Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 676 A Kindred Spirit

Shopping District

Egraiby Station City


June 14th

Year 1053

On the previous day, Saturday, Evan had proceeded to deal with the Tenth Finger's replacement, kill Maude and stop the Basilisk from getting stronger, as well as piss off the First Finger to the point where the man decided to let High Rank Demons loose in Tarse.

As for how he was going to be spending his Sunday after his weekend began in such an eventful manner, it was simple.

He was going on a date with Eliza.

The two of them hadn't had some alone time in a while due to all that was happening, and starting tomorrow, things were going to become a lot more hectic.

So, the couple decided to take this chance to enjoy themselves a bit, and that's what brings us to the current scene of the two walking down the streets of Egraiby with ice cream in hand.

They ignored all the glares from single men and women that came their way when Eliza casually took a bite out of Evan's ice cream to taste it while he did the same to hers just for the fun of it.

Given how famous they were, they certainly should not be walking around like this in public, but since everyone was gonna find out he was in the GEE tomorrow anyway, he didn't bother.

At most, he put on a cap and glasses as a 'disguise', and Eliza did the same as well. The end result was that they looked like pop idols trying to go out incognito.

This little disguise helped when people looked at them from afar, but if someone who knew their names and faces came close, they'd quickly realise they were in the presence of the 'Anomalies'.

The owner of the dress shop they just left was a victim of this as the woman had nearly dropped her catalogue when she saw Evan casually sipping a strawberry juice pack in her waiting room.

It was like suddenly waking up one morning and seeing a rich, famous and powerful governor from another country chilling in your establishment.

Anyway, Evan felt like acting as if he was on Earth V, and by that, it meant he was carrying the bags of stuff they bought with his hands even though his inventory existed.

Part of the reason was so that Eliza would feed him when they bought any roadside snacks since his hands were 'full'.

Did Eliza see through this little scheme? Obviously.

Did she go along with it? Obviously!


The girl suddenly stopped feeding Evan when her eyes caught the sight of a certain shop in the corner, quickly tossing the rest of the food into her mouth before moving over there.

Evan trailed behind her, but just before they entered the shop, she turned around and held out her palm.

"You wait outside."


"No guys in these kinds of shops"

The boy was confused by this, and when he looked up to see the name of the shop and its logo, he finally understood.

'It's a Lingerie shop…'

Turning his gaze back down to Eliza, he asked.

"What's the point when I'm gonna see it anyway?"

"It'd ruin the surprise. Now sit down and wait."

Without giving him a chance to refute, Eliza turned around and entered the shop while taking her cap off.

Left outside, Evan shrugged lightly before deciding to find somewhere to sit and wait like she said. He saw that there was a restaurant opposite and he spotted a few other guys who were waiting with bags in the seat-out area.

When they saw him come over, they all raised their brows in question and asked in unison.

"""You too?"""

"Me too."


"Called it!"

"Join the club, my brother."

The men burst into laughter at Evan's reply and they invited him to come sit and wait with them.

Before sitting, Evan noticed that the restaurant had some strawberry milkshakes on display so he decided to pick one for himself.

Since there was only one left after he picked his, so he decided to grab that one as well.

However, before he could reach out to pick it up, another hand came in from the side and grabbed the milkshake off the shelf.

"I got that first."

Evan turned to his side and looked at the boy who snatched the milkshake and shrugged before saying.

"Suit yourself, I don't wanna argue with anyone who clearly favours strawberries as well."

"Ohh! It seems I've found a Kindred Spirit."

"Indeed, you have."

The two walked up to pay for their milkshakes while Evan took a moment to analyse this other teenager, estimating his power level to be around 200 or so.

'Quite good.'

The teenager before him possessed a cascade of golden-

blonde locks and a set of captivating light blue eyes. His countenance carried a certain allure, a pretty-boy charm that garnered lingering gazes from passing onlookers, particularly the enamoured gazes of girls.

"It seems that this generation of ours is quite talented."

"Huh? What are you talking ab-Oh!"

The boy what Evan was talking about mid-way, before smiling wryly as he replied.

"It's nothing much, you know? Not even the best in my family. My elder sibling's a year older and their level's more than twice mine."

"That's cool for your sibling, but it's also cool for you as well. There are people twice your age who aren't even on your level, you know? Give yourself a little credit."

Evan didn't appraise him to see his age or anything, but the boy visually looked to be the same age as he was. At his age, being a C-rank adventurer was something to be proud of.

"You worked hard to get to that level, no need to compare yourself to another. Who knows what they did to get to that level?"

"Well, they've been involved in pretty MAJOR events recently. Life and death situations that make me worried."

They chatted with themselves as they waited in line to pay for their stuff, and from his words and expression, Evan could see the boy really worried for his sibling.

"If you're so scared for their safety, use that as motivation to work harder, get stronger and fight alongside them to ensure they don't meet an unfortunate fate."

Evan's suggested the first thing that came to his mind and the boy only laughed lightly when he heard this. Ignoring the girls squealing in the distance, the boy replied.

"Well, there's already someone who's much stronger than me by their side already so I don't think I'd have the chance to do that."

"Hmm? Are they in a relationship or something?"

"Yep. The other party is quite strong. So, they've already got a protector on them."

After he spoke, it was their turn to pay and the two quickly dealt with the payments before finding a random table to sit down and continue their conversation.

But first, they took sips out of their milkshakes.

"Damn, that's good."

"Preach it, brother.

It'd be better if it was cooler though."

The blonde boy spoke as he noted the milkshake was a little lukewarm, and he preferred it cold. Evan heard this and had an idea, tapping both their cups with his hand and releasing a small wave of icy energy from his finger.

"Try it now."

"Hmm?...?! This! You sure know how to enjoy strawberries!"

Evan chuckled when he saw how the boy reacted to this, before taking another sip from his own while glancing towards the shop on the other side of the street.

As he was looking that way, a newspaper vendor walked past and Evan could not help but notice a headline on one of the papers.


His eyes narrowed when he saw this, thinking about the name 'Damir' since it was one that any of the Seven Heroes would recognize.

'Oh well, the time would eventually come.'

The Hero moved his gaze back to the shop and noticing this, the blonde teenager he was with posed a question.

"Waiting for someone?"

"Yeah, my girlfriend. We were shopping but she went in there and told me to wait out here."

The hero replied while pointing at the Lingerie shop, seeing the door open up and a pair of ladies walking out. Almost immediately, two men who were playing chess in a corner noticed them and got up as well, before crossing the street to meet up with them.

"What's it like to be in a relationship? Never been in one myself."

The blonde teenager suddenly asked this and Evan only raised a brow before shrugging and replying.

"Not much different from normal.

You wouldn't turn your entire life around because of it."

"Really? Someone told me their lover always hounds them to make her his number one priority in EVERYTHING he does."

"I don't know about others, but my partner and I have an understanding.

We prefer being ourselves, and we accept the fact that our lives don't always revolve around each other.

She's a high priority, that's for sure…but she's not the ONLY high priority. That's how I am for her as well.

She doesn't always hound me to know where ever I'm going, or wait up late just to know where I was or know what girls I'm friends with."

"People do that?"

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