Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 323: intertwined light and shadow

Chapter 323 Intertwined Light and Shadow

Lordaeron Cathedral of the Holy Light

At this moment, devout believers were kneeling in front of the church square, which was always full of streams. A sad atmosphere enveloped the whole square. The big figures coming and going in the Holy Light Cathedral made them guess that something big happened. Finally learned the truth.

The beloved archbishop of the Church of the Holy Light—Alonsus Faol will die soon.

When Charlemagne brought Aurelia to the depths of the church, Alonsus lying on the bed was actually in a very bad physical condition, but under the nourishment of the Holy Light, he seemed quite energetic on the surface.

The archbishop showed a familiar gentle smile when he saw the arrival of his old friends, "Charlemagne and Aurelia, you are here too. I am very glad that so many friends came to see me off."

Charlemagne first greeted Uther, Tirion, and Liadrin who had arrived earlier, and then walked to Alonsus' bed.

"Alonsus, can't you prolong your life with your holy light attainments?"

After hearing what Charlemagne said, Alonsus shook his head with a smile, "Holy light is a manifestation of one's own firm belief, but it cannot distort the rules of the world like arcane magic to prolong one's life. I can live to this age It’s already a long life.”

Alonsus is 72 years old this year. In Azeroth, a world with very backward conditions, it is considered a long life for ordinary human beings to live to 60 years old.

Although Alonsus has a lofty status, under his own insistence, the cost of food and clothing of the archbishop is not much different from that of ordinary civilians. He can live to be more than 70 years old because of the constant nourishment of the holy light. It worked out.

Seeing the hesitant expression on Charlemagne's face, Alonsus patted his hand lightly and comforted him, "Don't feel sad for me, my life is very meaningful, at least when I return to the embrace of the Holy Light Then I can live up to my beliefs.”

The calm and serene look on Alonsus' face made Charlemagne only sigh softly, "Hey... I hope you can get your wish and sleep forever under the embrace of the Holy Light."

Afterwards, some acquaintances Charlemagne knew came to see off the archbishop who was well-known in the entire Eastern Continent, including Jean Greymane and Sola, who had long since severed ties with Lordaeron. S Thorbane.

The two of Charlemagne learned from the mournful Liadrin that Terenas, the king of Lordaeron, had brought his family here, but he returned to his palace again due to busy state affairs.

"In this short life, the mentor has achieved many great things that the high elves could not do for thousands of years. Although I feel sad about his passing away, I don't think it is a farewell. Sooner or later, we will be in the embrace of the Holy Light." Let's meet again."

Lor'themar beside Liadrin gently put his arms around his girlfriend's shoulders, whispering comforting words in her ear.

"...Lor'themar, you are here, why didn't I see you just now?"

"I'm standing behind Tirion and Saidan, it's normal that I can't see them."

With the height and physique of Tirion and others, it is inevitable for Ah Qiang to choose such a position and be blocked, but I don’t know why this guy always chooses this kind of place that is not easy to be seen. It really is the talent of thieves. Are you kidding me...

Just as Charlemagne was complaining in his heart, Xalatas, who was inserted into his waist, suddenly vibrated, and at the same time a mental call was transmitted to his mind.

"Hey, what a pure belief in the Holy Light, how wonderful it would be if I could twist his will for my use?"

Charlemagne frowned, looked at the sword of the Dark Empire at his waist and said in his mind, "What do you mean? Alonsus is about to die, what's the point of saying this?"

"Hmph, that's not necessarily the case. The holy light cannot break through the lifespan limit of creatures. Shadow and void are different."

The corner of Charlemagne's mouth twitched slightly, "Yes, the power of the void can indeed allow people to break through the limits of their lifespan and body, but the price is to become a monster with neither human nor ghost, and grow a lot of weird tentacles."

"Superficial! Those idiots who have changed their life forms are just because their own control of the void power is not perfect. With my assistance, I believe this archbishop will become the most perfect shadow priest."

Charlemagne sneered mockingly, "Oh! Save it, I don't think Alonsus would turn to the Void because of the temptation of longevity. You also said that he is a person with very pure faith."

Xalatas let out a smug laugh, "Gahaha, that's not necessarily the case. Holy light and shadow are originally two sides of the same body. Where there is light, there is shadow. I believe this compassionate archbishop will take the initiative to accept me after knowing this. of."

Charlemagne looked vigilantly at Salas, who gradually began to emit a dark light, and said, "What do you want?"

"I want to talk to him in person. According to his breath of life, he should be able to last until night. Then you can put me in his hands."


Charlemagne was very hesitant about Xalatas' request. Miss Ancient God saw his attitude and hurriedly reminded, "Don't forget our agreement. You can't stop me after I find a suitable servant."

Charlemagne rested his chin on his hand and thought for a long time, and finally nodded in agreement. If Alonsos Faol could not resist the temptation of Xalatas with his firm willpower, then it is estimated that few people in this world would dare to say that they Can control it perfectly.

At night, only he and five disciples were left in the archbishop's room full of candles. Alonsus was getting weaker and weaker at this time, and the five people who were holding back their grief knew that the last moment of the mentor was approaching.


At this moment, the door of the archbishop's room was gently opened, and a figure walked in lightly.

Liadrin turned her head to see the person coming and asked in surprise, "Charlemagne, haven't you gone back to Quel'Thalas, why..."

Charlemagne looked at the state of Alonsus, reached out his hand to stop Liadrin's inquiry, and said seriously, "Sorry, I'm afraid time is running out, please get out first, I have important matters to discuss with Alonso Talk."


The five people headed by Uther hesitated a little, and Alonsus raised his head and said with difficulty, "Charlemagne, if you have something to say, just tell me, I have nothing to hide from them."

Charlemagne looked at the four men and a woman opposite, sighed and said, "Well, I just hope you can keep calm."

As he spoke, he pulled Xalatas out from his waist, and the scimitar emitting black light all over his body immediately aroused the vigilance of the six people.

The bald-headed Benedictus instinctively pulled out his staff, and stared at the scimitar with a frown. "What a strong dark aura, Duke Theron, what is this...?"

Charlemagne shook his head, took the Dark Empire Sword, walked to Alonsus' bedside, and stuffed it into the hand of Alonsus whose hands were already weak.

"Sorry, I don't have time to explain to you, please read it quietly."

As the scimitar was held by Alonsus, the black light emitted from its surface gradually enveloped Alonsus' whole body.

Alonesus, who was already mentally prepared to return to the embrace of the holy light, suddenly opened his eyes wide. After a while, he began to mutter, "Light...and shadow?"

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