My hi-tech Library

Chapter 296: Mars Transformation Program

The interstellar spaceship powered by an antimatter engine has been successfully developed. Once it enters mass production, it will be a great benefit for human society to enter the interstellar civilization. It is like inserting a pair of wings for the entire civilization, which greatly improves the efficiency of human civilization. The speed of development into space.

The protostar of life just discovered by human beings, Bihaixing, is 45 light-years away from the solar system.

If the speed of the mainstream aircraft of human civilization reaches 30% of the speed of light, then within 150 years, human interstellar spacecraft will be able to reach Bihaixing, transform this planet and make it an immigrant star of human civilization.

If the interstellar spacecraft can reach 50% of the speed of light, it will be able to reach Bihaixing within a hundred years. If Professor Chen Tao can develop the technology to open the natural wormhole and find the space-time wormhole leading to Bihaixing, then this flight time will be able to Further reduction, perhaps, soon, the human interstellar spacecraft will go to Bihaixing, which can be easily done within a year or two of travel.

All in all, allowing the interstellar spacecraft to enter the sub-light speed and use it on a large scale plays a crucial role in the development of human beings to the interstellar age.

However, there are still many problems that cannot be ignored.

Relying on the powerful tool of artificial intelligence - Dahei, Xingyao Technology has made extremely funny development in the hardware aspects of many technologies. However, there is still a huge gap in the talent training of human civilization. The overall level is not the same as the reason. The development speed of Xingyao Technology.

For example, in a racing competition, Xingyao Technology is the powerful power heart of the racing car, and it has built an advanced racing car in all aspects. In the game, the overall development speed of human civilization generally lags, which seriously drags down the development speed of Xingyao Technology.

"Director Sun, next, the Spaceport Space Dock will fully launch the shipbuilding plan based on antimatter-powered engines. I hope that the training of relevant personnel for driving the spacecraft will be able to keep up in time. Also, I hope you can take the initiative to take the initiative. Start to undertake the communication work with the above, and speed up the policy implementation of related industries. You know, once a large number of antimatter-powered interstellar spacecraft go offline in batches, what kind of impact will it have on the country and even the world? We must advance in advance. Do the preparatory work first." Li Yi said looking at Sun Bingwen with great anticipation.

Hearing this, Sun Binwen's face became serious, and he immediately knew what Li Yi meant.

Xingyao Technology is a dominant player in the field of star civilization development. Many technology companies are unique technologies. Therefore, Xingyao Technology has always cooperated closely with government agencies. Experts and professors with national backgrounds are also deeply involved in Star Technology. The various research projects of the Yao Research Center.

Now that more advanced antimatter power technology has been successfully developed, it is inevitable to cooperate with the government. Next, various interests transactions, industrial promotion cooperation, etc. must be carried out accordingly. . . .

These tasks that Sun Bingwen is usually responsible for cannot be shied away.

"Mr. Li, what do you think? Antimatter power engine is our company's most advanced technology, and it has the same level of confidentiality as the Mars base. If this project is released, the Mars base will definitely not be able to continue to hide it." Sun Bingwen looked at Li Yi, Worryingly asked.

Hearing this, Li Yi thought seriously.

The purpose of establishing the secret project of the Mars base is just in case.

Xingyao Technology has become the technological oligarch of human civilization. In order to avoid policy changes or the peeping of some hostile forces, the secret project of the Mars base was launched. Leading the construction of an unmanned base on the Mars base, and at the same time further verifying the development of artificial intelligence without human intervention after it is fully operational.

The results show that the Mars base project has been a perfect success.

Under the control of artificial intelligence - Da Hei, the construction progress of the Mars base far exceeded everyone's imagination.

From the collection of resources on Mars, metal smelting, chemical engineering, material factory construction, machinery factory assembly lines, ..., etc., intelligent factories are fully spread out. Without the need to build survival materials for humans, the Mars base has built a comprehensive facility for machinery A metal city born from the development of civilization, one has been built into a space dock, forming an intelligent manufacturing base for mass production of interstellar spacecraft assembly lines.

The Xinghang No. 1 cargo spaceship, Xinghang No. 2 mining ship, and Xinghang No. 3 small passenger spaceship currently sold by Xingyao Aerospace are all mass-produced spaceships from the Mars Base Smart Dock.

At the same time, the antimatter-powered spacecraft "Pioneer" series of unmanned spacecraft in this experiment are all products of the Mars base dock.

Therefore, once the 'Pioneer' is exposed, the situation on the Mars base will certainly not be able to continue to be concealed.

Thinking that the current situation of the Mars base was known to the elders above, Sun Binwen couldn't help frowning, and the situation was extremely difficult.

After listening to Sun Bingwen's words, Li Yi frowned.

If the current situation of the Mars base is exposed, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction from the above. However, the sub-light speed spacecraft has been developed, and it will definitely lead the entire human civilization to take a big step towards interstellar civilization.

Thinking of the star map world, the popularity of human music among alien civilizations has been peeped by many alien civilization forces, and it is imperative to speed up the development of human civilization.

Besides, with the current status of Xingyao Technology, there is no need to be afraid of challenges.

After thinking about one side, Li Yi weighed the pros and cons and made a decision: "Paper can't contain the fire, because it is discovered by them, it is better that we take the initiative to break it, plus the breakthrough progress of the antimatter power engine, it will reduce the negative impact of the Mars base. down to a minimum."

"After the Mars base is exposed, we can take the opportunity to propose a Mars transformation plan to promote this project!" After a pause, Li Yi looked at Sun Bingwen and made a decision.

"Transform Mars!" Sun Bingwen's heart moved, and he immediately understood Li Yi's thoughts.

The plan to transform Mars has always existed among the most important project plans in the project library of Xingyao Experimental Center.

Among the planets in the solar system, Mars is adjacent to Earth.

The rotation period of Mars is similar to that of the earth. A day is 24 hours and 40 minutes. The inclination of the rotation axis is also similar to that of the earth. The seasons of Mars are distinct and similar to the earth. There is solid water on Mars, known as water ice, and there are a lot of dry riverbeds all over the planet.

The average temperature of Mars is around -63°C (15°C on Earth). If Mars can be warmed to above 0°C, a large amount of water ice will turn into water.

The Martian atmosphere is relatively thin, with an average surface pressure of only 6 hectopascals, about 0.6% of Earth's surface pressure.

If the overall temperature of Mars is raised to above -56.5°C on average, the carbon dioxide ice in the ice caps and permafrost will melt into gas, and the pressure on the surface of Mars will be greatly increased, forming a greenhouse effect and further increasing the temperature of Mars. until the average is above 0°C. During this process, the greenhouse gases in the Martian soil will also be continuously emitted, that is to say, once the climate starts to warm, it will be an accelerated process. At that time, there will be rivers, lakes and seas on Mars, and there will also be clouds, rain, snow and other weather. The red Mars will turn blue.

Compared with transforming the moon, it is technically less difficult to transform Mars.

To build a nuclear power plant on Mars, and then build a chemical plant to produce carbon tetrafluoride, chlorofluorocarbons and other greenhouse gases, the Mars base is already doing this part of the work, and it will only take more than ten years to produce a considerable amount of carbon tetrafluoride.

The only problem, the Martian magnetic field has ceased to function, and without it, the solar wind could blow the Martian atmosphere away.

However, this problem can be solved by technical means.

To build a large-scale artificial magnetic field on the orbit of Mars, block the solar wind, and prevent the atmosphere from being blown away. With the technological level mastered by Xingyao Technology, as long as the investment in this area is increased, it only takes more than ten years to launch a large number of artificial magnetic fields on the orbit of Mars. Satellites, forming a star chain to form a large-scale artificial magnetic field, forming an artificial planetary magnetic field, when the solar wind deviates from the direction of Mars.

At that time, microorganisms, bacteria and algae will be cultivated on Mars to produce organic matter and improve the Martian soil quality. Cultivate fungi and moss at the same time, absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. After a few decades, some tenacious plants can be planted on the surface of Mars. After hundreds of years, large-scale afforestation will begin. Photosynthesis converts carbon dioxide into more oxygen. It won't be long before Mars becomes a planet that can support life.

If the Mars transformation project can be completed, it will create an amazing wealth for Xingyao Technology, which is deeply involved in the Mars transformation plan, and many scientific research projects of Xingyao Experimental Center will also be vigorously promoted.

Thinking of the benefits and prospects contained in the Mars transformation plan, Sun Bingwen immediately became excited.

"Understood, Mr. Li, I will hurry up the arrangements for these tasks!" Sun Bingwen looked at Li Yi and assured him excitedly.

"There's work! The most important thing is the arrangement of talents, which must be in place in advance, especially the talents in the maintenance of interstellar spacecraft. Once the Mars transformation project starts, the number of interstellar spacecraft to and from Mars, the moon, the spaceport, and the earth will be made. , will grow exponentially, and the Mars transformation plan will greatly advance our development to interstellar civilization." Li Yi solemnly looked at Sun Bingwen and emphasized.

"Understood! I understand!" Sun Bingwen nodded excitedly.

Suddenly thinking of something important, Sun Bingwen looked at Li Yi and asked, "Mr. Li, what about the silicon-based civilization in the underground world of Mars! If the Mars transformation plan is successfully implemented and immigration is carried out, there is still a hidden danger in the underground world of Mars."

Hearing this, Li Yi suddenly thought of this, and he couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed.

Li Yi reached out and flicked the virtual screen a few times, called up the background data of the Mars base, and checked the progress of the exploration of the underground world of Mars.

Since the discovery of a small ecological space in the 10,000-meter-deep underground world of Mars and the discovery of life on Mars, Da Hei has not only been responsible for the construction of the Mars base, but also the task of exploring the underground intelligent civilization on Mars. Wasted on this.

The Mars base has built an army of millions of underground exploration machines, dug tens of millions of kilometers of underground tunnels in the underground world of Mars, and launched a wide-spread underground exploration operation.

However, although Mars is much smaller than Earth, its diameter is only half that of Earth, and its mass is only 10% of Earth's, it is a huge planet, and the difficulty of underground exploration under 10,000 meters has increased a lot.

Therefore, more than three years have passed since the discovery of underground life on Mars, and there has been no breakthrough in the search for underground silicon-based civilizations on Mars.

There is a silicon-based intelligent civilization in the underground world of Mars, which will become a major safety hazard for human immigration to Mars, which will seriously restrict the progress of the Mars transformation plan.

"We'll talk about this later. Let's talk about the successful transformation of Mars. If we can turn Mars into an ecological planet, then Mars will be our home ground, and there is basically no threat to the silicon-based civilization underground on Mars." Li Yi thought for a moment and said confidently.

Hearing this, Sun Bingwen couldn't help but nodded, agreeing with Li Yi's judgment.

The silicon-based civilization in the underground world of Mars is a kind of silicon-based life, and their biomolecular composition is mainly silicon skeleton. The core of is silicon, boron, phosphorus and other elements. It is worth noting that they do not need protein and DNA in their bodies, nor do they need to breathe oxygen. They are likely to be organisms with fluorine or methane as the medium.

Once Mars is transformed into an ecological planet with an atmosphere, rich in oxygen and water, it is likely to be like a "hell planet" for them, and it is not suitable for the survival of silicon-based life, because the oxygen required by humans is not suitable for silicon-based life. Based on life, it is equivalent to deadly poisonous gas.

In this state, Mars will indeed become the home of mankind, and there is no need to fear the threat of the silicon-based civilization in the underground world of Mars.

"Understood! I will meet with Mr. Xu tomorrow, Mr. Li, do you want to show your face on such a major occasion?" Sun Bingwen nodded, looking at Li Yi and asked with concern.

"Let's talk first! When we're almost done talking, I'll come forward!" Li Yi thought for a while, then declined.

It's just that the initial breakthroughs in science and technology projects and the briefing on the 'Mars Transformation' plan are not yet his turn to come forward.

Li Yi doesn't like to deal with that kind of occasions. Unless necessary, he will try to avoid attending such meetings with a political nature.

"Understood! Mr. Li, can I bring Professor Zhou to the table? This time the antimatter power engine is the project he led." Sun Bingwen nodded in understanding, looking at Li Yi and asked proposingly.

"Of course there is no problem, as long as you can do the work of my father-in-law!" Li Yi nodded with a smile and reminded.

Like him, his father-in-law, Zhou Shuzhi, dislikes attending those 'large-scale policy meetings', preferring to stay in the laboratory to conduct research.

"Okay! I will do Professor Zhou's work. The antimatter power engine is so advanced, he will definitely be willing to speed up the promotion of this technology." Sun Bingwen looked at Li Yi and said confidently.

Li Yi smiled and nodded in agreement.

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