David, she continued, "This is my master, who has come from a distant land."

The guards exchanged glances and then focused their attention on David. One guard sternly requested, "Show us some form of identification."

Luna swiftly interjected, realizing the predicament. "Master has recently arrived in this nation from a faraway land. He does not possess any identification yet," she explained.

With a mischievous wink, she added, "However, I can create one for him right now." Luna reached into her clothing and produced a small pouch containing a few coins.

The guards deliberated amongst themselves, their expressions softening. Eventually, they nodded in agreement and granted entry to Luna and David. The guards understood Luna's resourcefulness and decided to let them through.

With a nod of appreciation, Luna and David stepped past the gate and into the bustling town, ready to embark on their new adventures within the kingdom.

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