Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 564: Knights of the Apocalypse

Chapter 564 Apocalypse Knights

"That's right!" Charlemagne nodded resolutely, "Considering the threats of the ancient gods and the Burning Legion that may appear in the future, we must strengthen our own strength as much as possible. If Anubisath can be restarted in large numbers, it will definitely become our leader in the future. An important force in the hands."

At this moment, Tirion was still holding the silver hand with a surprised expression on his face, as if he couldn't recover for a short time.

But this is no wonder, after all, the legend of Tyr's heroism has long been a familiar legend in the Tirisfal region after being passed down from generation to generation by the vrykul who stayed behind in the Tirisfal Forest.

The Vrykul who were constantly weakened by the curse of flesh and blood eventually degenerated into the early Lordaeronites. It can be said that the legend of Tyr has long been imprinted in the souls of all Lordaeronites.

It is precisely because of this that Uther named it the Knights of the Silver Hand when he formed the Knights. The church group in the Eastern Plaguelands is now also called the Hand of Tyr.

Charlemagne let Tirion and the big beauty Bridget free himself, stretched out his hand and called Darien to his side, and asked in a low voice, "Is your father here?"

"Yeah!" Dalyan nodded heavily, "Because I'm not sure whether the oath can accept them, so my father temporarily waited outside the door with others, but it seems that His Majesty Solas who just went out has become suspicious, it should be from They felt the power of death from the same origin."

Charlemagne thought for a moment, then raised his head and said to the bewildered chiefs of the vowed tribes, "Everyone, next I want to introduce someone to you, but I hope you can keep calm and restrained, and don't show too obvious hostility." .”

Sun King Kael'thas and Queen Azshara had heard Charlemagne's report a long time ago, and they probably had already guessed his plan at this time, and nodded their heads in agreement.

Prophet Velen has experienced countless storms and waves for tens of thousands of years, and this small scene did not bother him. The old magician also showed a calm smile afterwards.

Seeing that everyone agrees, Charlemagne immediately signaled to Dalyan that the young man ran out quickly, and he brought over four "people" of different heights wearing black heavy armor and a hood.

The tall and strong man at the head was the first to lift his hood. With his bluish-gray skin and the faint blue soul fire in his eyes, those who had seen Thoras Trollbane immediately recognized his race.

Under the amazed gaze of Rhonin, Jaina and other humans, Malfurion frowned slightly, and he, who mastered the power of nature, instinctively rejected this undead full of death power.

"Another Forsaken who has escaped the Lich King's control?"

Old Mograine slightly raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, "The Forgotten? I never said that I would join Solas. Please call us the Apocalypse Knights."

As the other three put down their hoods, Liadrin and others who participated in the battle of Andorhal recognized their identities. They were the other three of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the dwarf Kurta. Ziz, the high elf Braumux and the human Surijek.

Ronin pointed at the leader Alexandros dumbfounded at this time, "Aren't you Ashbringer Mograine? What is this..."

Mograine revealed a trace of melancholy in his eyes, "It's hard to see at a glance..."

When Mograine briefly told the oath leader present about his experience, Charlemagne turned his head and winked at Khadgar.

Khadgar, who nominally inherited the title of Guardian of Tirisfal, nodded solemnly, and took out a long package wrapped in white cloth strips from his magic backpack.

There are very conspicuous magic patterns on these cloth strips. Jaina, a high-level arcane student, quickly recognized that the main function of these magic patterns is to seal.

Charlemagne took the package from Khadgar, and he looked seriously at the old Mograine in front of him, "Alexander, are you ready? As I said before, this sword is the sword of Heshuang. Sadly, the magic sword of the same level, once you can't control it..."


Old Mograine showed a relieved smile, "I'm ready. I have given Kurtaz the highest priority order. Once I can't control myself, they will immediately destroy the fire of my soul."

Charlemagne stopped talking nonsense after hearing the words, and directly threw the package in his hand to him, "I hope you can keep your heart. I believe that you, who used to be the Ashbringer, are not weak in heart."

Mograine had a huge wound in his heart. Although he recovered a lot after chopping off Renault and Sally with his own hands, Charlemagne was still not sure whether he could resist the temptation of this magic sword.

But everyone present is a big boss, even if Mograine loses control on the spot, he can kill him quickly. It is for this reason that Charlemagne chose to hand over the magic sword to him at this time. Two-handed sword—Apocalypse.

With a serious face, Mograine gradually untied the seal cloth covering the surface of the apocalypse. Starting from the tip of the sword, the magic sword gradually showed its hideous appearance in front of everyone.

This magic sword made by the Dread Demon King has a wider tip than the blade, and the evil Nathrezim inscription began to emit a miserable green light as soon as it broke away from the seal.

The same as Frostmourne, there is a double-horned demon head embossed on the sword. Unlike Frostmourne's ice-blue light, the eyes of Tianqi, the demon head, are green.


As soon as he held the hilt of the sword, Mograine groaned in pain. Judging from the violently fluctuating soul fire in his eyes, the confrontation between himself and the magic sword had already begun.

Kurtaz, Braumux, and Seriek had already followed Mograine's previous orders and took the lead in drawing their weapons and aiming at his head, as if they were ready to shatter the fire of soul in his skull at any time.

At this time, Tirion finally recovered from the shock of seeing the Silver Hand with his own eyes. He also sweated for his old friend, but he couldn't help this kind of confrontation at the soul level, or Mograine Either tame the apocalypse, or be controlled by the apocalypse, and completely become a slave of the magic sword.

Dalyan also looked at his father nervously. If Bridget hadn't firmly grasped his shoulder, this frizzy young man would have rushed up long ago.

After the initial mania, Mograine seems to have completely fallen into a deep sleep. He has been standing still with his sword on the ground, and the soul fire in his eyes has also returned to calm.

In a short period of time, it seemed that the confrontation at the soul level was still inconclusive, so Charlemagne simply continued to arrange airborne operations.

"Garrod, I have a special task to perform this time, and I will give you the command of the pledged army. Is it okay?"

Jarod, who had no idea at first, finally showed a confident expression under the encouragement of Sarah Hill, "I will try my best. Fortunately, the various races of the oath are basically the configurations I am familiar with."


Charlemagne and the others were taken aback, and Azshara couldn't help laughing first, "It seems true that the Nightborne and High Elves belong to the Highborne, and there are also Tauren allies in ancient times. Ronin also participated in the ancient As a person in the battle, Jarod also has some experience in using mages."

Veylon shook his head pretending to smile wryly, "So only we Draenei are outsiders..."

"Ha ha!"

Just when the atmosphere in the room relaxed, there was another movement from Mograine, who had been silent for a long time. Alexandros, who was stunned by the apocalypse, suddenly had a bright light in his eyes, and slowly lifted the apocalypse from the ground. He pulled it out and held it in his hand.

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