137 Another Handsome Man?

(Jane’s PoV)

My body went full alert. Since this house was protected by my father’s charm and my own men, invisible guest couldn’t enter at will unless I allowed it. The fact that this ‘guest’ could enter the house and still remained invisible in my eyes made me vigilant.

It could be family, or strong opponent.

Which one was it?

“Jane Harris.” The voice was heard again, followed by the lights of the lamps started to light up one by one.

At the same time, I moved backwards, tried to put some distance with whatever was coming for me. “Who’s there?” I asked. I tried to contact Siji and the men, but somehow no one responded my call.

What happened?

“There’s no need to spent your energy. They won’t come.” The voice said and it was as if I could see it smirked. “Your connection with them is not strong enough yet. It’s easy for me to block it out.”

I frowned. It sounded strong. I was sure it was not Shadow. It must be another kind of entity that I didn’t know existed.


But, what was it?

Black mist appeared out of nowhere and gathered in the place where the voice came. As it condensed and formed a figure, my eyes widened at the sight of it.

What was it? I had never seen this figure before.

I was not sure with the exact physical appearance of this figure, but I could recognize a pair of bull horns on its head, a big and burly body, and a tail. His pair of red glaring eyes were glaring at me and a mouth which was grinning devilishly at me.

“Who are you?” I asked. I was not afraid, but I was worried that I had done something terrible to offend this creature.

“I heard a new master has come. So, I want to check it out. Your lousy charms can’t hide your presence and block me, by the way. So, there’s no need to be that shock.” It stopped around a meter away from me.

Ah, so I didn’t offend it. It also answered my questions regarding how it could get it which made me realized that it was strong. But, it talked about ‘new master’, it probably didn’t mean me, right?

As I was still pondering over the intention of this creature coming onto me, I saw it looked at me from head to toes and otherwise. I felt like I was being scrutinized over my quality as the new master based on my physical appearance and it made me unhappy.

“Excuse me, who are you?” I repeated my question as anger started to fill my chest.

I had not heard the answer but the black mist suddenly turned into fire, successfully made me shocked. I had not had time to shout ‘Fire’ when I noticed the fire in front of me starting to disappear and the place where the fire stopped burning was replaced with a pair of... foot? Complete with a pair of shiny shoes.

What the?!

I followed the place where the fire stopped burning and was stunned when a man appeared in front of me. Was he a magician?

Even though that thought crossed my mind for a second, I knew for sure he was not a magician. No magician could make a realistic creepy black mist with terrifying aura without any spooky background music supporting him.

It could only mean one thing; the creature in front of me was not a ghost, soul, or even shadow.

“This is the appearance that most young women like, right?” Again, he ignored my question as he flicked his arms and straightened the fold of his sleeve.

If anyone asked me, was Tom handsome? Yes, he was handsome. A refreshing and bad-boy looked kind of handsome. Was Sanji handsome? Yes, he was handsome. A gentle yet mischievous mature kind of handsome. Then, was Siji handsome? Yes, he was handsome. Siji had the type of indigenous handsome face, a pure Indonesian face with slightly and healthy tan skin, sharp eyebrows, warm gaze, gentle features, and totally Indonesia.

I had not realized the men around me were handsome before, but compared with this man in front of me, I couldn’t say anything.

He was the most handsome man I had ever seen.

He was like the living version of every tall, mature, and devilishly and ridiculously handsome man from anime. Had you ever watched of anime entitled Black Butler, you must have heard about the devil butler, Sebastian. This man expression was like Sebastian’s expression whenever Sebastian was in devil mode.

His eyes were beautiful, deep black (and it was my first time seeing the real black eyes) with dangerous glint in them. He slightly squinted his eyes, making it looked even more dangerous to me. He was smiling but his smile didn’t reach his eyes. His pair of thick and sharp eyebrows were so beautiful I almost asked where he had done his eyebrows. He had high nose bridge with the right size of nose on his face. His thin lips looked slightly rosy and not to mention his defined jaws.

Where could I meet a perfect specimen like this one?

Okay, I was distracted. His appearance could really kill someone. If he wanted to kill me, I would have died the moment I was mesmerized by his eyes.

I only described about his face, but it didn’t mean he had poor body figure. I couldn’t describe in detail lest I would drool as I looked at this uninvited guest, but even being covered by clothes, I could see his sturdy body. The black pants and black shirt on him on made him looked lean and... delicious.

Oh my God, why are there many handsome males around me?

“Done stripping me with your eyes, little girl?” He smirked sexily, but it didn’t reduce his dangerous vibe.

I coughed lightly as I could feel my cheeks heated up. What happened to me exactly? “Who are you?”

“An old enemy of the first master.” He said and I stiffened up. His expression showed that he didn’t lie. But, before I could utter a word, he disappeared. In a flash, I felt my body was lifted up in the air until my legs were kicking in panic. My throat was seized as a big hand took hold of it. I choked with the need of air, my hands grabbed his hands in attempt to make him put me down, but he was too strong.

I could see the mockery inside his eyes as his killing intent surrounded me. “You’re too weak.” He whispered. “Don’t bother calling your army. If you as their master couldn’t defeat me, they would be even weaker.” He sneered.

“Little girl, don’t play around with your power if you’re not going to use it for good. The first master of the army was much more annoying than you, but he was strong. Even I was not his match. Of course, as the master of the strongest army, what could I expect? I came to check on how strong the new master is, too bad... you can’t even dodge my advancement.” He said in a low tone, sounded like a dangerous whisper to me.

“A new master like you should just die!” He shouted as he flung my body to the side.

I felt my body was thrown like a broken kite. My back hit the back of the couch and large amount of air was being pushed out of my chest. The hit was hard enough to make me feel the stinging pain on my back. For a while, my mind went dizzy and I felt dumbfounded with what had happened to me.

Before I could gather my strength, I felt my body was being lifted in the air again. My scream stopped in my throat as he choked me again with his big hand.

At that time, I thought... would I die here?

I opened my eyes in a slit, to see his expression but he still wore the same expression on his face; dangerous and indifferent, as if crushing me was only like playing with a toy.

“Is it painful? I don’t think so.” He sneered again.

And once again, I was thrown to the side. I rolled my body and covered the back of my head with my hands as I knew where I was headed to. I was supposed to hit another chair, but this time it was not a couch. It was a wooden chair and I could imagine the pain I would feel.

But, instead of hitting a hard chair, I hit a hard chest and a grunt filled my ear.

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