Chapter 105 - SURPRISE!

If he…

Makes you laugh.

Kisses your forehead.

Says sorry.

Makes an effort.

Holds your hand.

Works hard.

Attempts to understand you.

then believe it or not,

He's quite perfect.


I walked to the lecture hall teary eyed. I still couldn't digest the news—I passed the exam. Not just passed it but I did it with flying colors. I landed in eighteenth place. I'm officially a college student from Harvey University. The thought brought another tear to my eyes and I wiped it quickly with my fingers before anyone could see them.

Father would be elated to hear the news. Grandmama and my eight brothers would be happy too once they heard about my first ever achievement in the University. I clasped my fingers together and sighed contentedly as I sat on the last available chair on the third row facing the stage.

I couldn't wait to tell them the news!

The hustle and bustle inside the room stopped. The room fell into a sudden hush, if a feather landed to the floor it would be heard as it landed to the bottom.

The sudden change in the atmosphere made me raise my head to investigate. I saw Ace enter the room just in time. Wide, curious eyes followed his figure until he sat on the last available chair in the first row.

I thought everyone would stop looking at him after he settled on the chair. I was wrong. Instead, the curious glances seemed to grow in number until all the students inside the room were looking at him.

But Ace was oblivious to the attention he was attracting. His attention was focused on the stage while he sat proudly on his chair like a regal king who didn't care about anyone at all.

I could feel his thinning patience from where I sat. He ran his fingers on his hair several times which is a sign he was growing more impatient as the time passed by. Just like me, he wanted to end the Student Assembly quickly.

No one inside the room could read his gestures better than I do. He must probably be thinking of going home now. The man sometimes lacks patience. When the heavens rained patience on earth he didn't bother to catch a bit of.

But then I admit he wasn't the only one eager to get home. I'm feeling the same amount of restlessness as he did since our daughter was at home eagerly waiting for us to return.

Speaking of Faith Vienne, I wonder what she's doing now. I was hoping though that she's not having one of her tearful fits. But then Elisa would know what to do if she happens to be in one.

Mrs Foster, the school principal, climbed on the stage. The room fell into a respectful silence when she took the microphone from one of her staff.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to welcome you all to Harvey University. It's such an honor to have you here today. But before I begin my speech, I would like to congratulate you all for passing the entrance exam. All of you did a good job. But above all, I would like to commend the students who topped the entrance exam. I will call the top fifty students and when you hear your name please stand up on your seat so everyone can see you."

The principal began to call the names on her list. She started with the person ranked as number fifty. I listened to the names until my name was called.

"Ranked number eighteen… Phoenix De Amore."

The principal paused and smiled at me from the stage before she continued with the next.

I saw Ace turn towards my direction when my name was called and gave me the sweetest smile he could muster. That smile was enough to make my knees turn into jell-o. I smiled back, my eyes crinkling at the corner.

The principal continued to call the names until all the students were standing on their seats except for the last one.

"And for the last but not the least, the one who topped the entrance exam, I proudly present to you the student who achieved the number one spot by perfecting his entrance exam. Please come to the stage, Mr. Ace Carter Greyson."

Whaaaaat? Ace topped the exam?

Did I hear it correctly? Or was my imagination playing a trick on me?

"Mr Ace Carter Greyson, Please come up to the stage." My doubts faded when the school principal called his name again. This time Ace slowly rose from his seat.

I have to grip the nearby chair tightly for support as I watch him climb on the stage.

I blinked my eyes several times to make sure that it was really him climbing on the stage.

When I finally recovered from shock I straightened my back. I never once took my eyes away from him in fear he would be gone if I allowed him to slip from my sight.

Ace looked so good…. So damn good that I realize I wasn't the only one looking at him with bold admiration. Everyone inside the room, most especially the female students, were throwing interested glances in his direction. Who wouldn't adore Ace when he's almost perfect on all sides. Not only was he handsome but he was smart as well.

Our daughter hit the genetic jackpot. His father was not only good-looking, he's talented and intelligent as well. What more could I ask for a man?

When Ace reached the stage, the room erupted into a round of applause. The rest who topped the exam were all forgotten. The attention was solely focused on him now.

He humbly bowed his head to the crowd as if thanking them. His wandering eyes surveyed the crowd until he met my gaze. I wasn't expecting him to smile but he did, his eyes crinkled at the corner. The smile was so bright that it lit the whole room and it stole my breath away.

'I told you, I will pass the exam.' It was what the look on his face tells me.

"Mr. Greyson is a Fine Arts Student. He's a man of various talents. Aside from painting, he could play various musical instruments, especially the Violin. And girls…. Mr Greyson here is single and still available." The principal teased and winked at him. The girls screamed in delight while they eyed him like a tasty piece of morsel.

Ace was attracting unnecessary attention. It took me an incredible amount of self control not to snatch him from the stage and tell the girls admiring him now that he's mine.

Please give a short inspiring message to your fellow students Mr. Greyson." The principal said and gave him the microphone.

"Thank you Mrs. Foster for the sparkly introduction. I thought you're trying to sell me into an auction house." The principal smiled fondly at Ace. It was just his first day but he's already making a remarkable impression. "Honestly, I don't know what to say because the truth is, I didn't study for the exam." Ace said casually, his left hand thrust into the pocket of his uniform. The crowd crackled with laughter as if he just said a big joke.

No one could have guessed that Ace was telling the truth. "Anyways, dedication and hardwork is all that it takes to achieve one's goal. We must all do our best while were her in the University."

The students erupted into a round of applause. Ace didn't just steal the girls hearts with his irresistible charm but he was also making the boys admire him as well.

Ace was about to leave the stage but stopped halfway. Perhaps he forgot to say something important.

He lifted the microphone once more. "I would like to correct our madam principal for her remark about me. It was an honest mistake on her part. "I'm not not single… definitely not available. I've got a daughter and a wife."

The crowd erupted into another wave of crisp laughter. They thought he had an amazing sense of humor without realising he's telling half the truth. He has a child. But he forgot to include the word 'ex-wife.'

An hour later when the Students Assembly was finished, I immediately sneaked into the parking area before anyone could see me leave. Minutes later Ace opened the door and climbed into the driver's seat.

I stared at him unblinkingly as if I'm seeing him for the first time.

"Do I have dirt on my face?" He asked, suddenly self-conscious.

I shook my head. "I just couldn't believe it Ace, you topped the exam without even studying."

Ace grinned, flashing me a perfect set of pearly-white teeth. "I told you I'm a genius."

I rolled my eyes heavenward but I didn't say anything. I couldn't disagree with him at this point.


"Whaat?" I snapped, he was leaning too close to my face. I wonder if he was teasing me.

"Don't forget our date tonight. Prepare your sexiest outfit."

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