Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 324: Disciples, I don’t want to be a priest for my teacher!

Chapter 324 Disciples, I will not be a priest for my teacher!

Charlemagne and the five disciples of the archbishop are not clear about what Xalatas and Alonsus said during the communication of consciousness.

All they could see was that the archbishop, who had already entered the dying moment, lifted the quilt, and gradually stood up beside the bed with an ominous shadowy aura exuding from his whole body holding the scimitar.

Saidan and Tirion stared at the figure on the opposite side in shock, "This..."

Uther pulled out his warhammer and shouted at Charlemagne in a low voice, "Charlemagne! What did you do, why did the mentor become like this?"

Although Liadrin didn't know what happened, but out of trust in her friend, she immediately took out Quel Serra and the broken halberd barrier to guard in front of Charlemagne.

"Slow down!"

Benedictus grabbed Uther, and he looked at his mentor shrouded in shadow with disbelief.

"This is... the other side that the Holy Light cannot reach?"

Under the watchful eyes of the six people, Alonsus gradually absorbed the black shadows around his body back into his body. He thoughtfully picked up the Dark Empire Sword on his right hand and stared at it.

"It turns out that the holy light and the shadows are originally one. Where there is light, there must be shadows."

At this moment, Alonsus could no longer see the state that he might die at any time just now. Although his face did not change in any way, it can be judged from his spirit and the breath of life on his body that the archbishop had been re-injected. vitality.

Uther put down the hammer, stepped forward with some hesitation and asked, "Master, what are you?"

Alonsus put down the scimitar in his hand, showing that familiar warm smile, "Don't worry about Uther, thanks to this magic weapon, I'm afraid I won't be able to die for the time being."

While Alonsus was explaining the relationship between light and shadow to the five disciples, Charlemagne consciously ran to the door to help the six masters and apprentices watch the door.

If Alonsus, who was known to be dying by others, gained new life through the power of shadow, I wonder if these priests and bishops who believe in the Holy Light will collapse in their faith. After all, not everyone is as firm as Alonsus will.

Among the five disciples, Priest Benedictas, the purest, was the first to recover after listening to the teacher's narration.

"It's unbelievable...the other side of the holy light is actually the power of shadow and void!"

Alonsus patted him on the shoulder lightly and said, "Although there is a certain deviation from our previous understanding, you don't have to be confused about it. The Holy Light is still the embodiment of your own firm belief, and it will not be because of the shadow. Use it to annihilate your original holy light."

Speaking of which, Alonsus condensed a beam of pure holy light on the five disciples, and the familiar feeling proved that what his mentor said was true.

Unlike Benedictus, who was frowning and obviously penetrated into the horns, Uther and others quickly believed that their mentor was still the revered archbishop after feeling the holy light, and had not been transformed by the shadow power What a strange creature.

As the eldest disciple, Uther was the first to ask a realistic question, "Men, although I am very happy that you can regain your life, but if outsiders know the truth..."

Alonsus nodded with a serious face, and he looked around at the five disciples present, "Uther is right, until I thoroughly research the safe use of shadow power, this kind of power from the dark side of the holy light cannot exposed to the eyes of the world."

After he finished speaking, he lowered his head and thought for a while, then said with a mischievous smile, "Well, later on, Charlemagne will directly open the portal and take me out of Lordaeron. Go find a container, put some incense ash in it, and Said that I have been purified by the Holy Light into ashes under my own will."


Uther, who is most familiar with Alonsus, twitched his mouth. He knew that his old problem, which was rare for his mentor, had flared up again.

Saidan, Tirion and others all opened their mouths and looked at the mentor in front of them in disbelief. They felt that their three views had been greatly impacted.

Alonsus patted the big disciple on the shoulder with a "you know" smile."

"Okay, let's make this decision. I will live in seclusion in Quel'Thalas Travel Town in the future. You can visit me in your own name when you have time. Remember, don't tell others my whereabouts."

At this moment, Benedictus finally let go of the entanglement in his heart for the time being. He looked up at Alonsus and asked, "But... when are you going to appear in the eyes of the world again, Teacher? Is it not a solution to hide all the time? "

Alonsus touched Benedictus's bald head kindly and said, "At least I won't show up until I figure out how to use the safe shadow power that Xalatas said."

"Benedidas, I can see that you have a lot of doubts about the opposition and coexistence of the Holy Light and the Shadow. If you have anything you don't understand, just ask me, and I will try my best to answer you, just like before .”

Benedictus bowed his head respectfully with an adoring expression, "Yes! As long as my mentor doesn't bother me, I will often go to Quel'Thalas to find you."

The problem between Alonsus and Xalatas has been temporarily resolved. Although I don't know how they will get along with each other, Charlemagne is quite confident in the archbishop's will. He believes that Alonsus will not be defeated Bewildered by Ratas's rhetoric.

After bidding farewell to several disciples, Alonsus, wearing a cloak, stepped into it with Liadrin through the portal opened by Charlemagne, and when they opened their eyes again, the three of them had arrived at Charlemagne's location in Ellendale. The gate of the quiet manor by the lake.

Alleria was waiting inside the gate of the mansion with Cirvanas and Onyxia, and when she saw this hooded figure, she knew that her boyfriend's plan had succeeded.

"Welcome to Quel'Thalas, I hope you can live happily here in the future, Archbishop Faol."

After entering the mansion, Alonsus put down his hood, smiled and waved and said, "Aurelia, you don't need to call me archbishop anymore, I'm just a wandering shadow priest, and I will disturb you in the future gone."

Although I don’t know how and how much Xalatas prolongs Alonsus’s lifespan, at least the former archbishop should not have to worry about his lifespan for a long time afterwards.

After the maid sent Alonsus to the guest room on the third floor, Onyxia approached Charlemagne with a playful smile and joked, "Master, you really opened my eyes, this Archbishop of Faol I've seen him once before, and his pious belief and powerful and pure holy light left a deep impression on me, how on earth did you get him to switch to shadow cultivation?"

Charlemagne shrugged and said, "It's not that I asked him to switch to shadow cultivation, but that he has that will. It should be that he felt a sense of crisis after experiencing the coexistence of holy light and shadow. After all, it is very easy to control this kind of shadow power if it is not well controlled." out of control."

Cirvanas pushed her away under the dissatisfied eyes of the Black Dragon Princess, gently took her boyfriend's hand and said, "This archbishop probably wants to use himself as a test, trying to study the correct use of shadow power? "

"Yeah... hope he succeeds."

Immediately, Charlemagne turned his head and kissed Cirvanas on the side of the cheek, "Okay! This matter is over for the time being, and we will be busy starting tomorrow. Everyone, go back and rest early."

"Ah! It's not fair, master wants me too!"


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