Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 565: Blackface Parliament?

Chapter 565 Blackface Council?

The rune swords of the three of Kurtaz have already been lit with runes, and their expressions are extremely tense. As long as Mograine behaves abnormally, they will immediately cut off his head.

The hearts of Dalyan and Tirion also raised their throats. Whether Mograine will perish completely or tame the artifact, his fate will be revealed in the next moment.

Fortunately, after regaining his senses, Mograine picked up Apocalypse and put it in front of him to observe, and then he sighed and said, "The magic sword Apocalypse is indeed worthy of being a magic soldier who is paired with Frostmourne, and he almost succeeded in bewitching him." gone."

Following his clear words, everyone present let out a sigh of relief.

Dalyan cheered and rushed up to hug his father at the first moment. Mograine commented that this young man who was not yet ready to hold a sword was far from being as mature as when he became the leader of the Knights of the Ebon Blade in history.

Mograine survived the temptation of the apocalypse, so he will also become a sharp weapon in this airborne operation.

Khadgar also heaved a sigh of relief. The two magic weapons buried in the Karazhan Catacombs were finally successfully delivered. These two weapons with self-awareness were placed in the basement of his house, making Kazubi sleepless at night. Didn't sleep well.

The key is the Aridin cursed by Medivh, who is still collecting artifacts all over the world endlessly. Khadgar hates this dark knight who comes and goes in and out of his basement at will.

He has already made up his mind, after sending out the scythe, he must let Garona lie in ambush in the tomb for a long time, and finish him immediately when Eredin returns.

The problem is... there is no one to take over that scythe!

Khadgar, who likes to die, once studied this magic weapon and found that the inside of this scythe is full of powerful evil energy. It is clear that it is used by professions who play with evil energy.

As for the job of using fel energy... Demon Hunter Khadgar has heard his friend Charlemagne mention it, but now he is hiding in Outland, and seems to be planning to invade other worlds.

The only ones left are warlocks, but warlocks are a profession that is famous for its strength. So far, Khadgar has not found a warlock whose integrity is above the average line, so that he can trust him with the magic weapon scythe.

A human warlock named Canrethard Ebonlocke who claimed to be from the Black Sickle Council had come to him and wanted to take the U... sickle from him, but this guy was obviously a man with a wicked heart.

After Khadgar refused the other party's request, the warlock immediately wanted to turn around and **** it, but in the end, Garona, who was ambushing beside him, took him away with a combo from behind.

Although he didn't take his life, as a punishment, Khadgar stripped off all his equipment and threw the red Kanrethard out of Karazhan.

...By the way, Khadgar really rolled into the same bed with Garona the half-orc.

Although Garona's appearance is relatively Draenei-like, but thinking of her pointed fangs and forgiving skin... Cough, Charlemagne can only say that Khadgar has a stronger taste.

Now Charlemagne is more curious about what a child born to Khadgar, who is a human, and Garona, who has both orc and Draenei bloodlines, will look like... This subject is of great research value.

"So? Just ask me if there is any suitable candidate for a warlock?"

On the night when the Ancient Pledge meeting ended, Khadgar came to Charlemagne's room with a sad face and said he wanted a drink. Kadubi, who didn't drink very much, started barking non-stop after two glasses of wine.

"You don't know my suffering! After finally cleaning up the messy space gates and demons in the tower, it turned out that there is actually an upside-down Karazhan underground in Karazhan. The problem here has not been resolved. Aridin in the tomb Trouble has cropped up again..."

Charlemagne looked at Khadgar who was pouring bitter water on his shoulder with a look of disgust, and said perfunctorily, "Yes, yes, you have worked hard. Under such a hard situation, you still have time to go to **** with Garona. Together…"

Although he was speechless to the drunk in front of him, he was still his friend. After Garona took his boyfriend back like a sack, Charlemagne dutifully began to think about the warlock he knew with his chin in his hand.

"Blackface... the group of warlocks from the Black Scythe Council, Kanrethad has been ruled out, the orc Retson Flamefury... let's forget about the orcs, the Forsaken Jubeka Broken Shadow and the werewolf Zenin Smease are now There is no shadow yet."

The remaining two members are dwarves, one is Wilfred Fizban, and the other is Zerifax Pandemic. The dwarves, a funny race that likes to die, are not very trustworthy...

The most typical one is Millhouse... and this Wilfred seems to be a master of death. In the Wrath of the Lich King version, it seems that because he randomly summoned demons that he could not control, he finally died in the hands of that demon lord .

In addition, in Charlemagne's memory, it seems that there is a blood elf warlock among the warlock followers, but I can't remember her name... After all, the only profession that Charlemagne has never practiced in his previous life is warlock.

Unable to remember, Charlemagne simply asked his girlfriend at the side for help, "Aurelia, is there any powerful warlock among the Far Travelers?"


After hearing Charlemagne's question, Alleria tilted her head and thought for a while, "It seems... there is a warlock named Sinfiel Plaguesworn. She was exiled for studying fel energy at the Arcane Association of Silvermoon City, and later He hid in our Yuanxing Town."

"Oh oh oh! That's her!"

Charlemagne hammered his palm excitedly, and immediately remembered the name when he heard the name. It seemed that this elf was the member who replaced Wilfred in the Black Sickle Council.

"How did she join Farstrider? I remember that the Mage Association of Farstrider Town is also quite repulsed by the study of fel energy?"

Alleria shrugged lightly and said, "I personally invited her to join. When she first came to Yuanxing Town, I closely monitored her. Although she uses evil energy, her three views are quite normal. At least there is no tendency to destroy the world for the sake of power, just..."

Charlemagne saw Aurelia frowning unexpectedly, and hurriedly asked, "What's wrong? Does she have a problem?"


Aurelia's face looked a little weird. "Her personality... how should I put it, is relatively strong, and she speaks straightforwardly and easily offends people. She is also a loner in the Farstrider team...but she seems to have a good relationship with Hill."

"Huh?" The second lady, who was manicuring her nails with a file not far away, immediately raised her head when she heard the eldest sister call her name, "Oli, you call me?"

After hearing Charlemagne's description, Cirvanas showed a meaningful smile, "Sinfer is not a bad person, but his mouth is rather poisonous, and I don't know if it was influenced by his father's strict discipline when he was a child. She likes it very much." Abusing people without causing harm...especially men."

Charlemagne twitched the corner of his mouth when he heard this, ‘Hey! Isn't this a big sister who shakes S? If she gets Ursales, I'm afraid it will be terrible... But it seems to be quite interesting, but I don't know who will be so unlucky in the future and be her favorite. '

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