Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 521: Allied forces

Chapter 521 The coalition forces with their own minds


Charlemagne’s words startled the three alliance kings, and Magni slapped the table and shouted, “Is what you said true? Solas will join the tribe that once broke each other’s heads?”

The dwarf king's loud voice made Charlemagne rub his ears. Just at this moment, Gelbin said thoughtfully, "I think what Charlemagne said makes sense."

When Varian and Magni looked at the past, Gelbin made an analysis for the two, "Think about it, the Forsaken has become a brand new race, and in their position, if they don't join the Alliance It will inevitably be attacked by the alliance."

"After being rejected by the alliance, in order to survive, what else can they do except join the tribe? Join the oath? I am afraid that this enclave is not very interested in the oath?"

Charlemagne nodded with a smile and said, "I have considered wooing the Forsaken before, but the location of the Arathi Heights is too deep in the alliance, and our franchise members are also very difficult to accept the resurrected corpses. Abandoned the idea."

Gelbin spread his hands and made a conclusion, "Then the result is very clear. In order not to be wiped out by the alliance that refused them to join, joining the tribe is the only option. Moreover, the tribe had a precedent of using death knights in the second war. , the public and high-level acceptance will be much higher than the alliance and the oath."

Varian and Magni frowned and looked at the world map hanging on the wall. Varian sighed unwillingly and said, "But this will make the alliance very uncomfortable. The Sador Bridge connects the east by land. The only passage between the north and the south of the mainland, once the Forsaken closes it..."

Magni scratched his head irritably, "We can only go by sea, what a hassle!"

"More than that."

Charlemagne walked to the map and pointed to the northeast of the Hillsbrad Hills, "Now Hillsbrad doesn't have many troops stationed except Southsea Town, and Solas can easily capture the town including Dunhall. A large area including De Castle and Tarren Mill, after that..."

Duke Theron's finger heavily pointed at the location of Alterac Valley, "They can get in touch with the orcs who have returned to the Frostwolf clan, and completely turn the northeast of Hillsbrad into the territory of the tribe."

"In this way, the connection between the Wildhammer dwarves and Southsea Town will be completely blocked. At the same time, if Goel sends trolls to persuade the Vilebranch tribe..."

Charlemagne drew a large circle in the Arathi Highlands, northeast of Hillsbrad, and south of Hinterlands. "The Horde will completely gain a foothold in the eastern continent, just like Kalimdor's northern castle, under the eyes of the Alliance." An unsightly nail has been planted below, and even completely blocked the connection between the north and the south of the alliance."

Of course, this is only an ideal state. In fact, whether the Xiezhi troll will listen to Vol'jin's solicitation is another matter. It seems that in the original history, Xiezhi chose to refuse, and Darkspear turned to win over a troll called Vile Fang from the Hinterlands. Small clan of forest trolls.

But even so, the future scene he painted is already amazing enough. You must know that Southsea Town's troops are more than enough to defend themselves and not enough to attack. If the Horde increases troops to the eastern continent, maybe the Silverpine Forest that has been abandoned by Gilneas will be taken by them. intrusion.


Varian couldn't help but smacked his lips and said in displeasure, "It seems that I made a bad move at the time. I should have agreed to the Forsaken's request to join the alliance if I knew it earlier."

Magni shook his head, "It's not that easy. You can also see Lordaeron's resolute resistance. After all, they are the country that has suffered the most from the undead. It is difficult for them to accept these dead people!"

Charlemagne did not intend to continue to delve into the internal affairs of the alliance. He only told them the possible actions of the tribe out of the friendship with the alliance before, and the follow-up response would depend on themselves.

"Let's stop discussing here today. We will hold another meeting after the tribe arrives. The next meeting place will be here."

As Charlemagne said, he reached out and pointed at a hill in the north of the scorching canyon, "Thorium Watchtower, here is a group of black iron dwarves who are unwilling to be enslaved by the fire element. I have already contacted them before, and the Thorium Brotherhood is willing to Provide some necessary help to the coalition forces."

Magni looked up and looked at Charlemagne in surprise, "When did you do it? You kid is still as usual and made all the preparations without making a sound. I really hope that you won't become the enemy of the alliance in the future."

Charlemagne rolled up the map of Blackstone Mountain on the table and waved it freely, "Please rest assured that the oath will not participate in the internal friction between the Alliance and the Horde. We will only contribute to the safety of Azeroth, just like this attack on the Black Dragon and Fire Dragon. element."

After finishing speaking, Charlemagne didn't stay any longer, bowed politely and said goodbye to the three of them, then activated the teleportation technique and left Ironforge.

When the three countries in the south of the alliance began to assemble troops and headed for the Thorium Watchtower, the Horde had also transported 30,000 troops from Orgrimmar to the Arathi Highlands through the legion-level portal jointly opened by the mages of the ancient oath.

Charlemagne stood above the Dangarok Fortress built by the Bronzebeard Dwarves at the junction of Hillsbrad and Arathi Highlands, watching the large number of tribal soldiers entering Stromgarde in the distance, showing such expressions.

"As I expected, the Forsaken has already secretly defected to the Horde. I'm afraid Goel has already planned to make use of this cross-continent teleportation to reveal the position of the Forsaken, and take this opportunity to strengthen the troops of Stromgarde. Next The Union's defense against Wetlands and Hillsbrad is going to be a headache."

As for whether the tribe has sent someone to contact the Xiezhi troll in the Hinterlands, there is almost no suspense about this question. The only uncertain factor is whether Xiezhi will agree to the tribe's solicitation. , and even the situation in the entire eastern continent will have a great impact.

Of course, the next conflict between the Alliance and the Horde does not need to worry about the ancient oath. At least this tripartite cooperation has signed a truce agreement before the tripartite cooperation.

The usually uninhabited scorching canyon has become a lot more lively recently. The coming and going alliance, tribe, and oath three-party army have surrounded the entire Thorium sentry tower.

The oath side is still restrained, but the tribe and the alliance often clash because of the perennial hatred. As a "last resort", Chief Goel led the tribe's army to temporarily retreat to a barren land and stationed in a flat land near the scorching canyon. A small town called Kargath was built.


Magni hammered the table angrily, and shouted loudly with his face flushed, "Is the tribe here to help attack Blackrock Spire or to grab the territory? The barren land has already been settled by us copperbeard dwarves, this group of damned Greenskin..."

Varian waved his hand helplessly and interrupted Magni, "There's nothing you can do about it. If the Horde stays under the Thorium Tower, maybe the Alliance will have a fight with them before attacking Blackrock Mountain. Let them Be proud of it, and we will definitely return it in full."

When the leaders of the three parties gathered at the Thorium Watchtower again, Charlemagne stood in the combat headquarters with a pointer in his hand, beating the map vigorously to attract the attention of everyone present.

"Okay everyone, please play your staring game privately. Let's watch here first. Next, we will discuss how to attack Black Rock Mountain."

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