My hi-tech Library

Chapter 338: The explosion of science and technology (3)

The fusion particle beam behind the Tees spacecraft gradually shrank, approached Bo star at a relatively "low" speed, entered the planetary orbit of Bo star, and began to orbit around the planet.

"Projection detector!" Captain Teas looked at Li Yan and ordered.

Li Yan clicked and started to operate on the console to set the detection target planet for the drone detector. The next moment, he pressed the detector dropper on the console.

The lower abdomen of the Tees expedition spacecraft suddenly opened the hatch, and the spherical detectors, sprayed with blue particle beams at the tail, flew out of the cabin like a school of fish.

It didn't take long for those spherical detectors to enter the atmosphere of the star star, and they began to explode, flying towards other areas of the star star.

Bo is obviously denser than the earth's atmosphere. When the probe is flying again, it rubs rapidly with the atmosphere, and a lot of red flames appear on the surface, just like falling meteorites, dragging long tail flames, very gorgeous.

The spherical detectors rushed into the atmosphere of Auntie Star at a speed of 1,000 m/s. When they dropped to a height of 5,000 meters from the ground, the spherical detectors suddenly exploded and spewed out countless miniature probes the size of baseballs. , their speed plummeted, and like a goddess scattered flowers, they landed on the ground of Auntie Star.

"The detector group has been successfully projected, and the signal link has been established successfully!" Li Yan looked at the console and responded.

"Very good, cut the detector lens over and confirm the detection situation." Captain Tice looked at Li Yan and instructed.

Li Yan nodded, and the next moment, the screen of the commander of the Tees changed, and the monitoring pictures of the detectors appeared.

One after another, icebergs are full of white patches, the land is covered with snow and glaciers, the ocean is blue, the cold wind is blowing, and the torrential rain like ice knives is blowing wildly on the sea.

"Captain, the probe has learned the climate of Bo star. The surface temperature is as low as minus 163 degrees, the maximum temperature is 3.7 degrees, and the average temperature is minus 51 degrees. Its surface is almost covered by thick glaciers. According to data calculations, these glaciers are The thickness is close to 130 kilometers, and the ocean depth is expected to be 120 kilometers. It is located in the southern hemisphere of Bo star, and Mars is active. 173 large active volcanoes have been found, and the eruption volume is 25-31 times that of the parent star. "Li Yan reported the probe collection in detail. information.

"I found alien life, there are marine creatures in the ocean, look at it..." Suddenly a staff member pointed to a grid on the new screen, which was a kind of marine creature that jumped out of the sea, and the figure disappeared in a flash.

"Quick, call up its photo!" Captain Teas ordered excitedly.

The crew also became nervous, and they all gathered in front of the big screen, waiting for the appearance of alien creatures.

Soon, following the order of Captain Teas, a marine life that jumped out of the sea appeared on the holographic big screen. It was colorful, and the gesture of jumping out of the water was captured by the detector. The figure was similar to the fish on the earth, but its head It has several sharp horns, more than a meter long, and its smooth skin is similar to that of dolphins.

"So beautiful, this is really a life planet!"

"I've made a fortune! Now I'm making a fortune!"

"Captain, the probe has not found the existence of alien intelligent life, hurry up, hurry up and dispatch the landing ship!"

"Captain, there is life on this planet, and there is no intelligent indigenous people, it can definitely be ranked in the first series, we will send it!"

"One Sword"

In the captain's command room, the crew cheered excitedly, looking at Captain Teas and applying for the dispatch of the landing ship.

Captain Tiss was also full of smiles, restraining his excitement, and comforting: "Wait, wait, the probe has not been fully searched, and when the detection is complete, we will immediately dispatch the landing ship to collect samples. , establish a temporary ground base."

At present, no alien intelligent civilization has been found on this planet. However, it does not mean that there is no alien intelligent civilization. On such a cold planet, maybe they may be hidden and the detector will be difficult to detect for a while.

The best situation has been found, please wait patiently, everyone still has it.

Following Captain Tees's orders, the entire Tees, with more than 300 people in the command room, followed the real-time monitoring of Bo Xingxing and the working conditions of the detectors in real time through the holographic screen. So far, everything is normal!

People's heartstrings are tense, for fear that an intelligent race will come out. At that time, unnecessary troubles will definitely occur. Some people fold their hands and pray silently, praying that Bo Xingxing is a primitive life planet for the development of intelligent civilization.

According to the regulations of the alliance government on exploration ships, after the discovery of intelligent races, the exploration ships must remain concealed, and must not have any intersection with alien civilization, and must wait for the instructions of government officials. Once violated, unforeseen consequences will occur, and the punishment will be very serious. .

If a planet with intelligent species is discovered, the value of the planet will drop significantly, and the time to obtain benefits will also be extended.

It would be different if it was a primitive life planet. Submit it to the alliance government, or cooperate with some big financial groups and sell it directly to them. The income obtained is an astronomical amount, and the transaction is also very fast.

Time passed bit by bit, and under the prayers of everyone, nothing happened.

This cold planet has almost frozen the chances of survival of intelligent life. After two days of detection and conclusion, this is a planet without alien intelligent life.

Soon, the Tees launched a landing ship to Bo Xingxing, ready to land on Bo Xingxing and conduct an on-the-spot investigation.

The landing crew, who had been preparing for two days, switched to biological battle armor and excitedly got into the landing ship.

Tis spacecraft, the automatic detection program on the holographic large screen kept jumping out of various numbers, showing that all steps were normal, and soon, under the belly of the ship, a rectangular starship was projected from the bottom of the cabin, turning into a The red light galloped towards the ground of Bo Xingxing.

The cabin of the landing ship looked out of the window and it was completely dark, and only a few white lights on the ground were flickering sporadically. The signal indicator lights previously set by the robot on the ground were the positions set by the landing base.

In the sky, the Tees also kept giving coordinate instructions, and the intellectual brain controlled the landing ship to fly rapidly towards the landing site.

About two hours later, the reverse jet system of the landing ship was activated, and the hull, which had landed rapidly, began to stabilize. It was a bit like the landing of an airplane. The scaffolding fell and slowly dived towards the ground.

After a few more minutes, the command of the Tees sounded a strong male voice: "Report to the captain! The first landing team, successfully landed! Please give instructions!"

With this report, everyone cheered enthusiastically!

Successful landing is only a small matter, but it is also the beginning of the entire landing operation!

The beginning of everything is difficult, and everyone is excited for this little thing.

"Perform the established mission!" Captain Tease moved slightly inwardly, but still said calmly.

At this moment, standing in the landing spacecraft and looking out, everyone's first feeling is "black"!

This kind of blackness can be said to be endless, as if it is thick enough to be substantial, and it is quite difficult for humans who are accustomed to light to adapt.

It was really a dark and dull environment. Without the bright lights inside the spacecraft and the two stars hanging in the sky, they would even have the feeling that they had gone blind.

But the light of the spaceship itself is not enough to dispel the thick darkness.

However, according to the scientists, it is "day" in the region at this time! The two bright little stars hanging in the sky are the main and secondary stars of the Lant TU7 galaxy, which is a double star system.

Because of the distance, one of the stars looked as big as a quail egg, not even the moon; the other looked like an ordinary little star.

You know... that star that looks the size of a quail egg has 1,000 times the luminous power of the sun!

However, distance is everything, and even such a powerful light is not enough to illuminate Bo Xingxing, because Bo Xingxing is too far away from the star, 370 million kilometers, like a lone star, it is still a night.

But the crowd didn't say much. They had already prepared for this kind of mental preparation. They got out of the spaceship and got busy with each other.

The landing ship successfully logged in at the set position. The four hatches unfolded on their own. Then, four other metal ball walls were erected inside. , dining area, etc., are also places where the landing team members temporarily live.

Related robots have also begun to be released to automatically collect useful specimens.

Some adaptive infrared light monitoring has also been set up, connected to the central master control system, and vigilantly reconnaissance around.

In just a quarter of an hour, a small base has been completed in a decent manner.

Through the night vision goggles in the biological armor, the crew can clearly see the entire surface of the star.

The overall feeling is a bit like the north and south poles of the earth. However, there are still creatures in the south and north poles of the earth, and most of the land on this planet is covered by glaciers.

The surface temperature is below minus 100 degrees Celsius, except for hard ice and rocks, there is nothing else, there is no sign of large-scale life, not even a bit of moss, it is desolate and desolate.

On the small experimental platform just completed, several scientists collected a small amount of air through the robotic arm for sealing and testing. Everyone had a look of excitement and anxiety on their faces.

"The sample data has been analyzed, and there are a small amount of bacterial microorganisms in the atmosphere! However, in an environment of more than 100 degrees below zero, they are almost in a state of stopping reproduction."

"After we give them a suitable temperature, they can reproduce quickly. This breeding temperature is relatively high, above 20 degrees Celsius..."

"According to the test, it should be a carbonyl organism with DNA as the genetic material!"

"Oh? Their proteins are very peculiar. It seems that they can directly absorb heat and even convert heat energy into chemical energy. This is incredible!" A surface scientist shouted anxiously.

Captain Teas was in the command center at this time, and the crew and multi-scientific experts in front of him gathered here. They participated in the research of the ground base scientific research team in real time through the virtual projection communication function.

Everyone knows that alien life exists on this planet. I thought they were almost all concentrated in high temperature areas such as volcanoes, but I didn't expect it to be so easy to find? !

This shows that..., the life distribution of Bo Xingxing is much wider than imagined!

Many biologists' hearts are beating violently, and there is a trace of fear in their hearts, but also a trace of excitement!

Different types of life have great reference to biology.

In particular, these organisms seem to have unexpected discoveries in the utilization of heat energy. Scientists can't help but get excited. They have no time to rest, and they all start their research work frantically.

After a long interstellar journey, when it is finally time for them to show their skills, they will not show their power at this time, and they will wait.

However, then again, studying unknown alien microorganisms is also a huge challenge, and the responsibilities and pressures of these biological experts have increased immediately!

"The specific prevention and control of microorganisms must be the first priority! Our first task is to find the corresponding antigen drugs!" A scientist at the level of team leader said seriously.

Because there are so many things, the sky is densely packed everywhere, no matter how good the preventive measures are, UUkanshu is likely to be recruited.

On the Tees, many people gathered together to discuss in a low voice. Through the research of the accompanying scientific research team, the value of Bo Xingxing has increased again. There are many microorganisms with special structures on this planet.

Based on this alone, this planet has great benefits for the human biological science community, and they can bring great inspiration to human research on biotechnology.

For example, the biological armors worn by astronauts are developed according to the special structure of cosmic creatures, as well as human adaptive gene enhancement agents. Xingyao Technology has popularized their birth methods to the world, and by studying Mars The alien creatures on the planet have made breakthroughs in human biotechnology.

Now, the special microbial results of Bo Xingxing will definitely bring great value to the field of human microbial science.

Today, human science and technology in the biological field has grown to a very high level. Especially in order to deal with alien microorganisms and viruses, a series of targeted countermeasures have been specially formulated, such as immune-enhancing agents. , can instantly stimulate most of the immune cells in the human body, whether they are useful or not, all stimulated, so that people can obtain stronger immunity, such as: guided antigens, through the cultivation of alien viruses, guided cultivation of antigens, resulting in Standard therapeutic agents, e.g., nano-cell cloning technology,….

According to clinical tests, alien virus infections and the like can be cured within ten minutes!

Of course, too strong immunity is not a good thing. The sequelae of the drug are very large, and symptoms such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, lupus erythematosus, and dermatomyositis will appear, which are extremely painful.

Because of so many professional preparations, the threat of alien viruses to humans has been reduced to a level that will not endanger human life.

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