It didn't take too much effort to kill that vampire.

I guess I'd continue.

I made my way through the forest for a little longer, before I was once again alerted by my ability.

[Vampire Detected]

[Rank]: Baron; [Remaining Blood]: 100%

It was another Baron, I guess another easy kill then.

Using a similar strategy to the previous fight, I made my way over, positioning my Minions all around it before unleashing a seemingly never-ending barrage of projectiles. From arrows to explosions to fire, the entire area was lit up and covered by the attacks. The vampire didn't even have any time to react.

[Rank]: Baron; [Remaining Blood]: 85%

By the time the vampire realised what was going on, she had already suffered major injuries. The vampire drew her sword as quickly as she could, but it wasn't even close enough. I pressed toward her and swung [Mayuri-Luc-Ei]. She managed to block a few of my attacks before eventually being overwhelmed.

[Rank]: Baron; [Remaining Blood]: 78%

Upon realising that she was fighting an uphill battle, she stepped back.

"Sword, drink my blood."

As expected, she was strengthening herself by feeding blood to her sword. However, as she did so, huge numbers of projectiles rained down on her. Baron-class vampires were no match for me. With my supporting Minions and my increased power, I could easily cut them down, even after they strengthened themselves.

She charged at me. I raised [Mayuri-Luc-Ei] and blocked her powered-up attacks. Despite her best attempts, she was unable to break through my defences. Before long, it seemed that she was starting to get tired.

[Rank]: Baron; [Remaining Blood]: 51%

I raised my leg, kicking her side. The impact caused her to lose balance, stumbling on her feet. In the opening, I quickly moved forward and slashed her several times with my blade. She desperately tried to parry my attacks but she was too slow.

[Rank]: Baron; [Remaining Blood]: 35%

She was now significantly worn out. With little fight left in her, I easily landed several blows. She regenerated her injuries but her blood was rapidly being drained. After a few more attacks, she was completely defeated.

She tried to attack me in desperation but the movements were very predictable.

Stabbing her through the chest, I finished the battle.

[Rank]: Baron; [Remaining Blood]: 2%

Slowly, she began disintegrating into the air, fizzling out in little specs of dust.

[You have defeated an [Baron]-ranked vampire]

[You may collect your rewards in the system].


I took a short break to catch my breath before continuing my hunt. I hadn't even needed to use the abilities of my demonic weapons yet. Walking with relative caution, I made my way between the thick trees, searching for my next victim. My group of Minions followed behind, ready to provide covering fire at a moment's notice.

[Vampire Detected]

[Rank]: Earl; [Remaining Blood]: 100%

Looks like a stronger vampire was in sight.

Earl-ranked vampires were two tiers above Barons. I fought one a few days ago and it took all of my effort to do so. However, I was stronger than before and I also brought support, so I assumed that I'd be able to defeat it. However, this wasn't going to be an easy fight.

Through the cold, dark forest, I made my way toward the vampire. It looked similar to all the other ones I had fought, it had long silver hair and sharp, extruding fangs. On the vampire's hip was a sheath, holding its sword inside. He managed to sense my presence from pretty far away, so there was no element of surprise this time.

Slowly, I drew [Mayuri-Luc-Ei] and prepared to fight this creature.

"Sword, drink my blood."

[Rank]: Earl; [Remaining Blood]: 90%

For some reason, the vampire instantly pulled out his trump card, not even hesitating before using it. A stream of deep red blood flowed to his blade, tainting it with a darker crimson colour. I didn't expect the vampire to strengthen himself before the fight even began, but it shouldn't be a major issue. It seemed to have sacrificed 10% of his blood for this power boost.

I ordered my Minions to open fire.

Instantly, dirt, dust and smoke filled the air. Projectiles littered the sky, striking the vampire from a distance. However, from what I could see of his expression, he didn't seem to be too concerned by my attacks. Through the smoke, the vampire suddenly appeared.

With his sword held in front of him, he was charging straight at me. His speed was clearly much greater than the two vampires I had just fought. His sword clashed with mine. I blocked an attack, taking a step back. Then, I blocked another attack, adjusting my footwork. He swung again and I parried his swing, causing him to show an opening.

I jabbed at his stomach. He swiftly jumped back to avoid the attack, however, the tip of my blade connected with his body, causing a slight wound and a little bit of blood to drip out. It took less than a second for the vampire to regenerate it though.

Without hesitation, the vampire pushed forward again, swinging his blade at me. I pivoted my right foot and blocked his attack again. He showed a wide stance so I prepared for a large swing. His blade clashed with mine. After deflecting a few more attacks, I saw another opening.

Cut him down, Mayuri.

Aura gathered all around my blade, emanating a rich purple colour. I felt the strength pouring through my body at that moment.

As fast as I could, I swung [Mayuri-Luc-Ei] at the vampire.

A heavy shockwave exploded out and smashed into the vampire, even though he managed to avoid the blade of my sword. He was sent crashing into the trees behind, knocking them over. I pushed in as quickly as possible but he had already recovered. I landed two clean blows on his body before he created more space between the two of us.

Minions, fire at the vampire.

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