Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 675 Unleashing The ‘Wild Cards’

"Don't think I haven't thought about killing that boy personally. I considered wiping Gerfast off the face of the map but the GWE's Sovereigns would have simply protected the city the instant they sensed the danger."

Even if he wanted to nuke Gerfast, he still needed a few seconds to gather his energy. And those few seconds were enough for the GWE Sovereigns who resided in the capital to notice him and take action.

Just as he could easily wipe out a city in seconds, they could easily protect it in seconds as well.

It was why he had not done so last year because they had noticed him the instant he entered Gerfast's airspace.

The First Finger, deep in contemplation, brought his hand to his chin, the gears of his mind turning as he delved into introspective silence.

"I know you two want to eliminate the boy before he becomes an even greater nuisance, but you do not have to do anything.

Just focus on your tasks at hand."

Taking a deep breath, the man finally regained his 100% calm, before speaking once more.

"Any 'Demonic Hand' member who encounters Evan Eris is to retreat Immediately.

No Executive is to directly face him in combat."

Cellica and Kranul clearly had misgivings about that second order, but they remained silent and let the man finish his statement.

"I didn't want to start using these cards now but this boy might turn out to be the next coming of Vaeri's contractor."

He thought about the forces he was planning to introduce later in the game, but with three Disasters failing woefully, he had to pull them out now.

"Since I personally sealed some of them at my Father's orders then, I doubt they'd listen to me.

Cellica, send a Demon Messenger to Vaeri, I'd need her help to make this unruly lot fall in line—they would not dare disrespect a Peak Rank Demon."

When Cellica heard this, a conjecture formed in her mind, one she was sure was true. But despite this certainty, she still asked.

"My Lord, what 'lot' may you be referring to?"

The First Finger looked at her with a confused gaze, as if he was questioning why she asked something so obvious.

"What other 'lot' than the ones that would make sure the plans for Tarse do not fail?

His predecessor was the one who sealed them, so I'm sure they'd be happy to have Evan Eris' head if they get the chance."

His reply to Cellica was all the confirmation she and Kranul needed, and they nodded in affirmation, concluding that Evan was definitely not going to be around after their plans for Tarse were executed.

After all, the entities that the First Finger wanted to unseal were beings on their level.

The 'High Ranked Demons' of Gozon who had been sealed by Arlan Maddox a thousand years ago.

Evan had killed Maude, damaged the World Formation and made it such that the Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Divisions of the Demonic Hand were no more.

But this had caused the First Finger to make the decision to unseal the High Ranked Demons.

The Difficulty Level of the 'Fall of the Desert Country', had just spiked a whole lot!!

◇ ◇ ◇

Deram Hester shattered the communicator in his hands after it had transmitted the First Finger's message to him, clicking his tongue in anger.

Not far from him, a youthful man with brown eyes lounged on a hammock, his dark hair tousled by the cool night breeze of the desert.

"So, that Hero. You called him Evan, did you not?"


Deram replied to the dark-haired man, his contracted demon who did not seem to care about the death of one of his collaborators.

"Hmm…that's weird."

The Demon looked at the stars of the night sky as he spoke, his memories recalling the day he had heard that name—on Gozon over a thousand years ago.

He—a noble demon by the name of Xolgren Agriker—had once been in the presence of Demon King Sargon. Though he was not permitted to raise his head, his ears worked fine and he could still hear all that was being said.

There was a single line that he recalled someone who had been speaking to the Demon King, most likely a woman, given how their voice had sounded.

[Oh, and if you encounter any Hero with the name Evan, yo-Wait a sec. It's not 10,000 years, is it? It's just 9,000.

Evan would not be around by now so this is clearly not the War Evan came from.

You can do whatever you want then.]

Xolgren had not paid any mind to those words at the time, as he could not make much sense of them.

A thousand years had passed and he was unsealed by the Demonic Hand and he contracted with Deram, someone who had a Summoning skill like him.

After fifty years, there was now talk of a 'Hero with the name Evan', and this made him remember that line from a thousand years ago.

'Calculating it, it's now '10,000' years so there's no doubt this Evan Eris is the same person they spoke of then.

But who was that woman and how close was she to His Excellency? Whatever the case, His Excellency is probably aware of the existence of this 'Evan'.'


"Hmm? Is there a problem?"

"You got lost in thought and didn't hear me the first time I called you."


Xolgren shrugged and sat up, looking right at Deram as he spoke.

"So, there's something we Gozonians do.

Whenever we're conquering worlds and we encounter… 'Problems'. Existences who become threats to our conquest and are aware of most of our forces.

We usually solve the issue by introducing Wild Cards. Bringing in powerful Demons they are not aware of and having them join the fray temporarily."

Deram narrowed his eyes when he heard Xolgren speak. As far as he knew, the only way more Demons could enter Aidos now was to slip within the cracks of the Dimensional Rift on the Dark Continent.

But after Xakon's infiltration blew up, 'Dragon Lord' Altrishia had made the Dragons watch the rift more closely so the dozen or so Low-Rank Demons who had come in since then were all completely obliterated by Elder Dragon breaths.

Yet, Xolgren had suggested that they bring in more demons despite knowing this.

"Summoning Magic is still a thing, you know?"

The High Ranked Demon jumped down from the Hammock and looked up at the night sky, at the stars and planets in the distance and spoke.

"Gozon is very far from this planet, a distance of tens of thousands of Light Years by my estimation.

But we are an Interstellar Empire, we have planets under our control that are much, much closer to this one."

He then looked right at Deram and spoke.

"My suggestion is to summon Demons from these planets into Aidos. With the proper procedures and the energy of the 'Hotspots' scattered all over this country, we can summon Demons into this world with zero repercussions from any World Laws."

The demon waved his hand in the air and generated a projection of the night sky, but unlike the actual night sky, this one was labelled.

Stars, Planets and Constellations had their names listed.

"This Star Map is a thousand years old, so it may not be completely correct anymore."

He pointed at one of the Star Systems on it and then spoke.

"We had colonies on some of the planets here, so if I have a Sovereign Realm existence very good at manipulating spatial laws, and a Transcendent's energy reserves, then I can make a link and see if we can pull anyone over.

They'd be helpful when we begin our plans for this Country."

Hearing Xolgren's words, the Fifth Finger glanced at the Star Map for a few moments, before looking at the Demon and asking.

"A Sovereign Realm existence very good at manipulating spatial laws, and a Transcendent's energy reserves?"

Xolgren chuckled when he saw the knowing gaze Deram looked at him with, deciding to stop beating around the bush and get straight to the point.

"How about we pay a visit to your 'Former Master'?"

"You want to go to the Dark Continent, where there are Dragons looking for Demons like you to kill on sight?"


After giving it a second thought, Xolgren closed the Star Map and turned to climb back up the Hammock in silence.

"Oh, no you don't.

I cannot make Cross-Continental Spatial Gates, but ships exist for a reason. You're coming with me."

"No, wait! The Dragons would kill me!"

Deram grabbed Xolgren's collar and tried to pull him over while the Demon grabbed onto the hammock as if it were his lifeline.

"It was your idea; you see it through!"

"There's no need! I can just stay here and manage things!"

Xolgren's resistance increased when he sensed spatial magic power building up, meaning that Deram was conjuring a magic circle to cast the 'Gate' spell behind him.

"In you go!"

The Lion Beastman's arm bulged and he pulled Xolgren off the hammock and tossed him into the spatial gate he created.


Deram dusted his palms and then grabbed onto his magic staff that was lying on the ground nearby, before stepping into the Gate himself.

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