Chapter 106 - A FAVOR

'A date with Ace.'

The thought made me all fidgety as I sat beside him on the driver's seat while he drove, his attention glued to the road.

Just thinking about what could possibly happen during a date with him made my heart beat like crazy.

No matter how long I've been with him, I still get the same uncomfortable response every time he's near. I feel like a teenager and not a twenty-three year old woman.

"You're blushing, Phoenix? Are you fantasizing about me?"

"Wh-what are you talking about." I snapped in shock and discovered he was looking at me.?"O-of course not!" I'm thinking about other things." I said in defense and turned my head towards the car window.

"I'm not convinced. " He smiled and focused his eyes on the road. "You're thinking about our date, aren't you."

Damn.?Does he have magical powers? Did he read my mind or was my action too obvious?

"No, I'm not,"?I replied, maintaining a straight face and crossing my arms on my chest.

"Well, then I'm not gonna force you to tell the truth." He replied with a mysterious smile on his lips and continued driving.

Ace did not say anything more and I did the same. It's better this way since I'm embarrassed hearing him tease me.

Sighing, I forced my attention on the scene passing on the window, and realized the view to the endless fields was breathtaking. Brittania never ceases to amaze me with its splendid beauty. And to think that Ace was sitting just next to me makes the moment more heavenly.

We finally reached the estate. The car skidded into a stop and I clambered out of the door in search of Elisa and Faith Vienne.?I found Elisa seated on the bench?outside the garden with Faith in her arms.

"Congratulations Bea for landing on the eighteenth spot. You made us so proud of you." Elisa greeted me when I came to a halt in front of her. She rose from her seat and handed my daughter to me.

"Thank you, Lis," I murmured, landing a soft kiss on Faith's forehead that sent her giggling in delight.

"Well, aside from you I needed to congratulate Ace as well. He ranked first, didn't he?"

Quite taken aback by her knowledge about the exam, I asked her how she found out.

Elisa smiled in response then she burst into crisp laughter.?"I work as a part-time admin assistant to one of the professors and I helped her check the exam sheets. I even typed the topnotcher list for her. That's how I found it out." She replied with eyes gleaming with amusement.

"You didn't tell me."

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you about it." She reasoned.

I rolled my eyes heavenward. Elisa had been amusing herself for days. She must be enjoying watching me sulk?when I thought I failed the exam.

"I'm sorry, Phoenix." She said sincerely. Gone was the gleam of amusement in her eyes. She looked worried.

My eyes softened. I smiled to assure her I'm not mad at her. The worried look on her face faded and she beamed at me.

"Oh!" Elisah exclaimed, her already large eyes widening as if she recalled something. "Jeez, I almost forgot! Madam Stella said she wanted to talk to you in the library."

"I wonder why she would summon me there?" I asked absentmindedly as I rocked my daughter into my arms. She looked adorable in her pink baby clothes. She smells so good too. I couldn't stop smiling as I looked at her.

"It's about the Ravenwood ball tonight which Madam Stella was supposed to attend. Unfortunately, she caught a fever and couldn't attend it herself so she was searching for a representative." Elisa explained doing her best to recall the conversation she had with Madam Stella earlier that day.

My gaze shifted to my best friend. "And what does it have to do with me?"

"Well, I think she will ask you a favor to attend the Ravenwood Ball on her behalf. I?would love to attend the ball, Bea but that was impossible since I'll be staying up tonight to finish a wedding gown. I will need to hand it to an old friend tomorrow." She sighed, her shoulders sagged a bit. I could tell?that Elisa wanted to attend the Ravenwood ball but she was left with the option to stay.

"Couldn't you finish the task tomorrow instead?"

If I am indeed obliged to attend the ball tonight then I might as well bring Elisa with me.?It would be boring without her company.

She shook her head. She looked more disheartened than she did a while ago. "Couldn't do that when the wedding is tomorrow afternoon. Besides if I go with you no one would watch over Faith Vienne. "

"But I don't want to attend the ball." I took a deep breath and released a deep sigh. If I were to choose, I would rather spend the night watching movies on my laptop than attending a gathering that would bore me to death.

"Just talk to Madam Stella, okay? Tell her you don't want to attend. Go run to the library and I will hold Faith Vienne for you."

Unable to think of a word to say I just nodded.


I gingerly knocked on the library. When I heard a response I turned the knob and entered inside.

Madam Stella sat on her swivel chair. Her nose was as red as a tomato. Even her eyes were red as well as if she rubbed them vigorously. For the first time since I met her, her always perfectly done hair was loose, and the waves tumbled past her shoulders in a disheveled manner.

She's indeed not feeling well. The thought that Madam Stella forced herself to work in her office filled me with sympathy.

"Oh, I've been waiting for you, Beatrix! Look, I prepared your gown for tonight."

Madam Stella hastily rose from her seat and lost her balance. She tightly gripped the chair to keep herself from falling. I ran to her side,?worried about her condition.

"You must not force yourself, Madam Stella. You should be in bed and resting!"

"Silly, I'm fine. Don't mind me." She replied stubbornly, dismissing my protests with a smile.

Jeez. This is far more?difficult than I imagined. I have no option but to go along with Madam Stella's plans so she would not worry. The Ravenwood ball was so important to her and I couldn't let her down.

"Look Bea, I made this especially for you. I hope you like it." Madam Stella gestured to the tall mannequin.

I followed her gaze and for the first time, I became aware of the scarlet gown the mannequin wore and my jaw dropped to the floor.

"T-this is beautiful!" I took a quick intake of breath as my?fingers ran to the gems that decorated the gown. It would be a?shame not to wear this tonight especially because Madam Stella worked hard for the finishing

touches so I could wear this great masterpiece.

"I know it will look good on you Bea. It will complement your milky white skin. I'm excited to see you wear this go—" Sneeze.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She said, embarrassed. She wiped her nose with a handkerchief.

"I think you need to rest now."

"I'm fine Bea. Don't worry about me." Madam Stella insisted while moving to her masterpiece. Her gold painted fingernails slither down to the cloth with a glint of satisfaction on her eyes.

"I will attend the party on your behalf, Madam but please don't make me worry."

She looked at my expression then sighed. "Thank you very much, Beatrix." She said, taking my hand into her own. " You don't know how much this means to me. The party is very important. The noble families from all over?Brittania will gather around Ravenwood Mansion. I couldn't allow that I have no one to attend on my behalf."

"I understand, Madam." I gave her a soft reassuring smile as she let my fingers go.

Well then, I must rest now." She covered her nose with her handkerchief and sneezed. "I talked to Ace already and he agreed to accompany you to the ball. He seemed reluctant at first but he then agreed after I showed him the gown you will wear tonight. I'll go to my room now."

She hastily moved?to the door and I followed behind her.

I was relieved when Madam Stella went straight to her room.?I was so worried she would insist on working in the library when it's obvious she needed a good rest. She's overworked but she seems not to mind since she's too focused on her goals. I was just glad she followed me when I told her she needed to rest.

Ace wasn't in the garden when I looked from the window of the second floor. I wonder where he was. I need to talk to him. I walked downstairs to the parlor but there was no sign of him inside.

He must be inside his room. I went upstairs again and made a beeline straight to the door and knocked.

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