Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 520: Black Rock Mountain Situation

Chapter 520 Blackstone Mountain Situation

When Charlemagne was teleported to Ironforge, the capital of the copperbeard dwarves as planned, the three kings Magni, Gelbin, and Varian had already gathered in the throne room of Ironforge.

"Three Majesties, I won't talk about unnecessary nonsense, let's get straight to the point, everyone gathered here today to discuss the matter of dispatching troops to Black Rock Mountain."

"Please wait."

Varian reached out and interrupted Charlemagne when he was about to get down to business, "I want to know in what capacity are you attending the meeting today? Quel'Thalas has withdrawn from the alliance now, this kind of military meeting..."

Although Varian didn't complete his speech in consideration of Charlemagne's face, everyone present understood what he meant.

Charlemagne had already prepared for this, and replied with a smile, "I am here today to represent the ancient oath and want to cooperate with the alliance to attack Blackstone Mountain. In addition, Princess Jaina has already persuaded the tribe before. If the alliance does not object, this The operation will be a joint operation of our three parties."

Varian nodded in agreement, "Then I have no objection, sorry Charlemagne, I didn't mean to target you."

"I understand, Your Majesty Varian, don't mind. Now that Quel'Thalas' identity has changed, it is naturally impossible for me to participate in the alliance's internal military meeting as a member of the alliance. Let's exchange information in advance to avoid the arrival of the tribe. In the end, too much time will be wasted talking about each other."

After speaking, Charlemagne took out a map from his body that recorded the detailed structure of the Black Rock Mountain. This map was drawn by members of the Hidden Passage. It took a total of several years before and after. It is conceivable that Charlemagne's layout of the Black Rock Mountain how early.

"The forces entrenched in the Black Rock Mountain are relatively complicated. There are four forces in total, and they are combined in pairs. First, the Black Dragon and their slaves, the Black Rock Orcs. These two forces have jointly occupied the Black Stone Tower and the Black Wing Lair on the upper level of the Black Rock Mountain. For many years Come and fight endlessly with the Dark Iron Dwarves who live in the lower layers of Blackrock Mountain."

Charlemagne's finger slid to the magma area below the map "Then there is the other camp, composed of fire elementals and their slaves, the black iron dwarves. The Molten Heart of the Heart."


Magni slammed the table hard, and said through gritted teeth, "That little **** Dagran captured my poor daughter in Darkforge City. I must personally lead the army to rescue her."

The corner of Charlemagne's mouth twitched slightly, and he didn't tell Magni the truth. After all, the truth was too unbelievable, and he probably wouldn't believe it when he told it.

"In view of the complicated situation in Blackrock Spire, after discussing with Queen Azshara, I decided to divide the coalition troops into upper and lower levels to attack at the same time, and let the tribes attack the upper Blackrock Tower. I think they should be happy to kill these slaves of the black dragon who claim to be orthodox tribes. traitor."

"In the second half, the dwarf army led the alliance to attack Blackrock Abyss. If you want to come, His Majesty Magni will not have any objections?"

Magni nodded heavily, "This is as it should be."

At this time, Varian put his chin on his hand and said thoughtfully, "Charlemagne, you only talked about Blackrock Tower and Blackrock Abyss just now, what about Blackwing Lair and Molten Core? What form will the ancient oath take?" Join the war?"

Charlemagne reached out his hands at the entrances of Blackwing Lair and Molten Core respectively, "Blackwing Lair will be attacked by a large force led by the oath, and I will send Onyxia to support it. I think she will be very happy with me Brother, have a good 'communication'."

"As for Molten Core, due to the high temperature in this area, it is not suitable to send large troops with insufficient strength to attack. I plan to mobilize the elite combat forces in the oath to launch an assault on Ragnaros."

Varian rubbed his chin and pondered, "So that's the case, but in this way, the oath is equivalent to being attacked by two high-end combat forces at the same time. Can you withstand it?"

"No no no."

Charlemagne smiled and shook his head and vetoed, "No matter how stupid I am, I will not let both sides attack at the same time. I will first lead the high-end combat power to penetrate the Molten Core with Queen Azshara. During this time, let the tribe block the Black Wing. The entrance of the nest and clean up the miscellaneous soldiers, and then mobilize the oath large force to attack, there is a time lag in the middle."

"Just when the Alliance and the Horde are attacking their own goals, I will bring some temporary allies to help, which should play a big role in the Molten Core and Blackwing Lair raids."

The three kings looked at each other, and Gelbin was the first to jump and raised his hand and said, "I agree, we have seen Charlemagne's layout level many times before, and I believe him, just now we have basically cleaned up Gnomere The cavemen in Genli should be able to help the alliance army a lot this time."

Magni also agreed to watch it without hesitation, "I'm fine, the original purpose was to save my daughter, and the Bronzebeard dwarves will definitely do their best to defeat those evil black iron dwarves!"

Varian stood up and said decisively, "Although the Kingdom of Stormwind and the Horde have a lot of friction in Stranglethorn Vale, we will also spare our troops to help capture Blackrock Abyss."

As for Lordaeron and the Wildhammer dwarves in the north, due to the natural disasters in the Western Plaguelands, they really can't leave.

After Kel'Thuzad dug the cemetery of Regret Ridge, the number of natural disasters increased again. Recently, Queen Calia and Falstad have made preparations. The two sides agreed to send troops at the same time, ready to try to completely take back the Western Plaguelands .

Thinking of this, Charlemagne frowned and thought, 'North? I always feel that there may be some changes in the north recently. The Forsaken who have not expressed their position, the evil branch trolls who are still entrenched in the south of the Hinterlands, and even the Syndicate bandits wandering around. These are all hidden dangers. '

‘Besides, the influence of Mal’Ganis should not be eliminated so easily, and the dormancy of Kel’Thuzad is also worrying. Could it be…’

Varian noticed Charlemagne's distraction, and shook his shoulder lightly, "Charlemagne? Charlemagne!"

"Huh? Ah, sorry, Your Majesty Varian, I was distracted just now."

Varian waved his hand generously, "It's all right, but does the question you're considering have anything to do with the alliance? If so, you might as well tell us so we can refer to it."

Charlemagne thought about it for a while, and asked hesitantly, "Well... that's right, I want to know if the Forsaken led by His Majesty Solas has contacted the Alliance? If it involves internal secrets, you don't need to tell me."

Varian, Gelbin, and Magni looked at each other in surprise, and finally Magni said, "Solas did contact us more than two years ago, and he said that the Forsaken wanted to join the alliance, but... "

Gelbin interjected, "The Scarlet Crusaders in Lordaeron resolutely opposed it. At that time, the traitor Garithos made a big fuss at the alliance conference. In addition, our countries also rejected accepting these dead people, so in the end Still rejected Solas's proposal."

"Is that so..."

Charlemagne frowned. "That would be a bit troublesome. I'm afraid Solas, who was rejected by the Alliance, has already turned to the Horde."

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