
You probably can't tell who I am.

Maybe you don't even remember me.

However, I loved you.

We're all just unfortunate.

The world hated you, it also hated me.

This is my last resort.

Hopefully, you can get through all of this.

There's light at the end of the tunnel~


When we meet again, let's start over, shall we?


I was suddenly awoken with a jolt.

What was that voice that was talking to me?

I slowly pulled my blanket up, splashing my body with a wave of cool air. It wasn't too bad, especially with the sun shining through the window. My bed squeaked as I began getting dressed for the day. I wanted to begin with a morning shower, but for some reason, I feel as if something is off.

I couldn't quite remember, but in my sleep, there was some voice talking to me.

It was familiar, but I had no idea who it was.

I made my way downstairs and looked around. I was still pretty full from last night so I didn't really want to have breakfast. I decided to go over to the guild and see what was going on, there wasn't really anything, in particular, I wanted to do anyways.

As I reached the large building. I noticed the recruitment sign was still up, however, there were a few other recruitment signs plastered around it. It seemed that the situation with the vampires was getting more and more dire.

Now that I thought about it, killing vampires was a very efficient way to gather experience for my Shadow Hunter System. Regardless of how useful it would be in the future, getting more experience was always a good idea. I'd like to get as strong as possible before the inevitable offensive operation that the elves and humans are going to initiate.

I assumed that things would be similar to last time, I made my presence known to the guild woman so I'd receive my payment before heading over to the main gate.

From what I could tell, it seemed that the human presence outside of the gate had all but disappeared. I guess it was practically impossible to survive out there, without the protection of the wall. After a few minutes, I was out in the near-empty wasteland that was the outside world. The forest was still as vibrant as always, covering most of the land, and providing shade to the vampires.

The elven guards and vampires didn't seem to be in direct confrontation, unlike last time. The guards were mostly standing around, on standby.

I made my way over and tried to get an understanding of the situation.

"What happening at the moment I asked?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm here to help with the defence of the wall."

"Well, we've sent a few expedition teams out to survey the area."

"Ah, I see, how come there aren't many vampires today?"

"I'm not sure."

Hmm, it seemed that even the guards weren't sure why the vampires weren't as active. I guess I'd have to go find out myself, well, with the help of my Minions.

I sent a few Scout Minions to look around the area and inform me of any information they could provide.

I also called over quite a large army of long-ranged Minions. Mostly my archer and magic Minions. From prior experience, I noticed that melee Minions were basically completely useless against the vampires. Mostly due to the fact that the vampires would easily outstrength and outspeed them, causing them to be completely ineffective.

After a few moments, a small portion of my Minions army was with me. With this, I hoped that the fight against the vampires would be slightly easier. I had my [Darkness Hatred] ability so it shouldn't be too hard for me to find some stragglers to kill.

Along with my army, I made my way into the forest, searching around for signs of vampires lurking around. It didn't take long before my ability activated.

[Vampire Detected]

[Rank]: Baron; [Remaining Blood]: 100%

This was one of the weaker ones I guess.

With the use of [Darkness Hatred], I was easily able to find the location of the vampire. I seemed to have caught it completely off-guard as it turned around in shock upon my appearance. With my army of long-ranged Minions supporting me from behind, I engaged the vampires.

As I made my way over, my Minions unleashed a barrage of attacks. They rained upon the vampire like a terrible storm, draining the blood from it.

[Rank]: Baron; [Remaining Blood]: 88%

In anger, the vampire dashed toward me. I drew [Mayuri-Luc-Ei] and clashed with the vampire's blade. After fighting such powerful vampires, this vampire appeared incredibly weak. I easily deflected all of its attacks before slashing a few times at its flesh.

[Rank]: Baron; [Remaining Blood]: 71%

I tried to retreat and create space between us, however, the moment it got a little bit away from me, my Minions unleashed a flurry of projectiles. There was no safe space for this vampire.

[Rank]: Baron; [Remaining Blood]: 63%

Very quickly, the vampire's strength was being drained.

"Sword, drink my blood."

He fed the sword with as much blood as he could, but even with his boosted strength, he was still no match for me and my Minions. His swings weren't at all an issue for me, as I easily blocked them all, continuing to cut away at the vampire's strength.

[Rank]: Baron; [Remaining Blood]: 42%

Slowly but surely, the vampire was being worn down, its movement got more and more sluggish. Eventually, it was obvious that the vampire had no more fight in it. After another barrage of projectiles from my Minions, the vampire fell to the ground.

[Rank]: Baron; [Remaining Blood]: 11%

The fight was over.

I made my way to the vampire and finished it off, killing it with a single blow.

[You have defeated an [Baron]-ranked vampire]

[You may collect your rewards in the system].

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